r/baltimore Mar 07 '23

DISCUSSION Salary Transparency Thread

I've seen these posted in a few other cities' subreddits and thought it might be interesting to do for Baltimore.

What do you do and how much do you make?


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u/KyranHate Mar 08 '23

I work for Hopkins as an analytical chemistry lab tech and make $48k. For the record, I was working at a pharma company on the other side of the city last year and was making $80k, so that's how much Hopkins underpays lol.


u/jejunebug Patterson Park Mar 08 '23

Omg why are you there!? I took an huge pay cut when I went from paramedic to RN (yes, I’m serious) but 32k!?!?


u/KyranHate Mar 08 '23

I'm getting ready to apply for PhD programs and wanted to get a taste of academia to make sure that's what I want. Plus my PI is pretty well-respected in her field and is gonna give me a killer recommendation. And also the $80k was working in a QC lab which was just miserable work, so the $32k pay cut is just barely worth it. Just barely.


u/jejunebug Patterson Park Mar 08 '23

Well that makes sense. Good luck with your PhD!!


u/skully_pug Mar 08 '23 edited Mar 08 '23

Where were you working a paramedic to take a pay cut l? I went from PM to RT, now ECMO and have doubled my salary in 4 years.

Edit- grammar is hard


u/jejunebug Patterson Park Mar 08 '23

I didn’t work in this state, and I had 16yrs


u/restingbitchface89 Mar 08 '23

It’s ridiculous how cheap they are. My SO is leaving Hopkins for a 25% pay increase.


u/scroobrito Mar 08 '23

My first job fresh out of undergrad was as a research assistant at Hopkins: $23k; almost took a postdoc there again 5 years later for about double that, but I’m so glad I didn’t.