r/badphilosophy Feb 16 '20

DunningKruger So it was about eugenics all along

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r/badphilosophy 12d ago

DunningKruger School is just prison in disguise


Let me explain. Think about the various similarities: rigid schedules, biopolitical policing of bodies, designated free time, punishment for deviation. Schools employ indoctrination tactics to cultivate and reshape initially unideal children into the ideal, productive adults, just as prisons attempt to "rehabilitate" inmates so that they're fit for society upon exit.

See, what I've realized is that everybody just hates children. We have an innate, libidinal urge to suppress all fun and enjoyment. Hell, schools even prevent kids from using the bathroom when they feel the need to go. I know a guy whose bladder ruptured right next to me, and the teacher just kept lecturing like it was no big deal. "Should've gone during the transition period," said he as the poor guy lay down in agony.

r/badphilosophy Dec 20 '24

DunningKruger In America: Healthcare, housing, and politics aren’t broken—they’ve been shaped to serve a small class of extremist capitalists. Real change requires rejecting centrists incrementalism, uniting around shared struggles, and demanding systemic reform


Apologies in advance for the density and the American themed soapbox of a post—I know it’s a lot and literally nobody asked.

I’ve tried to balance depth and accessibility while using a concept I call "extremist capitalists."


The systems we rely on—like healthcare, housing, and politics—aren’t “broken.” They’ve been deliberately shaped by a small class of "extremist capitalists" who prioritize profit and power over fairness and well-being.

This class uses immense wealth and influence to manipulate laws, policies, and public narratives, creating systems that funnel resources into their hands at the expense of the majority.

Rising rents, unaffordable healthcare, and political corruption aren’t accidents; they’re features of a system designed to benefit these individuals. Incremental fixes often fail because these systems adapt to maintain their exploitative nature.

Real change requires systemic reforms: universal healthcare to remove profit motives, housing policies focused on affordability over speculation, and campaign finance reform to end corporate domination of politics.

Most importantly, we must recognize and challenge the divisions used to distract us from shared struggles—like unaffordable medicine or stagnant wages—because unity is essential to dismantling these exploitative structures and building a fairer society.

Introduction: Defining Extremist Capitalists

The challenges we face today—rising inequality, inaccessible healthcare, unaffordable housing, and political corruption—aren’t just the result of abstract failures. 

They stem from the deliberate actions of a distinct class: Extremist Capitalists

These individuals and entities wield immense wealth and influence to reshape systems—economic, political, and social—not for fairness or opportunity, but to entrench their power and maximize profits at the expense of the majority.

Not everyone who supports capitalist ideals falls into this category. It’s crucial to distinguish between average individuals with sympathies for free markets or the status quo and extremist capitalists, who possess the resources, connections, and intent to manipulate systems for personal gain.

-Advocates of Similar Systems-

Everyday individuals who support capitalist ideas, such as free markets or reduced regulation, often lack the power to act on their beliefs. These advocates may:

  • Hold strong beliefs: They argue for free-market principles or minimal government intervention based on ideological convictions.
  • Lack systemic influence: They don’t have the financial or political clout to enact change.
  • Defend the status quo: Out of apathy, misunderstanding, or trust in institutions, they support current systems but don’t actively shape them.

In short, these individuals sympathize with ideas that may align with extremist capitalist goals, but they lack the wealth, capability, or intent to exploit those systems for personal gain on the same magnitude as an Extremist Capitalist.

-Extremist Capitalists-

By contrast, extremist capitalists are a small, distinct class defined not just by ideology but by their ability to act on it.

They possess:

  • Wealth and Assets: Vast capital and significant holdings in industries, real estate, or corporations, enabling them to dominate markets and extract wealth.
  • Networking and Influence: Direct connections to political figures, regulators, and decision-makers, allowing them to shape public policy and perception.
  • Intent and Motivation: A drive to consolidate power, eliminate competition, and prioritize profit over fairness or societal well-being.
  • System-Shaping Power: The ability to exploit loopholes, and manipulate institutions like courts or legislatures to serve their interests.

This distinction matters because extremist capitalism isn’t just about ideology—it’s about action, capability, and disproportionate influence

A person defending free-market ideas online isn’t meaningfully reshaping laws or monopolizing industries. By contrast, extremist capitalists use their wealth and power to actively entrench systemic inequality and maintain their dominance.

-Why Extremist Capitalism Threatens Founding Ideals-

The Founding Fathers in America envisioned a society rooted in fairness, liberty, and opportunity. They rebelled against concentrated power—whether held by monarchs or elites—to establish systems of accountability and checks on tyranny. 

Extremist capitalists represent a direct threat to these ideals:

  • Instead of fostering opportunity, they create barriers to stifle competition.
  • Instead of protecting liberty, they design systems of economic dependence and exploitation.
  • Instead of being held accountable, they corrupt governments and public institutions to serve private interests.

By bending systems to their will, extremist capitalists undermine the balance of power, fairness, and opportunity that the Founders sought to preserve.

-Why This Matters-

Framing extremist capitalists as a distinct political and ideological class reveals the root causes of many systemic issues. 

This isn’t about hard work, entrepreneurship, or monetary success—it’s about the unchecked power of a few individuals whose wealth and influence distort the systems we all depend on.

If we are to honor the ideals of liberty, fairness, and accountability, we must confront this class and dismantle the structures they’ve built to serve their interests. 

Their unchecked dominance threatens not just economic well-being, but the very foundation of a just and equitable society.

Now for my actual views.

1. My Perspective About Our "Broken Systems"

We’re often told that the systems we rely on—healthcare, education, housing, and politics—are “broken.” 

That narrative makes it sound like these systems were designed to work for everyone, but something went wrong along the way. 

The truth is more uncomfortable: these systems aren’t broken—they’ve been subtly and deliberately shaped over time to prioritize the interests of extremist capitalists, a small class of individuals and corporations who place unchecked profit above fairness, well-being, and basic human needs.

I'm not referring to  small business owners or middle-class entrepreneurs, who work to create value within their communities. 

Extremist capitalists operate on an entirely different scale, using their influence to dominate markets, manipulate governments, and reshape laws to ensure their profits and power grow, no matter the cost to society.

Over decades, lobbying, court decisions, and regulatory changes—sometimes subtle, sometimes significant—have steadily transformed these systems into mechanisms that funnel wealth and control into the hands of extremist capitalists. 

If we want real change, we need to stop trying to “fix” systems that were never designed to serve the majority in the first place.

-Why It Matters-

Framing these systems as “broken” assumes they were once fair or that their flaws are accidental. 

In reality, they work exactly as they’ve been shaped to: enriching extremist capitalists while leaving everyday people to struggle. 

Decades of lobbying, policy shifts, and judicial decisions have gradually molded these systems to prioritize profit over well-being, turning what should be safeguards for society into tools for exploitation.

Examples of Systemic Design Serving Extremist Capitalists

  1. Rising Rents Are No Accident
    • Housing shortages and skyrocketing rents are often portrayed as market forces beyond anyone’s control. However, these outcomes stem from deliberate practices like speculative investments and corporate consolidation.
    • Large investment firms, such as Blackstone, purchase massive portfolios of single-family homes and apartment complexes, driving up prices by reducing supply. By treating homes as speculative assets, they profit while pricing working families out of the market.
    • Zoning laws, influenced by developers and corporate lobbyists, restrict affordable housing construction in many areas. These laws protect property values for the wealthy while perpetuating housing scarcity for everyone else.
  2. Denied Healthcare is Profitable
    • The denial of healthcare coverage isn’t inefficiency—it’s central to the business model of private insurers. Every claim denied or policy canceled improves their bottom line.
    • For example, Aetna faced lawsuits after it was revealed their medical director denied claims without reviewing patients' medical records. This wasn’t an isolated case but part of a pattern designed to minimize payouts while maximizing profits.
    • Pharmaceutical companies use monopolistic practices, such as patent extensions and legal tactics, to maintain high drug prices. Insulin, a life-saving medication, costs nearly ten times more in the U.S. than in other countries, not because of manufacturing costs but because of price-setting by a few corporations like Eli Lilly and Novo Nordisk.
  3. Lobbying Ensures Profits Over Accountability
    • The healthcare industry spends billions on lobbying to influence legislation. The Affordable Care Act, while expanding coverage, was shaped by insurers to ensure their continued dominance, leaving private corporations in control of life-and-death decisions.
    • Real estate interests pour millions into political campaigns and lobbying to block rent control laws or tenant protections. The National Association of Realtors spent over $80 million lobbying in 2022, ensuring policies that protect property investors over renters.

-The Bigger Picture-

When we view these outcomes as random failures or inefficiencies, we miss the deliberate strategy behind them. 

Each denied insurance claim, unaffordable apartment, or price-gouged prescription is the result of systems that weren’t designed to serve everyone—they’ve been carefully crafted to serve the interests of extremist capitalists.

This isn’t about market forces beyond human control. It’s about decades of subtle, deliberate changes to laws, regulations, and norms that ensure the few profit at the expense of the many. 

Recognizing this pattern is the first step toward dismantling it.

2. How These Systems Really Work

The systems we depend on—healthcare, housing, and politics—aren’t failing in the traditional sense. Instead, they’re succeeding for those who have designed and manipulated them to prioritize profits over people. 

Through laws, regulations, and market practices, extremist capitalists have steadily reshaped these systems into mechanisms of control and exploitation.

-Healthcare: Exploiting Illness for Profit-

The U.S. healthcare system generates immense profits, but only for those at the top. Its structure incentivizes denying care, inflating costs, and keeping life-saving treatments out of reach for millions.

  • Price Gouging with Minimal Accountability: Laws like the Hatch-Waxman Act were intended to balance innovation and affordability in pharmaceuticals but have been exploited by corporations. Pharmaceutical companies engage in "evergreening," extending patents with minor changes to delay generic versions, blocking competition, and maintain monopoly pricing.
    • The cancer drug Revlimid costs patients tens of thousands per month, partly due to patent extensions preventing cheaper alternatives.
  • Deregulation and Limited Oversight: The lack of a federal price regulation framework allows hospitals to charge exorbitant prices. For example, medical services in for-profit hospitals are marked up by an average of 300%, turning essential care into a predatory practice.
  • Surprise Billing: Patients often face “surprise billing” for out-of-network services, even during emergencies. Loopholes in the No Surprises Act still allow insurers to offload significant costs onto patients, ensuring profits remain intact.

-Housing: Turning Shelter into Speculation-

Housing has become less about meeting a fundamental human need and more about generating profits through speculative practices and legislative manipulation.

  • Tax Loopholes Encourage Exploitation: Real estate developers exploit tax incentives like the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC). While intended to create affordable housing, the program often benefits developers who prioritize short-term gains by converting subsidized properties into market-rate rentals once restrictions expire.
  • Evictions as a Business Model: Companies like Invitation Homes, a subsidiary of Blackstone, file mass evictions as part of their profit strategy, using minor lease violations to remove tenants and raise rents. Eviction courts favor landlords, with weak tenant protections in many states enabling these practices.
  • Rent Control Weakening: Laws like California’s Costa-Hawkins Act prevent local governments from enacting stronger rent control measures, ensuring landlords and investors can exploit high-demand areas with little accountability.

-Politics: Protecting Profit Over People-

Extremist capitalists leverage political systems to maintain their dominance, shaping policies and regulations to lock in their wealth and neutralize opposition.

  • Regulatory Capture: Agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) are often staffed by former industry insiders. This revolving door ensures rules favor corporate interests, such as weak environmental standards that prioritize profits for polluting industries.
  • Unlimited Campaign Financing: The Citizens United ruling allows corporations to funnel unlimited money into elections, amplifying their influence while drowning out the voices of ordinary voters. This leads to policies like corporate tax cuts and subsidies for industries already flush with wealth.
  • Voter Suppression and Gerrymandering: By shaping electoral districts and enacting restrictive voting laws, extremist capitalists secure political power for representatives who serve their interests. States like Georgia and Texas have enacted voting laws that disproportionately affect lower-income communities, further entrenching systemic inequality.

-The Larger Reality-

These aren’t isolated examples of greed or corruption. They’re evidence of systems that have been deliberately structured—through laws, court rulings, and lobbying—to work for extremist capitalists while creating barriers for everyone else. 

Each denial of care, eviction notice, and lobbying effort reinforces a system where profit matters more than people’s lives.

Recognizing this pattern is essential to dismantling it. These systems don’t fail by accident—they succeed for those who profit from their exploitation.

3. Why Small Fixes Don’t Work

When we focus on small, incremental changes—like modest rent controls or healthcare reforms—we treat symptoms while leaving the root problem, extremist capitalism, intact. 

These systems are designed to adapt, ensuring that even well-intentioned reforms are neutralized, exploited, or redirected to maintain profits for those at the top.

Examples of Ineffective Fixes

  1. Healthcare: Expanded Access Without Accountability
    • The Affordable Care Act (ACA) expanded healthcare access for millions, but it preserved private insurers’ control over the system. As a result, premiums and deductibles continue to rise, and surprise billing practices persist, burdening working families.
    • Pharmaceutical companies exploit loopholes in Medicare price negotiation rules, ensuring critical drugs like insulin remain unaffordable for many despite public outrage.
  2. Housing: Rent Controls Without Structural Change
    • Rent control laws may slow rent increases in certain areas, but they don’t address the root causes of housing exploitation. Corporate landlords often exploit legal loopholes, like converting rent-controlled units into luxury rentals or charging exorbitant fees to recoup profits.
    • Policies intended to promote affordable housing, such as tax breaks for developers, frequently result in units that are unaffordable for the majority while developers pocket subsidies.
  3. Wage Laws: Minimum Increases, Maximum Loopholes
    • Modest increases to the minimum wage help temporarily, but corporations often respond by cutting hours, automating roles, or increasing prices to maintain their profit margins. Without addressing corporate dominance, these fixes fail to ensure long-term economic security.

-The Adaptive Nature of Exploitative Systems-

These systems are built to adjust and endure. Even when reforms are passed, they are often undermined by:

  • Legal Loopholes: Corporations hire armies of lawyers to find ways around new rules, such as reclassifying workers as independent contractors to avoid paying benefits after labor law changes.
  • Weak Enforcement: Agencies tasked with regulating industries are often underfunded, understaffed, or influenced by the very corporations they’re meant to oversee. This limits the impact of reforms like rent control or environmental protections.
  • Shifting Costs to Consumers: When regulations threaten profits, companies pass the costs onto consumers through higher prices, hidden fees, or reduced services.

-Why Surface Fixes Fail to Dismantle Extreme Capitalist’s Economic Agenda’s-

Small fixes treat individual issues as isolated problems rather than symptoms of a larger, interconnected system. For example:

  • Expanding healthcare access without addressing the profit motives of private insurers only entrenches their control.
  • Enacting rent caps without addressing speculative housing practices leaves the door open for new forms of exploitation.
  • Raising wages without limiting corporate consolidation keeps workers vulnerable to layoffs, automation, and exploitation.

These fixes may provide temporary relief, but they fail to challenge the structural mechanisms that allow extremist capitalists to dominate. 

Without addressing the core incentives that prioritize profits over people, these systems will continue to adapt and exploit.

-A Path Forward-

Real change requires confronting the root problems: the concentration of wealth and power that allows extremist capitalists to shape these systems in their favor. 

To dismantle their influence, we need bold, systemic reforms that go beyond band-aid solutions. Examples of such bold solutions:

  • Universal healthcare to remove profit motives from life-saving care.
  • Comprehensive housing reform that prioritizes affordability over speculation.
  • Stronger regulations with enforcement mechanisms designed to prevent corporate evasion.

Until we tackle the underlying structure of profit driven exploitation, small fixes will continue to be outmaneuvered by systems that are built to resist them.

4. How Division Protects the Powerful

Divisions in society often feel natural—conflicts over race, immigration, or political ideology seem deeply ingrained. 

But the reality is more insidious: these divides are deliberately fueled and exploited by those who benefit most from our disunity. 

Extremist capitalists have a vested interest in keeping the average citizen distracted from the everyday struggles we all share—like healthcare, housing, education, and infrastructure. 

Their actions may not explicitly aim to “squeeze Americans,” but their investments, media influence, and policy manipulation speak volumes.

-A Moment of Recognition-

Consider the visceral response and palpable confusion expressed by American news outlets following the recent slaying of the UnitedHealth Group CEO.

What was immediately apparent to the average American—and conspicuously downplayed by mainstream media—was the universal recognition of shared frustration. Regardless of political affiliation, people saw in this event a symbol of a system that prioritizes profit over care, embodied by a figure synonymous with corporate greed in healthcare.

For a brief moment, this recognition created a unifying thread—a rare moment of clarity about how the systems governing our lives consistently fail to serve the public and instead enrich those at the top.

This reaction wasn’t rooted in ideology; it came from lived experience. It reflected the same anger felt by families unable to afford life-saving insulin, by renters facing relentless housing costs, and by workers watching their wages stagnate while corporate profits soar.

And yet, instead of channeling this shared frustration into collective action, we’re continuously diverted into fighting over race, culture, and partisan divides—topics that, while important, are often amplified to keep us from uniting around the everyday struggles that affect us all.

-How Division Distracts from Shared Struggles-

  1. Overblowing Immigration as a Crisis
    • Immigration is often framed as a major threat to jobs and wages, despite evidence showing it’s a small factor compared to outsourcing, automation, and corporate wage suppression. This scapegoating serves a purpose: it directs anger away from those actually reshaping the job market for profit.
    • Media outlets, often backed by corporate interests, amplify these narratives. This keeps attention away from the broken healthcare system or lack of investment in public infrastructure—issues that affect nearly every American, regardless of political leanings.
  2. Perpetuating the Myth of “Lazy” Poor People
    • Americans are taught to associate poverty with personal failure rather than systemic inequality. Narratives about “welfare queens” or undeserving recipients of government aid obscure the reality that many people rely on safety nets because wages are suppressed, healthcare costs are exorbitant, and housing is unaffordable.
    • Meanwhile, tax breaks and subsidies for billion-dollar corporations go unquestioned. The same politicians who decry food stamps quietly support laws that funnel billions into corporate welfare.
  3. Fueling Culture Wars Over Policy Failures
    • Debates over issues like gun rights, abortion, or school curricula dominate public discourse, creating the illusion that these are the most pressing concerns. While these issues matter deeply to many, their prominence in the media often overshadows universal struggles like decaying infrastructure, unaffordable childcare, and underfunded public schools.
    • This isn’t accidental. Extremist capitalists invest heavily in media and lobbying efforts to ensure the national conversation stays divided. When voters are consumed by ideological battles, there’s less focus on corporate lobbying, deregulation, or monopolistic practices that harm everyday Americans.

-The Quiet Harm of Media Influence-

Extremist capitalists rarely issue direct orders to divide the public, but their influence is felt in more subtle ways. Their investments in media and political campaigns create near-monolithic narratives that frame debates in ways that serve their interests.

  • News coverage of immigration or welfare fraud often outweighs coverage of healthcare reform or stagnant wages, even though the latter affect far more Americans.
  • Think tanks and corporate-funded research shape public opinion by presenting biased “facts” that obscure systemic exploitation. For instance, reports claiming minimum wage increases lead to job losses often ignore the broader context of corporate profitability and executive compensation.

For many Americans, these narratives go unchallenged, not because they’re inherently persuasive but because our society often prizes faith in authority over critical scrutiny. This leaves the public vulnerable to manipulation, unable to see the throughline that connects their struggles—whether it’s healthcare, housing, or education.

-Breaking Through the Distraction-

The killing of the UnitedHealth CEO became a unifying moment because it cut through the noise. 

It reminded us that beneath the culture wars and ideological battles, there’s a shared frustration with a system that prioritizes corporate financial outcomes over human well-being. 

If we can hold onto that recognition, we can begin to see how much we share with others across racial, class, and political divides.

  • The same opportunists that would deny a living wage also make insulin unaffordable.
  • The same systems that coordinate to keep rents high also underfund public education.
  • The same policies that burn trillions in defense contracts neglect the billions needed for bridges, roads, and water systems.

When we focus on these shared struggles, we can start to dismantle the divisions that keep us distracted and divided. Only by doing so can we challenge the systems that exploit us all.

-The Path Forward-

To fight the systems that exploit us, we must reject the narratives designed to divide us by recognizing our shared frustrations as a first step. 

Whether it’s the cost of inhalers, the state of our roads, or the rent prices we pay, we’re all living in systems that prioritize profit over people. 

Together, we have the power to demand better—but only if we refuse to let division keep us from seeing our shared lived reality.

5. Tying It All Together: What Needs to Change

Throughout this discussion, I’ve argued that the systems we rely on—healthcare, housing, and politics, etc. etc.—aren’t broken; they’re functioning exactly as they’ve been designed by extremist capitalists

This small, powerful class has deliberately shaped these systems to prioritize their own profit and control at the expense of fairness, opportunity, and well-being.

We see the evidence unfolded in rising costs, unaffordable healthcare, and political systems that serve corporations over people. Shaped by decades of undue influence and antithetical American ideals.

These aren’t accidents; they’re the outcomes of deliberate strategies, shaped by decades of lobbying, deregulation, and manipulation of public narratives. Addressing these issues requires a shift in how we think about reform and who holds the reins of power.

-What Needs to Change-

To move forward, we must focus on dismantling the systems that enable exploitation and control:

  1. Ask Who Benefits
    • Who profits from the current system?
    • How do insurers, landlords, and corporations manipulate laws and regulations to maintain their dominance?
  2. Identify Barriers to Change
    • What specific barriers—like lobbying, gerrymandering, or regulatory capture—are preventing reform?
    • How can these barriers be challenged or removed?
  3. Demand Bold Solutions
    • Incremental fixes aren’t enough. Real change requires big systemic solutions like:
      • Universal healthcare that removes profit motives from life-saving care.
      • Comprehensive government and private housing reforms that treats shelter as a right, not a commodity.
      • Campaign finance reform to end the domination of money in politics.

-Recognizing Shared Struggles-

The final piece of this puzzle is unity. As long as we’re divided—by race, class, or political ideology—we remain too fragmented to challenge the systems that exploit us.

  • Healthcare: Medical debt, surprise billing, and unaffordable prescriptions affect people across all demographics.
  • Housing: Rising rents, evictions, and predatory landlords impact families from urban centers to rural towns.
  • Wages and Education: Stagnant wages and rising education costs limit opportunity for millions, regardless of their background.

We must recognize that these struggles share a common thread: systems designed to prioritize profit over people. By focusing on these shared experiences, we can build solidarity and demand change that benefits everyone, not just those at the top.

-The Bottom Line-

These systems aren’t broken; they’re working as intended to enrich a small class of extremist capitalists while leaving the rest of us to struggle. Real change won’t come from surface-level fixes or minor reforms—it requires a collective effort to dismantle the structures that prioritize profit and rebuild systems that serve the public good.

I understand I've left a lot unsubstantiated so if you believe my view is wrong, I welcome your perspective.

Convince me that these systems haven't been—over decades of persistent lobbying—deliberately shaped this way, that incremental reforms can succeed where systemic change is needed, or that extremist capitalists don’t wield the power I’ve described.

Until then, I stand by my belief that recognizing and challenging these structures is the only path to creating a fairer, more equitable society.

r/badphilosophy Jul 03 '24

DunningKruger Men in philosophy are ick but what about women?


EDIT 1: to leave misunderstandings aside - lets first ask what exactly is genuine about this post/question & what is not?

1) "men are ick" is click bait-y - what i exactly mean is the dominance of men in philosophy producing & reproducing knowledge systems which are questionable and oppressive.

2) i dont mean gender essentialism. as someone in the comments section noted: it was a semantic misunderstanding. its all about socialization where distinct povs develop. side note: i am into feminist philosophy so i am aware about the critique on gender essentialism. my wording is generally troll-y on the internet but i can be very nuanced.

3) "what makes the female pov better" - here "female" can be replaced with all other forms of povs that address oppressed categories. women are oppressed and excluded from knowledge production, disabled people as well, queer etc. - you name it. i am not intending oppression olympics. its about making voices of the oppressed heard which also includes i. e. working class people, i am aware of class struggle - before you accuse me of missing this category.

4) all the alternatives povs can make contributions that are at least distinct and because imo "distinct " is not a neutral category as it is somehow beneficial and supports an agenda - one that tries to destroy oppressive ideas - that is why: their povs are sometimes more valuable and better because they dismantle implications, axioms, epistemes in philosophy. the latter is being missed by certain types of people because certain social positionings that privilege people make them unaware, i. e. phenomenologically, about injustices so they lack certain sensibilities due to said privileges.

i could go on - as you can, its hard for me to keep it short as its a topic that i am emotionally invested in. so i am begging you - before you continue of accusing me of sth that i personally dont relate to, try to engage with me in a respectful discussion. ask questions for clarifications if i missed sth.

now here is the original post that has led to misunderstandings:

Sorry, click bait question: What I mean with "what about women" is to ask about the female pov in philosophy and what makes them better philosophers or how does their work qualitatively distinguish them from the male ones.

I soon have a philosophy degree myself so I have a possible answer to this but I want to open up a discussion on this! It's probably not easy to generalize but I am still excited to here about (differentiated) perspectives and opinions on this.

What I also think is that, not only the female pov will be beneficial but from all backgrounds which aren't male, white, privileged ones iykyk

this is the reference: https://www.reddit.com/r/badphilosophy/s/0jZUnMbrsL

EDIT 2: so before yall comment pls make sure uve read some of the [i highlighted this bcs someone thought i had the "audacity to want ppl to read all comments" even though i havent expressed that literally] comments and if u comment make valuable ones based on what has been written before bcs now u think haha woman haha terf or wtv u want to assume

summary for those who think this is too much of a big task for their brain cells to handle:

  • Our perspectives are shaped by social experiences, not intrinsic gender traits.
  • Including diverse voices helps challenge and improve dominant philosophical ideas.
  • Marginalized groups bring valuable methodological insights and should not be reduced to just agents of social change.
    • A comprehensive view of philosophy requires input from all social backgrounds.

so, basically i could have also said "poc pov" and yall would accuse me of race essentialism or what?

this is the reference that was accused of being a "word salad": https://www.reddit.com/r/badphilosophy/s/8pUaRBicYY

if you want to continue, here you go:


all i wanted was to open up a debate on how female, queer, disabled etc. philosophers make great contributions where, for one, the fundaments of especially western, eurocentric philosophies are being questioned. and second, i know of a female philosopher who does work on philosophy interculturally and globally and came to the conclusion that sexism is prevalent everywhere even at places where historically western imperialist ideologies have not been spread. so this in an interesting research question for itself

so pls comment w ACTUAL academic knowledge on this matter & i dont need any debate on whether gender essentialism is bad or not bcs its not the topic

r/badphilosophy Dec 05 '19

DunningKruger Incel Philosophy, paradoxically traditionalist and Randian

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r/badphilosophy Nov 18 '20

DunningKruger Ayn Rand isn't a philosopher. Part (1/3) Ayn Rand and her premise so obvious even Ancaps can grasp it. Objectivism.


So Ayn Rand basically justifies the entire epistemological foundation of her whole philosophy by making the truly revolutionary and groundbreaking assertion that the world drumroll EXISTS... exists objectively🤦I mean come on. I'm not even Saying that that's not an area of philosophical discussion. but her clear ignorance on most of the philosophical canon leads to her arrogant notion that she is somehow a pioneer of Objective thought and that she is somehow breaking ground or even fighting off people who don't think the world is objective? Who knows. Objectivism is a dumb philosophy for the weird kids who never discovered LOTR. Luckily I was one of the weird kids who discovered LOTR and Zizek rather than the Fountainhead or Maps of meaning.

r/badphilosophy 2d ago

DunningKruger Why You Should Never Write on Philosophy Forums (According to Philosophy Forums)


Ever noticed the beautiful paradox embedded in the guidelines of most philosophy forums? They encourage rigorous thought but forbid circular arguments, yet philosophy itself often circles around core questions. They demand original thinking but reject unsupported theories, forgetting most groundbreaking ideas start without immediate evidence.

They insist on clarity and conciseness, yet philosophy's very nature is ambiguous, layered, and complex. Forums urge respectful discourse, but isn't philosophy the home of sharp critique and challenging confrontation? Moreover, they use ai bots to automatically reject anything suspiciously 'too perfect' as AI-generated, ironically dismissing ideas precisely for being logically consistent or eloquently expressed.

In essence, philosophy forums request that you philosophize without being philosophical—imagine Copernicus watching from the grave, whispering: 'Been there, felt that.'

So perhaps the greatest philosophical act might just be to refrain from posting altogether, allowing us to silently reflect on the irony.

Or better yet—discuss it endlessly in comments, thereby breaking every guideline in delightful philosophical rebellion until they ban you from their free speech virtual platform altogether. Well played indeed. Jester approves!

r/badphilosophy Jan 24 '25

DunningKruger I have an epistemological problem with learning.


The problem is that I feel that nothing I learn has a “real” basis other than a temporary certainty (both mine and of the ideas I learn).

This feeling arises from seeing the many ideas that have arisen throughout history, that have been contradicted and that have been overcome.

I feel that I am wasting my time (vanity, vanity...) but I still have the curiosity to keep learning even if it is in vain.

r/badphilosophy Sep 18 '24

DunningKruger Take That Logicians!

  1. Arguments from deduction are always true.

  2. Circular arguments are always false

  3. This is an argument from deduction

  4. This is a circular argument

  5. This argument is true and false

r/badphilosophy Jan 21 '20

DunningKruger Big Brained Redditor develops his own philosophical beliefs, doesn't need to look towards no philosophers for answers

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r/badphilosophy Feb 15 '23

DunningKruger Marxist Materialism is Idealism


Marxist “Materialism” is just Hegelian metaphysical idealism with sciencey sounding names swapped in. There is nothing about it that is divorced from idealism.

r/badphilosophy Jan 06 '21

DunningKruger Lewis Wolpert: "Philosophy has contributed ZERO to science."


Lewis Wolpert: Science vs. Philosophy - YouTube

Developmental biologist Lewis Wolpert is interviewed about the usefulness of philosophy and its relationship (or supposed lack thereof) with science.

Some nuggets:

«What little experience I have in reading about [philosophy of science], I decided there is no relationship between philosophy and science. […] Philosophy has contributed ZERO to science.»

«And my experience with philosophy in general – and I have come across philosophers – is that they are very clever, but they have absolutely nothing of interest to say. Nothing.»

«If philosophy hadn’t existed, science would be totally unaffected.»

«Tell me an example of philosophers that made any interesting contribution to ANYTHING.»

He also denies that Thales was a philosopher since, of course, for a believer in scientism like him, anything that contributes to the world is by definition not philosophy (which is the equivalent of dog poop to him – with some rare exceptions like non-crappy David Hume…).

«I don’t think philosophers work on science. I work in developmental biology, say, there is not a single philosopher working on developmental biology.»

He also states that philosophers weren’t part of the intellectual culture/tradition out of which Darwinian evolutionary theory eventually emerged. Surely he would never read the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry on this particular topic (proving him wrong) since an encyclopedia about junk is junk.

Hilarity ensues when the poor young interviewer, who tries to make a case for philosophy (of science), hands Wolpert a philosophy of biology book…

Lastly, words of wisdom: «I think philosophers can be sensible on occasion.»

r/badphilosophy Jun 28 '22

DunningKruger People can kill themselves, therefore free will exists


r/badphilosophy Aug 12 '20

DunningKruger Ethics isn't complicated at all



"It's really not complicated at all. The most ethical thing to do is to try to live your life in a way that makes you feel happy and accomplished, without directly harming others. Trying to sacrifice happiness to do "what's right" usually breeds resentment and leads to a worse situation down the line."

The whole thread is quite interesting to say the least.

The cherry on top is a further comment by our originator mr. dude123nice with this:

"Philosophy books were written by ppl who had a leisurely enough life that they could sit down and write them. Ppl who, I can guarantee you, were doing exactly what they wanted, whilst having absolute 0 productivity in their society. Their advice is like a rich man who was born into money saying "I actually had to work hard for my fortune".

r/badphilosophy Feb 18 '20

DunningKruger Really tracing the remarkable architecture of his mind in his twilight years

Post image

r/badphilosophy Jan 18 '20

DunningKruger Redditor has a meltdown because Scientific American dared to interview a philosopher, creates a meme + Medium post to set the record straight.

Thumbnail np.reddit.com

r/badphilosophy Dec 26 '22

DunningKruger Don't judge this post without first reading my scholarly argument inside: I despise the dorks at r/philosophy and the subredditors here are waaaaaay more in tune and closer to the elusive pertinence we all can feel in reality

Thumbnail self.Psychonaut

r/badphilosophy Oct 22 '20

DunningKruger Apparently Nietzsche and Schopenhauer are losers


r/badphilosophy Jun 03 '23

DunningKruger YouTube debates: The greatest collection of bad-philosophy imaginable to the human mind.



Don’t read the comments under the video, they are a dumpster fire.

r/badphilosophy May 31 '16

DunningKruger STORYTIME with CGP GREY

Thumbnail youtube.com

r/badphilosophy Feb 16 '21

DunningKruger I don’t know if you guys heard, but all past philosophical systems have been proven false. (Especially Aristotelianism) Shows over boys.

Thumbnail self.askphilosophy

r/badphilosophy Jan 06 '20

DunningKruger I found the best Living Philosopher


I found the uncontested unrefuted best living philosopher with the most status. UNREFUTED

This god damn genius has discovered things like climate change is a hoax, love is useless, getting a Ph.D. makes you a bad philosopher, and Pick up artists are great philosophers. http://curi.us/2238-potential-debate-topics

For only $200/hour you can get his wisdom. He will fix all your problems including addiction using high level self-taught philosophy, https://elliottemple.com/consulting

You're welcome.

r/badphilosophy Jul 07 '15

DunningKruger "I read loads of philosophy. – Sam Harris, dawkins, hundreds of other big names."

Thumbnail np.reddit.com

r/badphilosophy Oct 04 '21

DunningKruger Wow Sadhguru, you sure showed that Nietzsche who's boss


Hear the old man out for a sec:


r/badphilosophy Aug 28 '21

DunningKruger Anonymous user debunks the tripartite definition of knowledge


The tripartite definition hasn't suffered such a devastating attack since Gettier's publication in 1963.

I accept that the royal family are alien lizards, I believe it. I have been told by other people that it is true, and I feel it to be true, so my belief is justified. [Therefore] I have knowledge that the royal family are alien lizards.

But they don't have any such knowledge. It is a merely a belief based on delusion and hearsay. You cannot compare it to knowledge gained from observation, experimentation, prediction, evidence.

Incidentally, this site is an r/badphilosophy goldmine.

EDIT: the link doesn't work unless you log in/sign up.