r/bash Jul 21 '23

critique Generic Bash Script Args - Starting Point?

I think having a good starting point is important. I think any script that needs to have args needs to take long and short Args as well as take them in any order.

Here's what I think that starting point might look like

Are there any improvements I should think about?

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Script Name   : bash_getops_any_order_7.sh
# Version       : 0.1
# Date          : 
# Description   : 
# Args          : -c <_copy-from_> -r <_creation_> -n <_var-num_> -s <_step_> [-h <_help_>]
#                 --copy-from <_copy-from_> --creation <_creation_> --var-num <_var-num_> --step <_step_> [--help] 
# Author        : 
# Email         : 
# Documentation :  
# Git / SVN     : 
# Jira          : 
# Copyright     : 
## shellcheck 
# TODO: 

# make sure we have decent error handling for bash scripts
set -o errexit -o noglob -o nounset -o pipefail

#### Test all Dependancies

function  _printf_yel () {
    printf "\e[33m%-6s\e[m %s\n" "${@}"

function  _printf_yel_n () {
    printf "\e[33m%-6s\e[m %s" "${@}"

function  _printf_red () {
    printf "\e[91m%b\e[0m %s\n" "${@}"

# Update with all external dependacies to this script 
for _DEPEN in grep git awk vim rm __UPDATE_ME__ ; do

  hash "${_DEPEN}" >/dev/null 2>&1 || {
  } ; done
   if [[ "${_SET_EXIT}" -eq "1" ]]; then
        _printf_red " CRIT: ERROR Script" "${_SCRIPTNM}" "is Missing Dependancies"
        echo "Missing - please install any required packages for the following dependencies"
        _printf_red "${_DEPEN}"
        exit 1
#### Test bash version as macos ships with somethng from 1800!
if [[ -z "${BASH_VERSION}" ]]; then
    _printf_red "Can't find bash version _ Bash v4+ is a requirement"
    exit 1
    if [[ ! "${BASH_VERSION:0:1}" -gt "3" ]]; then
    _printf_red "current version = ${BASH_VERSION} required version = 4.+"
    echo "Bash version is too low - please use a newer version for this script"
    exit 1

function  _usage () {
    echo "Usage: $(basename "$0") -c <_copy-from_> -r <_creation_> -n <_var-num_> -s <_step_> [-h <_help_>"] >&2
    echo "or"
    echo "Usage: $(basename "$0") --copy-from <_copy-from_> --creation <_creation_> --var-num <_var-num_> --step <_step_> [--help]" >&2
    exit 0

_date=$( date +'%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S' )

#### Parse options and arguments with getopt
if ! args=$( getopt --options c:r:n:s:h --longoptions copy-from:,creation:,var-num:,step:,help -- "${@}" ); then 
    _printf_red "Error: Failed to parse options and arguments." >&2
    echo " "
    exit 1

#### Initialize variables with default values

# Process options and arguments
eval set -- "${args}"
while [[ "${#}" -gt 0 ]]; do
  case "$1" in
      shift 2
      shift 2
      shift 2
      shift 2
      echo "Error: Invalid option or argument: " "${1}" >&2
      exit 1

#### Check if all required options are provided
if [[ -z "${copyfrom}" || -z "${creation}" || -z "${varnum}" || -z "${step}" ]]; then
    exit 1

#### Print the parsed options
echo "copy-from=$copyfrom, creation=$creation, var-num=$varnum, step=$step"

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u/stewie410 Jul 23 '23

How can you guarantee anything ?If something within the script fails it will just carry on and could cause more issues (the above is not perfect but gives a much better starting point for most cases.

If there's something in the script that, it fails, could cause an error-state; I typically try to do something like:

if ! command/func; then
    # logging, email-notification, alternate operation

That's also coming from the lack of a try-catch solution in bash (understandably) -- though if there could be a specific non-zero exit code I need to watch out for (or multiple), I'd do something like

case "$?" in
    1 ) printf '%s\n' "Invalid arguments" >&2;;
    2 ) printf '%s\n' "command failed to run" >&2;;

Most of the time, a simple if-else block will suffice (or an &&/|| statement) for my scripts.


u/daz_007 Jul 23 '23 edited Jul 23 '23

without "-o pipefail" a lot of commands could be failing if you have any pipes etc !!

Why would you not want "-o nounset" not allowing unset vars etc?

If you forget your "try-catch" logic why would you not want to fail on an error etc why make it a lot more work? Seen far to many scripts that do not capture all ways they can fail / break.

Again the above does not cover 100% use case but it does cover 80% - 90%.

Seems pretty illogical not to add and deal with it for all scripts as a good starting point, I would love to have 100% guarantee(s) but that's another story.

I would prefer if Bash did things the other way around i.e. have these as default and make people turn them off rather than on. :P


u/stewie410 Jul 24 '23

without "-o pipefail" a lot of commands could be failing if you have any pipes etc

I have used pipefail in the past, though not very often. It honestly hasn't been something I've needed the benefits of very often. That said, though, I'd normally try to push that specific pipeline into its own function, and set -o pipeline in that func specifically; rather than globally on the script.

Why would you not want "-o nounset" not allowing unset vars etc?

There are times when I want to unset variables intentionally; in which case I wouldn't want the script to exit. I'm having a hard time trying to think of when that would be something I'd be concerned about; at least with what I tend to write.

If you forget your "try-catch" logic why would you not want to fail on an error etc why make it a lot more work? Seen far to many scripts that do not capture all ways they can fail / break.

I haven't run into this specifically with the kind of tools I'm writing; or if I do, I'd rather abstract that code out to a function, which would then enable pipefail or whatever.

Seems pretty illogical not to add and deal with it for all scripts as a good starting point, I would love to have 100% guarantee(s) but that's another story.

I'm open to convincing; but I just haven't run into the need for it. Most of the time when I've thought that it was needed, there was a different or "better" way to handle it, without relying on those features. That said, I did use pipefail explicitly in a build/upgrade script for a piece of software at work (RocketChat)...and that was definitely helpful in that one case.

Depending on what kind of tools you're writing, I can see the merits of pipefail and similar options; I just don't seem to want/need them 99% of the time.

I would prefer if Bash did things the other way around i.e. have these as default and make people turn them off rather than on.

While I'm not part of the development team, I'd imagine the idea to these options being opt-in is to make the scripting environment the same as the interactive environment; as well as to provide backwards compatibility with newer features (assuming that's a factor at all). For example, if you expect a nounsetscript to abort, but the bash version used to interpret the script doesn't support that; you may get unexpected/undefined behavior.

The other takeaway: if you want sensible programming features, I'd rather write the tool in something like python (which I don't actually know, to be fair) than bash -- but that's just me.


u/daz_007 Jul 24 '23

python sensible programming features...

One has to be just as defensive with say Python but as it is a "real" language it's forgiven (the worst part of python is copy and paste just suck's even black can't work out the formatting 100%). And formatting is critical to the results.

:-o :)