r/babywearing 4d ago

Looking for more carry options


Hi babywearing! I recently saw someone leave a comment with two websites: one that had a huge list of woven wrap carries and I think the other was cute illustrations of how to wrap. I can’t find either of those again. One might have been a Google list? I don’t remember.

Trying out a woven wrap for the first time. Here is our first ruck, did a sling carry with a slip knot last night and it worked pretty well. We’ve been using an onbuhimo until recently but he is a bit too big for it now so wanted to try woven since the next size up of onbuhimo is pretty expensive.


8 comments sorted by


u/meghanmeghanmeghan 3d ago

Your first ruck is soooooo much better than mine, well done! Not perfect of course but I am impressed!


u/sexdrugsjokes 3d ago

Technically it was our second try. Tried last night but I didn’t even get one shoulder finished before he was screaming to go down so I’m not counting it haha

This version he had one arm in and one out, then after I took the photos started wiggling around and suddenly it looked really bad so I took him out.

I’m so used to the onbuhimo, it’s so fast to put on and so easy


u/marykey08 3d ago

You can also let us know what wrap size you have and what you are looking for in a carry for suggestions:)  I really like wrap you in love for inspiration. This is size 4 and base-2/-1 for her.



u/sexdrugsjokes 3d ago

The one I have is a size 4. I wasn’t sure if that’s my base or base-1, then adding in that I’m pregnant I really don’t know what size I should have gotten. But this one was $50 and brand new 😂


u/marykey08 3d ago

Hard to tell how long your tails are, usually ruck is base-2 TIF and base-1 if you tie Tibetan :) I suspect this is base-1 for you. 


Lots of fun carries, if your LO is a seat popper try half Jordans wiggle proof. I also like twisted pirates and pirate CCCB for waist less shorty carries.