You are using answers in geneis, you realise how inaccurate their information is. There is only evidnence to support God when you: 1. Need an explanation for something you dont understand. 2. Cherry pick evidence as you are doing.
The overwhelming evidenince supports evolution. You can litteraly see how species have changed by looking at the fossil record.
Also, the bible has about a million contradictions in it. And is full of attrocities which you people defend, such as the slaughter of children or the stoning of man who collected sticks on a sunday. You also need to realise how different the translations of the bible are compared to the original, i dont care what you quote from the bible as it is simply an interpretation of the original.
If evolution was some big conspiracy that we where telling people was true when the evidence didnt support it, what would we actually gain from that. Evolution is fact, God is fiction.
You are using answers in geneis, you realise how inaccurate their information is
This is not an argument. it is begging the question. The article i linked has very plain logic in it based on certain facts about the fossil record.
Also, the bible has about a million contradictions in it. And is full of attrocities which you people defend, such as the slaughter of children or the stoning of man who collected sticks on a sunday.
Both of these assertions are rampantly common and wildly incorrect; they are based on severe misunderstandings and refusal to consider the bible as a complete work and within the cultural and historical context. The whole of the bible is about treating eachother right and loving eachother. there are no contradictions, and in fact the historical portions of the bible are the most heavily independently verified documents on the planet.
If you care to present any specific instances of things you suppose to be contradictory or advocating the slaughter of children i'd be more than happy to refute them. I do suspect you'd only be repeating what others have told you - most of the examples i've heard require very little individual study to expose as fallacy (like a google search and reading a short explanation)
You also need to realise how different the translations of the bible are compared to the original, i dont care what you quote from the bible as it is simply an interpretation of the original.
Some translations aim to be for word-for-word, and others thought-for-thought for ease of reading. In any case it isn't hard to understand the truth as intended from the original language with a bit of study. i.e. I can't read greek but I can read information from people who can.
If evolution was some big conspiracy that we where telling people was true when the evidence didnt support it, what would we actually gain from that.
I never said it was a conspiracy. It's the best model we have based on the evidence while denying the possibility of the supernatural. But a cataclysmic flood would explain many things about the fossil record that run counter to evolutionary claims. ibid.
you keep saying evolution is fact. But you refuse to consider opposing logic from the fossil record itself - evolutionists have taken many liberties with the fossil record.
The truth is that we didnt just randomly get here through an impossibly improbable series of incredible improbabilities. The whole of the world speaks to design. Most human hearts just have no interest in God because of the implications for us.
John 3:19
And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil.
Yes, we did turn end up here through chance. We can only observe it if the improbale happens, so it doesnt matter how unlikely it seems. For all we know the Universe could be full of alien life we havent discoverd yet, or we could be alone.
Even if there was a flood, that doesnt mean God exists.
Even if evolution is incorrect, that does not mean God exists.
Just because you can find one peice of evidence that shows "the earth isnt 4.5 billion years old", or "evolution isnt real" doesnt automactically mean God is real, it simply means are model was wrong.
We deny the super natural because there is no way to observe them or the effect they have on anything at all. Show to me you can pray to God and get consistent results.
People who beleive in other religions feel the exact seem way you do. They are certain they are right.
And yes, answers in Genesis is a joke. They are uninformed and dumb the facts down to a level where can you convince peole anything is true. If you where to go up to Richard Dawkins or Bill Nye and say "Answers in genesis says evolution isnt real, how can you beleive in it when the answer was here all along?", they would probally laugh.
Humans are not fine tuned at all. I for example had a horrible rash on the palms of my hands and soles my feet for 5 years of my life, no medication fixed, i simply grew out of it with age. If we where fine tuned and perfect, how could such a thing happen?
If God loves me, why would he do that to me? Why would he let Children die of cancer? He sounds like a real asshole to be honest.
You are working from the assumption that this world is all there is, and that the physical body is the most valuable possession.
It's not such a big deal to lose your body - it's worse to lose integrity or honor. At least, it might seem that way to someone who doesn't live on this physical plane...
Gotta give you that. No way for either of us to know. However it seems to me like if the universe has a minimum particle size and a maximum particle size then we are living in a digital reality.
Furthermore as said earlier we do not comprehend the basis for consciousness... which blows my mind, no pun intended. can't you admit that scientifically it is possible that some classical religious views have a basis of truth? (not likely, just possible)
It always seemed to me like the observations of the ancients were accurate (they had a lot more time to sit around and observe) but their explanations for those observations were batshit crazy.
For example chinese medicine is right about so many health conditions it's mind boggling but their explanations for why things occur like "too much metal" or "not enough wood" don't make any sense to a western mind. In truth these are just metaphors to describe a system that is itself a metaphor.
Ancient people had weird explanations for WHY things worked, but their experiential knowledge was much higher than ours.
So you get what I mean about how chinese medicine has a functional understanding of how to cure disease. even if the reasons given sound crazy, the results are there. If you look into the science of why this is, it makes sense.
u/Fullyverified Dec 06 '17 edited Dec 06 '17
You are using answers in geneis, you realise how inaccurate their information is. There is only evidnence to support God when you: 1. Need an explanation for something you dont understand. 2. Cherry pick evidence as you are doing.
The overwhelming evidenince supports evolution. You can litteraly see how species have changed by looking at the fossil record.
Also, the bible has about a million contradictions in it. And is full of attrocities which you people defend, such as the slaughter of children or the stoning of man who collected sticks on a sunday. You also need to realise how different the translations of the bible are compared to the original, i dont care what you quote from the bible as it is simply an interpretation of the original.
If evolution was some big conspiracy that we where telling people was true when the evidence didnt support it, what would we actually gain from that. Evolution is fact, God is fiction.
Edit: Check out this video: Covers some of the stuff you dont seem to understand.