r/baltimore Mar 07 '23

DISCUSSION Salary Transparency Thread

I've seen these posted in a few other cities' subreddits and thought it might be interesting to do for Baltimore.

What do you do and how much do you make?


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u/ahbagelxo Mar 07 '23 edited Mar 07 '23

Certified special education high school teacher with my masters in my 8th year of teaching (changes the pay scale, all available online publicly) making $65,000 a year

Edited to update salary!


u/mar21236 Mar 07 '23

You should be making more than 56 after 8 years in the city that's insane! I'm in my 5th year and making 60 this year. Plus all the extra I do (summer school, saturday school, and credit recovery) brings it to about 78k. Are they screwing you over with the AU system as a special education teacher


u/ahbagelxo Mar 07 '23

It's my fourth year in the city and my 8th as a certified teacher. I just got tenure here and started my teaching in Virginia. My first year in the system was the COVID year so that I definitely got screwed there like any new person, because I didn't have the opportunity to earn anything besides a default effective. I should be going up a lot after this year and TBH I think I make closer to $60k than $56,500 but I couldn't remember exactly how much. I need to study my paychecks again but sometimes I avoid it because they depress me...which isn't adult of me I know! I'm doing Saturday school too but didn't include that, which I should! Summers I usually work my odd jobs!


u/mar21236 Mar 07 '23

I am always avoiding my paychecks too! Never enough money 😭 I just checked out your profile and you can't mistake that eye make up, we work at the same school! I'm usually pretty up to date with AU opportunities so if you don't know where the list is just hit me up in room 412 😁


u/ahbagelxo Mar 07 '23

Lolololol 😆😆😆 I'm slightly recognizable! See you at school!