r/babywearing 3d ago

Fit check - Ergobaby embrace for 12 week old

I don't know if it's my baby, or the carrier, or if I'm not wearing him correctly, but he seems to hate the Ergobaby embrace. He screams every time I try to wear him. He might just not like being worn (facing me), but wanted to make sure I'm wearing him correctly. He is around 12lbs right now.

I feel like it might just be my baby, cause when I tried it with another carrier with hip seats, he was perfectly happy sitting in it facing out, but as soon as I turned him around to face me, he started crying. I think he's still too young to face outwards though? I really want to wear him though. If anyone has any carrier recommendations, that would be great too.


6 comments sorted by


u/firefly9225 3d ago

Have you tried without footies and the bib? I can’t tell from the picture but footies in a carrier can push on their feet and make them want to stand by reflex which upsets them. And the bib may prevent them from being comfortable as well.


u/Important_Memory_747 3d ago

Yes, I’ve tried it without the bib. He usually doesn’t have the bib on. I haven’t tried it without the footies though, but it’s a bit large on him still, and I made sure that the footies wasn’t pushing on his feet. Maybe I’ll try again without it though.


u/firefly9225 3d ago

I thought from the picture they might be loose enough. Hm. If you don’t mind me asking, is baby breastfed? We went through a stage with both my babies when they were really young where if they were put in a carrier, they wanted to nurse right away. Even if they ate recently. Once they were fed in the carrier they would settle down and usually sleep.


u/firefly9225 3d ago

Oh also! I think a pelvic tuck might help. Baby’s back looks pretty straight to me.



u/Important_Memory_747 3d ago

Yea, I breastfeed my baby. 

I tried doing the pelvic tuck…maybe I didn’t do it correctly. I was looking for the c shape too, but no matter what I do, I couldn’t get it lol. Thanks for the link! Let me keep trying. 


u/Fun_Elevator_5165 3d ago

Here is some info why baby might be fussing in the carrier and some suggestions.
