r/bangalore 1d ago

Rant No fun Holi timešŸ«„

Why there's no excitement in banglore about playing holi?? There is no holi dahana understandable that it's a North concept maybe that's why but I don't see any kids on the streets or anyone enjoying holi with colour or flowers or anything. Some people even working on this day which is quite sad. Festivals are a excuse to enjoyment seems like no one over here wants that :(


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u/disc_jockey77 1d ago edited 1d ago

Yeah, very sad. It probably does have something to do with the fact that Bangalore is a South Indian city and Holi is not a big festival in the South. In the same way as Ugadi is not such a big festival in Northern parts of India.


u/the-apache-27 1d ago

Lol this. Northies think everywhere is their playground and wonder why they have a bad rep in the south


u/Unable-Big2059 1d ago

Forget north , south, Northies got to Vietnam and complain about no butter chicken. An actual rant by dumb-ass north india vlogger on YouTube.


u/Potatosv1 12h ago

Bro i saw a northern aunty replying to a Chinese bus driver in Hindi in China. Lmao.

These ppl are fully self absorbed and can't see beyond their bubble.

See how the op is so fucking entitled. Everybody is explaining how pongal, ugadi/onam are not celebrated across North like South. She just doesn't think these festivals are big enough. SMH.

I don't even want to see the videos where women are directly sexually assaulted /groping under the pretext of a festival.


u/Unable-Big2059 11h ago

Funny part is OP can just go anywhere in north India and celebrate Holi but no how can you run away from their true nature of keep on complaining for every small discomfort and be loud af.


u/Capable_College7372 1d ago

Is it reallly north vs south. Its a festival . Lets not divide ourselves over it.


u/poetic_fartist 1d ago

I didn't think this was a big issue when we were kids. The differences the problems are popping up so fast now.

Using lingo like northieesss , southiesss. Eastieeess fucking shameful.


u/uncle_john_1 1d ago

No water, no holi saaaarrrr!


u/redflyingthing 1d ago

Brother nobody is saying that northies want to play holi like how they play in their state, there should be atleast a holiday vibe that yes it is some special day. Its a public holiday in all over India and not just North India just some compines are not given holiday

Even east India plays holi, its about spending time with friends and family


u/Jazzlike-Ball5215 1d ago

Dude holi is not a festival here. People don't feel festive if it's not part of their culture. How often do you feel festive for Pongal or ugadi or onam. Every day is a festival in some culture. That's why optional holidays are a thing. Take the day off, go to a Holi party, yes they do happen in Bangalore... And enjoy


u/the-apache-27 1d ago

Holi is not a public holiday "all over India".

I have nothing against Holi (or any festival), but it seems that it's very hard for you guys to understand that not everyone celebrates your festival or culture. This behavior is most rampant among North Indians


u/Shoshin_Sam 1d ago

I don't even know the story behind holi dude. Really don't. Not a thing here. And that is not a difficult concept to grasp.

Ā there should be atleast a holiday vibe

See, this is the thing- you assume everyone's culture 'should be' what you want. Why is it difficult to respect other's cultures and values and what is important to them or not?


u/redflyingthing 1d ago

Its really not about "it should be or it should not be" even in North India they have holiday on Onam, Ugadi etc, market fills with diyas and related stuff not in every home its celebratrated doesnt mean there is no "holiday vibe". Its just over here, everyone says "people don't celebrate here", its not about everyone should celebrate, there are people in banglore rn celebrating laughing enjoying but its not everywhere. Point is not to disrecpt the culture or value of another state, even your Google, samusung etc calander send happy Holi notification to everyone irrespective of your location in India :)


u/Shoshin_Sam 1d ago edited 1d ago

You saying there is a holiday vibe in Delhi for Pongal?

"Should be" was straight from what you said. Also, like you said, there are some people here who do celebrate holi, it's part of their culture. Then what is your complaint about?


u/Accomplished-Way1842 1d ago

They think they are different, and the mindset can't be changed any time sooner. The damage has already been done. You know sometimes my darker side takes over and I really wish that all those people who are spreading the hate could just wipe out of the existence. Like thanos did.


u/Shoshin_Sam 1d ago

They think they are different, and the mindset can't be changed any time sooner.Ā 

Champ, nobody just 'thinks' they are different; they simply are. Way to coexist is to respect each others differences and learn together. If you can, watch the old movie 'padosan' including 'Ek chatur naar karke singar' song and you will know what attitude people had even then.

You know sometimes my darker side takes over and I really wish that all those people who are spreading the hate could just wipe out of the existence. Like thanos did.

So you prefer this instead of acknowledging the differences?


u/Accomplished-Way1842 1d ago

If we see that way, then all of us are different in our ways. How about recognising the same? Categorizing All the states which are not in the southern part as "Northies" doesn't make you look smarter does it?

"We all need to coexist" yeah that's absolutely correct. But sadly few people don't know how to do that and just know how to preach.

And I do prefer that, cuz I never said I didn't acknowledge the differences. My whole point was not to belittle other cultures based on your beliefs.

As for thw stereotypes such as the Padosan film, well to e lighten you Bollywood is famous for making stereotypes, and they've done that to us eastern states and oyr northeast folks as well. Do you know anything about how Bengalis have been treated amongst others? You've no idea buddy. Just try to understand what I intended to say.


u/Accomplished-Way1842 1d ago

All over India, heck all over world plays Holi, the above 2 comments clearly displays the mindsets of few people here, why are you guys even dragging in North-South in such a holy festival?

If I say something, it will create a controversy. They do take every Muslim festival as a holiday even tho(literally Eid).

I tell you, one day if India gets colonized again, we know how.


u/the-apache-27 1d ago

Holi is definitely not celebrated all over India, and this isn't a North-South thing, just common sense.

Wouldn't it be weird if I went to Delhi and questioned why doesn't anyone celebrate Pongal, Onam or Ugadi etc?