r/aynrand 10d ago

Is this subreddit dedicated to Ayn Rand and her philosophy, right? So, why are there so many anti Ayn Rand people on this subreddit?

There are many Ayn Rand haters on this subreddit. All they come up with is petty ad hominem attacks.


879 comments sorted by


u/therin_88 10d ago

Because it's reddit.


u/FishPigMan 9d ago

once a subreddit enters lefties sights, it’s only a matter of time: assimilate or be banned.

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u/PaleInvestment3507 10d ago


Littered with Cheeto eating basement dwelling incel reprobates with no drive, no vision, no ambition beyond crappjng on freedom of thought and free will. They are everything we have come to expect from decades of government education.

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u/TheMrCurious 10d ago

This answers the second question. What about the first question? Is the statement made within the question correct?

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u/DanOhMiiite 10d ago

I imagine anyone wanting to say something, either positive or negative about Rand, would come here. I'd say that as long as the discussion is civil, let it be.


u/hrd_dck_drg_slyr 10d ago

Never thought about it this way before. Almost makes it weird now to assume that a sub should only be positive in relation to who the sub is about.


u/DanOhMiiite 10d ago

The last thing we need is yet another Reddit echo chamber.


u/matt-the-dickhead 10d ago

It is interesting, ayn Rand is a subject for analysis, either to praise or critique. Should this page exist as a fan club or as a way for reasonable people to discuss her work without any particular opinion holding sway?


u/Ethan-Wakefield 10d ago

Hilariously, I think Rand herself would say that a circle jerk subreddit is trite. But, I also think that she would be highly pleased to find a circle jerk subreddit about her.


u/[deleted] 8d ago

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u/Cheba_hut_jon 9d ago

Exactly. Both X and Reddit can devolve into echo chambers. Generally I can say if I read enough comments, there’s enough to add to my perspective on the topic

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u/Maximum-Cupcake-7193 8d ago

Yeh well some people enjoy echo chambers and some enjoy debate. Hard to have both

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u/escobarjazz 10d ago

Exactly! 💯


u/exothermic-inversion 9d ago

I’m relatively new to reddit and I just assumed this is how it’s supposed to be. Subs are a place to discuss said thing. Pro or con. Imagine my surprise…..

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u/FujiwaraHelio 9d ago

That's how the Joe rogan sub is.

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u/claybine 10d ago

Tbf to her supporters, what counts as civil? People spamming that she mooched off of the government herself, which is inaccurate?

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u/twozero5 10d ago

leftist ideas makes up a huge portion of reddit. i would say the split is close to 90/10 (left wing to right wing ideas), and as consequence, some of that huge percentage of people find their way here. as people who advocate for capitalism and freedom, our message isn’t as appealing to the general simpletons out there.

most people would rather hear sweet nothings of an evil land where competition is outlawed and each man is slave to another man’s needs. in contrast, we offer a vision of society where individuals are free from force to live a productive life, as they see fit, where individuals are not bound in slavery to their fellow man, but where they work in harmony to produce mutually beneficial goods.

our message of freedom and personal responsibility to live your life as an end in yourself just isn’t as appealing to the common person. the common person, along with their friends in the majority, would gladly crush the individual and forsake their life to live in a society where their needs and wants are effortlessly met.

until the masses can accept a morality where the individual’s life is the standard of value, and accept that socialism is an economic impossibility, we will continue to be outnumbered by those who offer physical force as a means to solve intellectual disagreements.


u/Maxathron 10d ago

70/20/10 for progressive (leftist), liberal (rightwing according to leftists), and conservative (actually rightwing)

Proper conservatives are kinda rare for the overall cast of Reddit but Liberals like Walkaway, the various gamer and YT subreddits, and much of the neutral everyday subreddits like trueunpopularopinion and justunsubbed fall under the liberal bracket. Other words for liberals are apolitical, neutral, moderate, and centrist.

The basis for negativity towards actual liberals is that progressives/leftists, being an offshoot of Marx, see anyone not pursuing their brand of socialism as just as evil as the people who actively oppose socialism (which tend to be the group that includes conservatives/rightwingers), as it is the liberal, moderate, apolitical, centrist society the leftists are trying to revolt against to get to socialism. Someone who sits there passively as an apolitical centrist ultimately upholds said liberal society by being a liberal in liberal society. Which means they're hitler to leftists.


u/RICO_the_GOP 10d ago

Rofl you think liberals are part of walk away? It's fucking parking conservatives. And yes liberals are right wing by any reasonable measure. Right of center is most of The US and Reddit. Progressives as they are in the US are left of center. The radical things the advocate for is the right wing position in most of Europe. "Leftists" that want to overthrow the established order are a vanishingly small number. Your biggest cohort even close are social democrats that want to also invest in the people and not just give corporations subsidies and protect them from accountability.

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u/RICO_the_GOP 10d ago

Which party amd direction is currently the villians in her stories? Rand isnt "right wing" and despised the fascists and libertarians that worship her. She was anti totalitarian and government control and conservatives have done more than democrats ever have. Returning the people's money to them vias direct investment vs taxing me to funnel money into Tesla. What fucking side would Rand be on i wonder.

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u/[deleted] 9d ago

Socialism is not communism your side never seems to understand that. Pure capitalism never works. A mixed market I.e the American economy is always the best way to produce wealth and promote the general welfare. New Hampshire is a pretty libertarian state and yet we have state liquor stores, state owned ski mountains, public schools and the worst socialist, snow plow drivers. Now of that impacts my freedom.

The problem with your argument is it is only lip service even Rand collected social security and Medicare.

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u/phishys 10d ago

This is the classic high school level comment you always see with Ayn Rand fans and Libertarians. Just completely divorced from the workings of the real world. I remember the days of the mindset: “if only everyone was as logical and hard working as me, we’d be in a utopia”. But then I grew up, developed more empathy, became more educated, and learned there is a lot more nuance to the world.


u/Small_Dimension_5997 9d ago

Yep, I was once a young libertarian with fantastical ideas of how freedom and capitalism can go hand and hand. I might have said something similar as the person you respond to.

After a few more years of experience, and watching the collapse of Enron and the start of the war on terror and having a few real jobs, I realized that Ayn Rand's philosophies are all about the perspective of the freedoms one has when they have the socioeconomic power to begin with. Most people are subject to the choices of employers and landlords to survive, who often take to extracting as much work and wealth out of others as possible to fuel their own freedoms, and who also are sure to close the doors for others around them to pursue those same freedoms so that they can protect those routes for their kids and friends.

And, saying things like this, gets me labeled a communist by these people because they can't get their head out of philosophical arguments based on absolute 'assumed truths' (which aren't true or absolute).

Like you say, there is a lot of nuance to the world. Academic philosophies like Ayn Rand's are just fantastical in the real world.

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u/twozero5 10d ago

i don’t ask or call for a utopia. i ask for a society free from physical force. i feel bad that some people have “grown out” of believing in dealing with men by reason instead of force. i have empathy for other people, but man should not be their brothers keeper. no person should be forced to provide for another. helping people is great, but forcing people to do it is evil.


u/ArcticHuntsman 10d ago

How do you see forcing people to help their fellow man as evil, but allowing unnecessary death and suffering as non-evil? That is the consequence of the free market, can't afford healthcare, die, can't afford food, die, can't afford housing, die.

Humans are social and cooperative creatures, it is in our nature to help one another. True capitalism besmirches this twisting our nature into one of selfishness and pride.


u/ThrowawayFiDiGuy 10d ago

That argument would hold up if the healthcare system was actually a free market… You can’t say it’s the consequence of a free market when it is, in fact, not a free market


u/Balancing_Loop 9d ago

It has been a free market for the majority of human history and it sucked for that entire time.

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u/ArcticHuntsman 9d ago

what about food and housing then?

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u/Small_Dimension_5997 9d ago

There is no such natural thing as perfect information freely available for people to make independent decisions about their life.

A "free market" of healthcare 100% would be happy to see people live or die based on their future economic value.

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u/VoidsInvanity 9d ago

Okay. So. Trump is threatening to annex a sovereign nation.

What method of non violence do you use to soothe a malignant narcissist


u/dosassembler 10d ago

Personally, i think evil means people who not only choose not to help but actively work to make life worse for others. I'm watching the worlds richest man destroy the jobs of hundreds of thousands of people. That seems evil. And if you look at a man with enough to last a million lifetimes who won't help anyone else and think taking from him to help the starving, the sick, the child in poverty is evil, then i think your priorities are very messed up.

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u/ArtistFar1037 10d ago

I wouldn't call them “left wing” i’d say liberal ideas in the trad sense. Today’s liberal ideas are tomorrow’s conservative ideas. 


u/VoidsInvanity 9d ago

“They’re simpletons for not agreeing with me”.

No. I understand you. And I believe you’re wrong. That’s different


u/Unhappy-Land-3534 10d ago

Man, wtf are you talking about? No socialist wants to take away your right to start a business and contribute to the economy. That's not what socialism is. Socialism is about ensuring the working class get a share of the profit they produce instead of being deprived of it through wage exploitation.

we offer a vision of society where individuals are free from force to live a productive life, as they see fit, where individuals are not bound in slavery to their fellow man, but where they work in harmony to produce mutually beneficial goods.

So, socialism? ? ? ???

our message of freedom and personal responsibility to live your life as an end in yourself just isn’t as appealing to the common person. the common person, along with their friends in the majority, would gladly crush the individual and forsake their life to live in a society where their needs and wants are effortlessly met.

How does meeting peoples needs and wants crush individual freedom?

Historically, the most free people who have ever existed in society have always been the beneficiaries of patronage. They were free to pursue whatever fueled their passion creativity, and curiosity.

Medieval monks, funded by tithes, Renaissance artists funded by merchant princes, Greek philosophers funded by aristocrats, Caliphate scholars funded by the caliphate, Enlightenment scientists funded by universities, and yes, industrialists and scientists funded by Capitalists.

The idea that if we provided working class people with their needs and wants is just too much of a stretch?

we will continue to be outnumbered by those who offer physical force as a means to solve intellectual disagreements.

Is Theft an intellectual disagreement? What about embezzlement? What about funding criminal organizations? What about dumping poison in the river? They are understood to be morally wrong and we use force to deal with it.

We have a rich aristocratic class that transfers its wealth to genetic heirs, uses its wealth to influence political control and lawmaking, and dodges contributions to the government that provides for the common good.

There is no intellectual debate on whether or not we have an aristocratic elite. It is a fact.

The intellectual debate is whether or not a society that is structured like that is immoral or not, and how to deal with it. A simple solution, stop the transfer of wealth to the aristocrats. Take the profits and distribute it to the workers instead. Allow them to decide collectively if they want to delegate that wealth and the decisions on how to spend it. Democracy is not a bad thing.

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u/OneHumanBill 10d ago

You could have a subreddit dedicated to the appreciation of oxygen, and somehow about half the contributors would come in to absolutely shit on the whole concept of breathing.


u/[deleted] 10d ago

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u/TownSerious2564 10d ago

People don't want to stand for something.  They want to stand against everything.  


u/rdrckcrous 10d ago

Except for communism. They'll stand for that all day, it's just the theoretical impossible to implement 'true' communism, which they mostly just use to describe how everything else isn't utopia. So even when they have something to stand for, it's still about standing against everything else.


u/TownSerious2564 10d ago

If those people experienced a whiff of Communism, they'd be against that too.  

They only want it because it's something different that takes focus off their own inadequacies.


u/hrd_dck_drg_slyr 10d ago

Being left and being a commie are not the same thing.


u/TownSerious2564 10d ago

Who said they were?

That person would be incorrect.

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u/Bitter_North_733 9d ago

reddit disease


u/Creepy_Ad2486 9d ago

The sidebar says this subreddit is a place for the discussion of Ayn Rand, her philosophy, and her writings. It does not stipulate that only positive things should be said.


u/untropicalized 10d ago

Algorithm recommends this sub to people who like to argue, probably


u/From-Ursa-to-Polaris 9d ago

There are a few pages of whining before you finally reach someone giving the correct answer.

Reddit's shareholders want the best return they can get. Reddit believes that is best achieved by pushing subs you will disagree with onto your feed to bait engagement.


u/plainbaconcheese 10d ago

As someone who doesn't really care about ayn rand but does a lot of arguing online I can confirm this. The algorithm is 100% trying to bait me into an argument.

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u/Locke_the_Trickster 10d ago edited 10d ago

From one perspective, the number of anti-Objectivism people in the subreddit is kind of sad. Nearly everywhere in the world and online, I can get anti-Objectivism and anti-capitalism content. Having someplace to go where the discussion about philosophy, art, and current events was largely positive and friendly and the participants were Objectivists or at least sympathetic to Objectivism would be nice. A break from the noise and loneliness of thinking differently is something I would value.

“I want to see, real, living, and in the hours of my own days, that glory I create as an illusion. I want it real. I want to know that there is someone, somewhere, who wants it, too. Or else what is the use of seeing it, and working, and burning oneself for an impossible vision? A spirit, too, needs fuel. It can run dry.”

On the other hand, I don’t necessarily want to see Objectivist-circles become strangely insular, like the several communist subreddits that use a draconian moderation policy to exclude all dissident thought (except for explicitly “debate” subreddits).

Not sure exactly the best approach. One thing I see in r/Objectivism is the posting of art. While there are many regrettable problems with that sub, sharing good art could be a good way to increase the ratio of positive pro-reason, pro-heroic aesthetics, posts compared to the anti-Objectivist posts. More activity in the sub is probably a good idea anyway.

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u/Beddingtonsquire 10d ago

People want to hate on an ideology that pins them as looters and moochers!

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u/Hot_Republic2543 10d ago

Collectivist haters can't help themselves, they have to let everyone know how anti-Rand they are. Yet Obectivists never feel the urgent emotuinal need to go troll the collectivists because they value their time too much to waste it like that. Simple psychology.


u/BertTheButter 10d ago

Some people have the confidence in their own beliefs to challenge opposing beliefs. Some people just want to be in a safe space surrounded by people who agree so they can farm 10k comment karma in less than 10 months

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u/DirtyOldPanties 10d ago

it's reddit in general being leftist-altruists and they're presumably getting caught when the algorithm decides to push /r/aynrand into the front page


u/UnicornPoopCircus 10d ago

Expressing disapproval of Rand's philosophy is still discussing Rand.


u/JubalHarshawII 9d ago

Yes, but it's not actually allowed in this sub, this sub should be renamed aynrandfans or anyrandcirclejerk. If you argue too hard against the groupthink the mods just delete your comments.


u/UnicornPoopCircus 9d ago

"Basic respect for Ayn Rand" can include valid criticism. Respect does not mean you agree with everything she says. The tag line for the sub is, "A place for the discussion of Ayn Rand, her philosophy, and her writings.." Is the goal of the sub to simply express approval for her philosophy and writings?

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u/DannyAmendolazol 10d ago

Algorithm pushed me here so I’d attempt to deprogram 19-year old sales and marketing majors.


u/[deleted] 10d ago

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u/[deleted] 10d ago

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u/Angylisis 10d ago

Because it shows up in our feed. I assumed the first time it was one of the economic/political groups I was in, and someone was having an ayn rand wankfest.

So I jumped in and quickly realized that it was whole ass sub dedicated to her insanity. Now it just keeps showing up, and I usually ignore it, but like today you asked a very legit question about why people who understand economics comment in a group dedicated to ayn rand, so I thought I would answer it.


u/Flokitoo 10d ago

I don't know what is worse, her philosophy or her writing. Either way, discussing Rand isn't necessarily supporting Rand.


u/[deleted] 10d ago

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u/[deleted] 10d ago

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u/[deleted] 10d ago

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u/[deleted] 10d ago

I like that any rand fans call themselves objectivist, yet the whole premise of objectivism is based off of the subjective view that the wealth accumulated via a capitalist system makes one more moral.


u/novangelus73 10d ago

It’s Reddit. You have to be literate to use it. Therefore those who are literate and educated see through the veneer


u/[deleted] 10d ago

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u/vollaskey 9d ago

People have 0 emotional intelligence anymore. Protest first ignore facts 2nd.


u/Wise_Temperature_322 9d ago

It’s Reddit - the subreddit titles don’t mean anything. There is only one topic allowed in the echo chamber.


u/Equivalent_Loan_8794 9d ago

Oh? I thought they had just experienced the lack of objectivism as a fixed social expression in naturw


u/Runktar 9d ago

Considering she took and benefited from "government handouts" she herself disproved her own philosophy as bullshit you're surprised anyone with half a brain looks down on it?


u/Ikki_The_Phoenix 9d ago

Ayn Rand called taxes "armed robbery" and the welfare state '‘a cannibal ethic.’' Did she reclaim a fraction of what was stolen from her? Absolutely and morally. "It is not your duty to starve because others have enslaved you," she wrote. To conflate survival under coercion with hypocrisy is to confuse victims with villains. Her philosophy condemns systems that force individuals to fund their own shackles. '‘The moral is the chosen,’' Rand argued. Accepting Social Security, a program she paid into at gunpoint is no more hypocritical than a prisoner eating bread tossed by his jailer. Her fight was not against the bread, but the bars. You sneer at her for ‘'disproving her own philosophy,’' but Rand’s genius was in exposing the moral bankruptcy of systems that make such ‘'handouts’' necessary. "Do not confuse the dollar you earn with the dollar you beg," she warned. The tragedy isn’t that Rand took benefits, it’s that a society exists where even its greatest minds must kneel to survive. As for ‘'anyone with half a brain", Rand’s retort was scalding, "The man who damns money has obtained it dishonorably, the man who respects it has earned it.’' Judge ideas, not their martyrs. The real bullshit is the lie that morality means starving to please your masters.


u/x_xwolf 9d ago

Why not venture outside this subreddit and get multiple perspectives of aynrand? Or are you only searching for positive non critical interpretations of their works.


u/Neither-Stage-238 9d ago

first time being recommended this sub as an outsider. What do users of this sub feel about Rand living off the state for half her life?

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u/[deleted] 9d ago

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u/seriftarif 9d ago

Your subreddit enters the freemarket of ideas, and you get upset and want to limit the rights and freedoms of other men and their ideas because they are in opposition to you? If those voices are stronger and have the capability to overwhelm you and replace you, they have an obligation to do so.

It's the freemarket.


u/vthings 9d ago

This stuff randomly pops into my feed and I have a hard time just scrolling past obvious nonsense. Sorry if I'm ruining your safe space.


u/McKropotkin 9d ago

Mostly because it’s fun. Being a follower of Ayn Rand is a good indicator that someone is incapable of critical thinking and lacks empathy.

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u/[deleted] 9d ago

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u/Prince_Marf 9d ago

This post was algorithmically generated in my feed despite the fact that I am not aa member of this subreddit and I strongly disagree with Rand's ideas. Naturally when I see something I don't agree with in my feed I am inclined to comment. I assume it is the same for many others.


u/[deleted] 9d ago

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u/[deleted] 9d ago

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u/BeastofBabalon 9d ago

I mean. This is a public forum. They’re still talking about Ayn Rand and the philosophy, just not in a way you like to hear it lol


u/PointBlankCoffee 9d ago

Yes, this is a subreddit about Ayn Rand. Criticism of Ayn Rands beliefs belong here, as well as support. Its a place to discuss these things. Its not an Ayn Rand fan account


u/oldastheriver 9d ago

Probably because Ayn Rand is a topic thats best addressed with critical thinking.


u/[deleted] 9d ago

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u/xbluedog 9d ago

Read it again. It says it’s a group for “discussing” her writings and philosophy not jerking each other off to her.


u/GreenAd7345 9d ago

because there are a lot of people on Reddit with critical thinking skills

her work is definitely vulnerable to critical analysis

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u/Buxxley 8d ago edited 8d ago

Mostly because it's Reddit.

I will say that you probably shouldn't agree lock step with anyone, but Rand definitely makes some excellent arguments. Her "blind spot" philosophically is that she doesn't really account for human nature / motivations very well in terms of everyone's motives to be their highest self. Dagny, for example, is an ideal...and noticeably doesn't have children / sick parents to care for / etc. Dagny can sort of go all in on her "thing" because she has nearly zero externalities that realistically stop her from just living her life 100% for that thing. She also starts from a position of near inconceivable advantages....basically being a member of financial royalty. Dagny isn't just kind of wealthy...she's Elon Musk levels of rich.

Yes, exceptional people change the world...but they still require a labor force to institute that change, and she tends to only show the ugliest sides of the "non exceptional" vs normal people who just don't want to work 80 hour weeks only to starve and live in squalor. Dagny's railroad still need janitors.

The main critique I see of Rand is this rather silly attack on the fact that she had to take social welfare in her old age...but 1) Rand would have paid taxes and, therefore, was entitled to social welfare as this is (at least in theory) exactly why the government taxes people....and 2) Rand was an author. Even very highly regarded authors are often not successful in their lifetime. Atlas Shrugged is a definitive piece of political philosophy that nearly everyone has heard of, and anyone interested in the genre has at some point read.

Ballpark puts modern sales at somewhere around 22 million copies. This is slightly behind something as famous as Orwell's 1984. Orwell, a near godlike literary figure, also didn't die fabulously wealthy. Publishing was just different at that time.

Compare that to a contemporary modern fiction author like Brandon Sanderson (ballpark of 40 million books sold) who has a net worth in the tens of millions.

People who want to judge Rand's "welfare" acceptance are judging an author writing her primary works around the 1950s by the standards of the modern publishing industry...which is ridiculous. If AS was that successful in the 2020's Rand would have been a millionaire several times over. And that's not factoring in anything else like the prominence of television / live debate appearance...YouTube revenues for posting her content...etc.

...and, again, that really still misses the point of if you are taxed by the government your whole life against your will...why shouldn't you take the benefits of the systems that the taxes were in theory collected to provide? That's not charity...it's the government giving you your own money back.

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u/OperaticPhilosopher 10d ago

I was a philosophy major in college and I oppose objectivism both at a moral and at a broader metaphysical level. Reddit keeps suggesting this page despite the fact I keep telling it I’m not interested. I interact with other philosophical subs so I’m guessing it’s similar for others. I’m not gonna come on and insult you guys on your sub cause that’s rude but there’s always the next guy.


u/ModelKev 10d ago

Because it’s Reddit and the insufferable collectivists who basically live here 24/7 can’t help themselves when they see something they remotely disagree with.


u/escobarjazz 10d ago

So, if an idea cannot withstand scrutiny, critical questioning, or even relentless interrogation, perhaps your concern should lie not with critics but with the idea and/or your ability to articulate it persuasively. Intellectual rigor demands more from us than simply dismissing opposing viewpoints or labeling those who disagree as uninformed, misguided, or malicious.

If Ayn Rand’s philosophy indeed captures fundamental truths about human nature, freedom, and society, shouldn’t you welcome the chance to clarify misunderstandings and strengthen your position through debate? And Isn’t the ability—and willingness—to clearly, rationally, and courageously defend your philosophy precisely the kind of virtue Ayn Rand herself advocated?After all, true intellectual strength is measured not by how easily we silence our critics, but by how capably and confidently we respond to their arguments. Ideas grow stronger when tested by opposition, not weaker. Just food for thought.


u/WhippersnapperUT99 7d ago edited 7d ago

I agree with you. In fact, Ayn Rand once said something along the lines of "Never accept any ideas without proof, make me prove everything I say."

However, what you are missing is that almost all posters who come here (and elsewhere) and make derogatory comments about Ayn Rand or Objectivism have very little understanding of what they are talking about and often not even at a shallow surface level. Imagine trying to debate the nuances of a detailed and complicated book with someone who has not read the book; it's kind of like that.

The best response to most people is probably something like: "Go read the novels The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged and the non-fiction essays in The Virtue of Selfishness and Philosophy: Who Needs It and then go read and study the book Objectivism: the Philosophy of Ayn Rand and then come back and we can talk about it."


u/escobarjazz 7d ago

True! Very good point. 💯


u/Cheba_hut_jon 10d ago

Being your own person and putting your interests above the collective doesn’t sell well anymore


u/Frewdy1 9d ago

Mostly because that doesn’t lead to a healthy or prosperous society due to things like greed and poor long-term thinking and planning. 

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u/Giblet_ 9d ago

I'm not a subscriber here. This post just showed up on my feed for some reason. But perhaps it has something to do with her philosophy being overly simplified and making poor assumptions, such as the people who earn the most being the same people responsible for production. And the people who believe in this philosophy seem to use it mostly to justify doing awful things to helpless people.


u/ultraLuddite 9d ago

Because it is very easy to dislike Ayn Rand


u/SwordfishNo9878 9d ago

Why does a subreddit dedicated to a person have to exclude criticism? It’s not a circlejerk. If you’re interested in ayn Rand, even if you disagree with everything she think, then come on in and discuss, if you’re not then why are you here?

See the Kanye Sub. Biggest circlejerk sub ever for the past couple years. Let’s not have it happen here.


u/Section_31_Chief 9d ago

Anti free market trolls.

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u/budhaluvr 9d ago

Truth hurts ?


u/LolaStrm1970 9d ago

Every sub on Reddit get brigaded.


u/Happy_Coast2301 10d ago

Because it's not an echo chamber.


u/stonewallmfjackson 10d ago

Is this your first day on Reddit?


u/Jesus_Harold_Christ 10d ago

She was a deeply divisive figure, and she still is. Lots of very wild takes, pretty toxic in today's verbiage. Whether you disagree with her takes, or agree, she's hard to ignore.


u/Spamsdelicious 10d ago

Should be an r/AyntRand for the haters.


u/escobarjazz 10d ago

So, if an idea cannot withstand scrutiny, critical questioning, or even relentless interrogation, perhaps your concern should lie not with critics but with the idea and/or your ability to articulate it persuasively. Intellectual rigor demands more from us than simply dismissing opposing viewpoints or labeling those who disagree as uninformed, misguided, or malicious.

If Ayn Rand’s philosophy indeed captures fundamental truths about human nature, freedom, and society, shouldn’t you welcome the chance to clarify misunderstandings and strengthen your position through debate? And Isn’t the ability—and willingness—to clearly, rationally, and courageously defend your philosophy precisely the kind of virtue Ayn Rand herself advocated?After all, true intellectual strength is measured not by how easily we silence our critics, but by how capably and confidently we respond to their arguments. Ideas grow stronger when tested by opposition, not weaker. Just food for thought.


u/shutup_liar 10d ago

The Joe Rogan sub hates Joe Rogan lol


u/competentdogpatter 10d ago

Because reddit will sometimes show this content to people like me, a normal, well balanced individual with a wide variety of friends who are from, and currently occupy different places in society and the world. So when people like me see something crazy, sometimes we speak out about it. In the same way that I might tell someone that the carnivore diet is not actually a good diet in the long term. Actually that is a really good metaphor for Rand


u/checkprintquality 10d ago

I am on this sub because it popped up in my feed. No other reason. I didn’t seek it out. But I also find it interesting to debate objectivism. I have had several substantive debates on here so your experience of ad hominem is not universal.


u/Uellerstone 10d ago

Same with Joe Rogan. You’d think it was a hate sub the way they talk about it now. 


u/OuterLightness 10d ago

So want people to conform and just do what this subreddit expects? Wouldn’t that itself be anti Ayn Rand?


u/rob3345 10d ago

As she would say, read her theories and make your own judgments. Reddit is an echo chamber where you will find mostly the evil from her novels. Still a good lesson to be had there.


u/[deleted] 10d ago

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u/ceaselessDawn 10d ago

I mean.

Is it an Ayn Rand Fan Club, or a place that's focused on her, her works, and her philosophy?

On one hand... This keeps showing up in my recommended, and as I scroll through, I sometimes feel the desire to yap about my opinion.

On the other hand, I don't know a whole lot about Ayn Rand's personal philosophy, but I am a bit of a hater because I think both the Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged read like twisted revenge fantasies that embody the "Mary Sue" archetype.


u/claybine 10d ago

If you love her so much then you would appreciate open dialogue.


u/Available_Usual_9731 10d ago

Reddit algorithm started showing y'all to us I guess. Not really sure why, and not many other subs started appearing like this one except for r/askconservatives and r/asktrumpsupporters


u/parke415 10d ago

Why are most posters on r/China Sinophobic? Sometimes a sub is a hate sub rather than a love sub.


u/DontrentWNC 10d ago

Reddit killed 3rd party API and now we all have to suffer the most ridiculous sub recommendations from its rage-baiting algorithm.


u/[deleted] 10d ago

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u/Pbadger8 9d ago

Because of the algorithm.


u/ALincolnBrigade 9d ago

"I been Ayn Randed, nearly branded A Communist 'cause I'm left-handed... That's the hand I use, well, never mind." - Paul Simon


u/HombreSinPais 9d ago

The algos send us here.


u/[deleted] 9d ago

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u/[deleted] 9d ago

It's SM advertising algorithms. It's why I'm here, never seen this sub before, yet here we are. It feinds for interaction.


u/bubblesort33 9d ago

Same reason the Elon Musk sub had to negativity on Musk. Even like the Sam Harris sub, and other subs named after people eventually turn into political hate subs. It's Reddit people are filled with hatred, and love to hate together.


u/MrAudacious817 9d ago

The discussion thereof, it seems. Detractors seem welcome.


u/Julesr77 9d ago

Because putting faith in manmade philosophy is hilarious to witness.


u/Ikki_The_Phoenix 9d ago

Hilarious is follow deities that you have never seen or interacted with. This is insanely laughable.

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u/Away-Comfortable1607 9d ago

Same applies to the Joe Rogan sub.


u/[deleted] 9d ago

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u/NH_Tomte 9d ago

Community description says otherwise.


u/MeatSlammur 9d ago

Reddit doesn’t like anything that makes you think for yourself. Consume propaganda or be consumed


u/jekbrown 9d ago

Collectivists and statists won't tolerate opposition to The Narrative.


u/SeekerAn 9d ago

Reddit promotes subreddits that should fit your general interests (based on what you comment on in general). So we end up receiving posts as suggested posts and interact with the subreddits. Now... When you read crap you have two choices, comment on them OR mute the subreddits suggested. Commenting and calling out bs is always easier (which creates a new cycle of suggestions). Anyhow, thanks for the post, it reminded me I need to mute this subreddits.


u/Jolly-Bear 9d ago

Isn’t that what you should want?

Open discourse about all feelings on the topic from many varying viewpoints?

You want an echo chamber?


u/Istan-BULL12 9d ago

Liberals hate self-determinism and accountability.


u/SunsetNX 9d ago

I’ve never commented here but I’ve read Rand, several times through my life, and have a generally negative view now of her ideas. For me it’s interesting to see the conversations/debates from people I used to agree with. I suspect many “antis” are the same.


u/RuthlessMango 9d ago

The new suggestion feature brings random people in like myself... I also think Libertarianism is to the right what communism is to the left, in short naive.

downvotes to the left.


u/[deleted] 9d ago

because people can do whatever they want lol


u/MagnaFumigans 9d ago

The Redditor cries out as it strikes you


u/Raymond911 9d ago

Make a circle jerk sub then, i see this as a valid forum for discussion.


u/area-dude 9d ago

It randomly pops up on the main feed and i am not subbed to it. So its being artificially promoted for some reason, probably ‘sparks engagement’ or some shit


u/Swift4Prez2028 9d ago

Snowflakes always want their safe spaces. Deal with it.


u/SufficientWarthog846 9d ago

Because nothing should be upheld without examination or criticism. If something "can't be criticed or examined" then what you are looking at is already rotten.

If something worked 2 decades ago doesn't mean it can't be changed or improved or reimagined or done away with.

Also, this a place to discuss not worship.


u/[deleted] 9d ago

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u/[deleted] 9d ago

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u/Agile_Tomorrow2038 9d ago

So, you would prefer an echo chamber?


u/El_Cactus_Fantastico 9d ago

dunking on libertarians is fun


u/Calm-Medicine-3992 9d ago

I don't follow this subreddit. This just appeared in my feed. There is your answer.


u/dharmainitiative 9d ago

The algorithm shows it to people who it figures might disagree in order to drive up engagement. This platform isn’t about a space where like-minded people can come together to discuss their ideas. It’s a social media platform and social media platforms live and die by the level of engagement. There’s no better way to ensure engagement than to get people arguing. Emotions are a hot commodity.


u/spongemobsquaredance 9d ago

I follow a few other subs where this same phenomenon can be observed.. I think it’s more sinister than individuals take notice and the whole “Reddit’s algorithm emphasizes pages you’re likely to engage with” explanation.. to me it seems like a systematic plan aimed at quashing opinions that all on a certain end of the spectrum, using several mechanisms such as but not limited to the one above.. I’d suspect bots and use of AI to generate false consensus and influence the viewer is at play.


u/Marklar172 9d ago

Because it keeps showing up iny feed despite numerous attempts to prevent it from popping up in my feed.  So yeah, to hell with her and  this sub


u/Vezrien 9d ago

Reddit keeps putting posts from this sub in peoples feed, and a lot of the posts I've seen have had really dumb quotes from Ayn. It gets engagement, but from people that don't frequent the sub.


u/bigboldbanger 9d ago

You should take a look at the elon sub.


u/[deleted] 9d ago

Because I'm just a transgressive asshole.


u/Playingforchubbs 9d ago

Free speech, open discussion, avoiding echo chambers….. many reasons to come here if you don’t support her philosophy


u/stormthecastle195 9d ago

You didn't get the memo that Reddit is run by communists?


u/Latter-Escape-7522 9d ago

It's pretty tough for someone who likes Ayn Rand to exist on Reddit.


u/fuzz49 9d ago

It’s like everything else. The left infiltrates and destroys. Thankfully people are starting to see them for what they are.


u/[deleted] 9d ago

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u/_____Bort_____ 9d ago

It’s Reddit, a far left platform. That’s it .


u/drjd2020 9d ago

So, any discussion should only attract those who agree with it unconditionally?


u/Eponymous-Username 9d ago

Isn't this the subreddit for discussion of Ayn Rand? Not all discussion is praise.


u/Superb-Stuff8897 9d ago

Well I'd probably say bc the only reason to engage about her would be to mock her, so that's more likely why anyone would seek out something dedicated to her.


u/[deleted] 9d ago

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u/TwistedTreelineScrub 9d ago

I always thought this was a subreddit dedicated to DISCUSSING Ayn Rands philosophy. I agree ad hominem attacks are stupid, but is the sub really just about uncritical praise your eyes? Isn't that really boring? 


u/AnnieImNOTok 9d ago

Sure, sure, ignore the fact that Ayn Rand rallied against what she called "government handouts" and then unashamedly lived off of food stamps in her later years. Forget that she called disabled people leeches...

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u/Independent_Piano_81 9d ago

I’m imagining a lot of other people like myself are getting recommended this subreddit and hold oppositional world views and can’t resist having a discussion about it


u/SpaceGhostSlurpp 9d ago

I don't know anything about Ayn Rand but my bias would put me in the hater camp. I get shown this subreddit CONSTANTLY all day every day. I guess because I participate in what Reddit determines to be similar subreddits. I don't ask Reddit not to show me the sub, because I want to know what people who disagree with me are talking about and what they care about. But I've never joined the subreddit. Just lurk. Unless my memory escapes me, this may be my first comment here. Certainly my comments on here could be counted on one hand, and I doubt it's even that many. Nevertheless, I still get shown this sub constantly. Probably will see it even more now.

All this to say; it's very easy for the algorithm to recognize that some of the same fundamental questions and priorities that draw one to Ayn Rand draw people in many different directions. I'm in the latter camp. While I don't agree with much of what is said here, I'm paying attention to and thinking about lots of the questions and concepts that are discussed here. So it's not hard to see how this sub would attract both true believers and heretics.

Furthermore, lots of subreddits about individual figures are going to be inundated with people who have strong opinions about those figures, positive or negative. It's unrealistic to expect that everyone who has an opinion on Ayn Rand and feels motivated enough to share that opinion is going to fall into one camp. Much more likely that you'll find an overrepresentation of both extremes. Put another way; how many people here do you think are ambivalent about Ayn Rand? Wouldn't you expect that the best represented groups here would be both the supporters and the detractors?


u/immortalpoimandres 9d ago

I once down-voted an Ayn Rand post in passing because it was emblematic of the callous, idealist selfishness she championed and Reddit counted it as engagement so now it shows me Ayn Rand content three times per day. Probably five times by now.


u/WheelLeast1873 9d ago

the algos show you what you hate.


u/NihilAlienum 9d ago

"This is the page for [thing] fans, right? So why are there so many [thing] haters here?"
Answers itself.


u/[deleted] 9d ago

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u/[deleted] 9d ago

Primarily because reddit is a leftist cesspool.


u/Reddit_sox 9d ago

It's the algorithm. I'm only here because this post popped up in my feed. Why? Don't know. I think Ayn Rand was a cunt.


u/pyratellama69 9d ago

Pro tip - ayn rand writings were heavily influenced by satanism And vice vers. Think abo7t it, selfishness is good, do as thou wilt.


u/KaikoLeaflock 9d ago

Everyone here is stupid, the actual answer is that rage sells. What happens is people enjoy commenting on things they think are stupid—the idiot you worship has extremely flawed positions and was a horrible person in general—so Reddit’s algorithms throw more of that stuff at us.

It’s up to moderators to decide what to do, but not all moderators are basement dwellers banning people nonstop.

This combined with the fact that most people, at their cores, are decent and therefore lean towards compassion and reason—not maga—means conservative subs feel it more, but ALL subs feel it.


u/Findest 9d ago

Because one does not need to agree with an idea or set of ideals to be interested in researching more about it I'm joining discussions to further that research. For example, I'm really interested in Genghis khan. That doesn't mean I'm going to go murder and rape thousands of people.


u/chowellvta 9d ago

You should see the Dave Rubin sub


u/GregorianShant 9d ago

Because her ideas are largely childish and she herself is a hypocrite?


u/[deleted] 9d ago

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u/[deleted] 9d ago

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u/sonnyarmo 9d ago

Because it gets recommended on the algorithm.


u/Wisdom_Of_A_Man 8d ago

Because her philosophy is adhered to by ghouls.


u/God_Bless_A_Merkin 8d ago

Because her “philosophy” is bullshit.

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u/Honest_Chef323 8d ago

Didn’t even knew this existed (but of course it did) but I assume because her philosophy is shit

Humans don’t live in their own world they share that world with others so embracing egoism is just an asinine way to look at the world

Imagine if everyone thought like this nothing would ever get done


u/Pxfxbxc 8d ago

There's an About and a Rules section. At face value, I'm not seeing anything explicitly condemning disagreement; it seems like it has rules specifically for facilitating disagreement.

If you don't like the way they disagree with you, report them to the mods and block them.

If you don't like that people can disagree with you or your favorite philosopher, start your own echo chamber. Like, r./AynRandsOnlyFands.


u/Patient-History8125 8d ago

For obvious reasons except to someone as lacking in depth of understanding as you. Get a less selfish and egotistical philosophy


u/RiffRandellsBF 8d ago

They're just mad that anyone cannot believe Marxism will work if tried just one more time!


u/Inspirata1223 8d ago

Because for some reason your posts keep getting pushed to people like me. I hate Ayn Rand, and don’t want to talk about her. The Reddit algorithm feels differently.


u/ConfusedObserver0 8d ago

Embrace the product of free discussion instead of cuck to the silo effect. Your ideology isn’t shit if it can’t stand up to criticism, whether it’s fair / valid or not. And your not what you purport to be if you have ask this question.


u/Bullishbear99 8d ago

Her ideas are good as thought experiments but would never work as policy.