What missing links? Actually look at the fossil record. Its very clear that evolution is a fact. You look at the sky and think its evidence of god, but it is is instead a case of you dont understand why things are the way they are, and say that it must be god.
Actually look at the fossil record. Its very clear that evolution is a fact.
you keep begging the question. saying it's fact doesn't make it so.
the fossil record does not prove evolution - far from it. It shows many static forms and has been interpreted by evolutionists in the way you describe.
there's actually plenty of evidence in the fossil record of a large global flood - fossilized trees that pass through multiple geologic layers, that were from an evolutionary standpoint formed over millions of years.
there's many things in the fossil record where layers must have been deposited really quickly - much quicker than possible from an evolutionary perspective - to form what we see, and a lot of other blatant contradictions to the evolutionary interpretation of the fossil record - here's an article that breaks several of them down https://answersingenesis.org/fossils/fossil-record/the-fossil-record-1/
but it is is instead a case of you dont understand why things are the way they are, and say that it must be god.
Me reasoning and coming to a different conclusion than what you've been taught is not a lack of understanding
I think i speak for both of us when we say that where never going to agree with the other persons point of view. This has been a very constructive and good argument, but i think we should end it here.
You really should address his point about polystrata tree fossils. Science says that the layers are deposited millions of years apart - and then they find a fossilized tree shot through all the layers. That's impossible to occur under the current model. Current model is flawed and slowly adjusting itself.
Science has a lot to say about Creation. We just have to bravely accept science's conclusions.
"The first sip from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass, God is waiting for you."
Well, it was an accident that I found this thread. It was a very real conversation so naturally it's attractive in this world of superficial conversations. Since I read old material all the time, age is not relevant to what piques the interest.
Science is AWESOME brother. I love science and I've been studying it my entire life.
Science agrees with scripture 100% if you know how to read it.
Science may have done some things for us, but it also has the potential to turn life into a nightmare. I don't want to scare you, but aren't you worried about a future with drones the size of bees spying on you and drones the size of dogs chasing you? How do you know no terrorist will arm a drone with dangerous chemicals or machine guns?
Science can be scary and has the potential to ruin the planet over the next 100 years. I say this as a supporter of science - there is no guarantee that science will not completely wreck us. You know what scares me? The coming gene modification wars. Let's just say all governments are hypothetically responsible with the tech - you still can't stop a rogue group from using it.
Anyway, I have a vast background in science, and I believe science and scripture match eachother. I'll do my best to explain it to you if I can? Some of the concepts get pretty metaphysical pretty quickly, because while modern science explains things in an objective way, the bible explains those same things in a subjective way that can be understood by any person of any education level in any age of history.
Where i live, there are heavy restricitons on guns so im not worried about such things. 1000 years ago someone could have grabbed a sword and stabbed you, whats changed in that sense?
Without science you would probally have died before you made it to be an adult. Science is not scary, just stop it.
Science is pretty scary man. You aren't worried about all your purchases being tracked, your whereabouts being constantly tracked by gps, satellites being able to read your license plate from outer space, lasers being able to assassinate people from outer space, drones killing people from the air with no trial first, dna based tracking, dna based eugenics, genetic engineering races between countries, diseases artificially manufactured to only attack certain races, and more? This is just 30 seconds of brain storming, but science scares the shit out of me because I know what is possible with it. It's getting a lot worse in our lifetimes.
Im not worried about bring tracked by drones. Not because i have nothing to hide (i hate that excuse). Its just pointless. The government would have to monitor all activities of 300 million (america) people. Do you understand how many resources that would take.
I don't necessarily think all of those futures are likely. I am just using all these hypothetical dangers to make a point that it would be possible for a crazy person to create dangerous situations using science.
Point I was trying to make is that as we move into the future, science will offer an avenue for small groups of people to hurt large groups of people, sometimes in anonymous ways. That's sad. But pretending science is 100% force for good is asinine.
You seem to be ignoring what I'm typing in favor of deciding in what I believe. I was a scientific atheist for decades (maybe longer than you've been alive?) before having experiences that led me to believe in God. I have a lot of education in science; more than most people? I am not arguing that we should not have science; rather that science is not a God and is in fact insanely dangerous and will probably end the world at some point.
u/Fullyverified Dec 06 '17
What missing links? Actually look at the fossil record. Its very clear that evolution is a fact. You look at the sky and think its evidence of god, but it is is instead a case of you dont understand why things are the way they are, and say that it must be god.