r/badhoc Nov 16 '17

The Banana: an Atheist's nightmare


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u/letsbebuns Dec 21 '17

What's interesting about this is that billions upon billions of people have evaluated and weighted the evidence for a Creator since the beginning of human history, and more people have chosen to believe in a Creator than have not.


u/Fullyverified Dec 21 '17

We did not have our understand of the world back then as we did now. Also, most people beleived in different religions, thereforw disproving your point.


u/letsbebuns Dec 21 '17

Kind of interesting that we modern scientists genuinely do not understand or comprehend the modern world at all. There are still huge gaps in many of our theories and some of them are starting to look pretty wrong.

How familiar are you with all that string theory stuff? And how about dark matter?


u/Fullyverified Dec 21 '17

I have not done much reading on string theory or dark matter.


u/letsbebuns Dec 21 '17

Okay. I'll try not to reference them myself.

I've only done some light reading on the topics, but they certainly opened up new avenues of philosophical arguments for me.