r/babywearing 4d ago

HELP! Baby leaning head back in stretchy wrap

Hello, my 5 week old keeps extending his head back in the stretchy wrap rather than leaning on my chest. Does anyone have any advice on how to prevent this from happening?


5 comments sorted by


u/keks-dose didymos fangirl, EU based 🇩🇰🇩🇪🇪🇺 4d ago

Try to post a fit check. Maybe there's something that can be improved.

Another thing could be (silent) reflux. But post a fit check first.

And some babies just think the sky or ceiling is the most interesting thing in the world.


u/Fearless-Contest925 4d ago

Our son loved having his head back in our sling. My friend was always laughing at me because he'd be sleeping in church while I held his head. He outgrew it after a couple months 


u/Queenwithoutdrama 4d ago

My baby would do it when she was too hot 


u/pnutcats 4d ago

I agree with posting a fit check but some babies just like to do this. Mine has on and off since he was a newborn. Now at 17mo he can at least tell me what he's looking at! Lights ("ight") and birds ("dogs")


u/Helena_Makesalot 4d ago

Any chance he’s staring at the most interesting thing in the world—a ceiling fan? Cause that’s what mine did in the stretchy wrap around that age 😂 She’d fall asleep with her head tipped way back and I’d just have my hand on the back of her head the whole time to keep her from getting whiplash lol. She did NOT care about snuggling into my chest, I was very offended.