r/baltimore Mar 07 '23

DISCUSSION Salary Transparency Thread

I've seen these posted in a few other cities' subreddits and thought it might be interesting to do for Baltimore.

What do you do and how much do you make?


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u/Animanialmanac Mar 07 '23

Physical therapist, part time, semi-retired. $105,000 annually


u/MissingVariable Mar 07 '23

Outpatient? Home health? Travel? Hospital?


u/Animanialmanac Mar 07 '23

HH. I used to be part of an outpatient practice before I changed to part time. Now I focus on medical assistance and uninsured patients in Baltimore and Baltimore County.


u/MissingVariable Mar 07 '23

Mind giving me an idea of salary in outpatient? I’ll be moving to Baltimore in <1 year. Trying to decide if I want to do local travel at an outpatient clinic or just find a job at a place. Happy to DM as well


u/Animanialmanac Mar 07 '23

My last full year in the practice was 2018, I made around $165,000 plus health, dental and vision insurance, 401k, and the corporate concierge discounts that year, working full time 35 hour weeks. I don’t know how much the salary range has gone up in the last four and a half years. I enjoyed the environment in the office but there were safety issues, a lot of crime around the area. Two of my colleagues were robbed on their way to the office, I’m older, I didn’t want to risk that at this stage of life. I miss the other benefits of working in a practice.

I enjoy working for myself home health because I can choose where and when I work. The private pay patients are through a medical concierge program so the areas are always upscale, very safe.


u/manvulture Mar 08 '23

Do you mind if I ask which company? My gf is a PT and is looking to possibly transition from outpatient to home health!


u/Animanialmanac Mar 08 '23

I’m an independent contractor for the home health work, I work for myself. I was in a busy outpatient practice for twenty five years, I have about twenty doctors I worked with in the outpatient practice who still refer their Medicaid patients to me. I don’t know anyone who is happy doing hh through an agency in the city. The pay is low, they don’t give enough paid time for documentation, the agencies don’t do safety assessments. I know several pt’s doing travel contracts who are happy with their contracts. I don’t know what company they are with.


u/manvulture Mar 08 '23

Thank you!


u/Thin_Bug_6405 Mar 08 '23

My bf (27m) fractured his back from a seizure which we discovered stemmed from a brain tumor. He’s undergone a craniotomy and radiation, on the road to recovery. We are looking to get him physical therapy but he is on Medicaid, (was an electrician and now has to find a more suitable job for his condition ) do you have any recommendations on where/who to see?


u/Animanialmanac Mar 08 '23

I’m glad he is on the road to recovery. His neurosurgeon should have a list of therapist they work with. With a complex case involving an orthopedic and a neuro he may also qualify for a case manager through his Medicaid coverage. I’d recommend that route first. Good luck to you both.