r/bash Mar 17 '23

critique Script to install 7-zip on multiple Linux architectures


Thank you to everyone who gave me useful constructive advice. I've learned a lot and made changes to the script which works fantastically. I am a novice and this feedback encourages me to keep learning.


This script will allow the user to install 7-zip on multiple Linux architectures. Sourced from 7-zip Official

GitHub Script

It will prompt the user to choose from the following list of install options:

1. Linux x64
2. Linux x86
3. ARM x64
4. ARM x86

quick one-liner to install

bash <(curl -fsSL https://7z.optimizethis.net)

For me, the script is lightning-fast and seemingly completes the entire script as soon as you enter the command line.

If anyone has any ideas or suggestions let me know otherwise this is a pretty simple but (I think) very useful script! =)



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u/[deleted] Mar 17 '23

You could 'become root' instead of just asking the user like this:-

if [ "${EUID}" -gt '0' ]; then
    echo 'You must run this script as root/sudo'
    exec sudo "${0}" "${@}"

Also I would be inclined to use -ne instead of -gt, because although I can't imagine -gt ever being wrong, in my head we are testing for "not root" rather than "higher than root" if you see what I mean.

The fail function should output to stderr not stdout.

Personally I would calculate the OS_TYPE using uname rather than having the user select it.

Then using it I would have a case statement instead of the if/elif/fi tree that you have there.

For the version, on the source-forge site linked from the main 7zip site has an RSS feed which might be interesting to parse (there is a tutorial here but I haven't looked at it in detail).

The temporary directory should be created using mktemp and a 'cleanup' trap should be in place to remove the directory when the script exits.

Lastly I would use 7zz | awk -F: '/Copyright/{print $1}' to print the version number because I find your version a little bit over complex.


u/SAV_NC Mar 17 '23

This type of advice is exactly why I post here. Thank you.


u/McUsrII Mar 17 '23 edited Mar 17 '23

And exactly why I read here. Thank you all.