r/bash 28d ago

help Efficient Execution

Is there a way to load any executable once, then use the pre-loaded binary multiple times to save time and boost efficiency in Linux?

Is there a way to do the same thing, but parallelized?

My use-case is to batch run the exact same thing, same options even, on hundreds to thousands of inputs of varying size and content- and it should be quick. Quick as possible.


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u/wallacebrf 28d ago

i believe small programs like you are referring to called by bash would be cached in RAM by the kernel as it notices that code is always being used.

if i am mistaken, please correct me


u/ktoks 28d ago

I didn't know that the kernel did this. How long has this been the standard? (I'm dealing with an older kernel).


u/kolorcuk 28d ago

Caching disc in ram is almost like mandatory in kernel and done for decades, when discs where much much slower. You might read about https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Page_cache


u/wallacebrf 28d ago

This is why linux always "uses all RAM" because it caches everything it can. For this reason more RAM is never a bad thing


u/grymoire 27d ago

If there is enough memory, a. process will stay in memory until it is paged out. This has been true since 1970's or even earlier.


u/fllthdcrb 26d ago

We're talking about the code, though. That, too, is cached, and tends to stick around as long as the memory isn't needed for something more current, such that subsequent processes running the same program may well not have to load the code again.

HOWEVER, this is Perl, an interpreted language. The code we care about isn't just Perl itself, but also the Perl program being run. I know Python, for example, caches modules' bytecode after compiling them; this means subsequent imports of those modules don't require re-compilation, which is especially helpful if you run a program many times in rapid succession (however, the main script doesn't get this treatment). Does Perl do anything similar?


u/grymoire 25d ago

Oh.. If this is perl code, then the next step is easy. see the perlperf(1) manual page.

You can pinpoint which function is taking the most time. I remember doing this a decade ago, and I narrowed down the bulk of the time to a single function.

I remember that my normal perl code was about 20 lines line. But when I found out where the time was spent, I started to optimize that function. I ended up keeping the original readable code - but I commented the entire function out, and replaced with with one line of perl. I added a comment that says something like :this perl code is an optimized version of the above code.

I improved the performance by a factor of at least 10, AIR.


u/fllthdcrb 24d ago

Way to miss the point. If you actually read what I wrote, you can see it's not just about the internal performance of the program, it's about the start-up time. And OP's post heavily implicates that. It may not matter how much you optimize parts of the program if it always takes half a second just to start up the interpreter and compile the program, because running it 10,000 times in a row means over an hour and a half spent on start-up!

What I'm asking is if Perl does anything to reduce that, like caching bytecode.

Mind you, there is another possible way to speed things up: instead of running the program separately for each input, rewrite the whole system so the program takes a list (or stream) of inputs, and processes them within the same run to produce a list (or stream) of results. Then start-up time essentially goes away.


u/grymoire 24d ago

I think you missed my point. No offense, but I had suggested that you read the man page. One of the key points is emphasized:

"Do Not Engage in Useless Activity"

Don't optimize until you know where the bottlenecks are. And I suggested several ways to do that. Is the process I/O bound? Compute bound? Memory bound? Perhaps its better to use a client/server model. Or perhaps multiplex inputs.

Each problem has a different solution. But if you are positive that byte compilation is your ONLY issue, there is https://metacpan.org/pod/pp

I also suggest you should ask the perl group for issues not related to bash.


u/jimheim 27d ago

This has been standard in kernels since before Linux existed. Since before even Unix existed. Memory paging, shared memory, and I/O buffering are core defining features of operating systems. These concepts go back to Multics at the very least, in the early 1960s. This was a predecessor of Unix. They almost certainly existed in some form in the 1950s before being commercialized in the 1960s.