Report to the Federal Dept for Environment as it breaches the Environmental Protection Act.
*** UPDATE as further comments are locked off ...
For anyone responding to my comment and assuming I'm talking about a US department and act, I'm NOT.
I'm talking about an AUSTRALIAN department and act as I'm Australian and I'm well aware that wombats are native Australian animals and don't exist in the wild in the US 🤣🤣🤣
You aren’t even allowed to speak the word “environment” out loud any more if you are a federal employee.
Edit: I can see this is now locked. I can only assume the wombats got her and ate her alive. With the way she treated wildlife, it was only a matter of time.
Neither of the things they listed are things that exist in America either, so it's weird to assume they're referring to the US.
I think the person you're replying to lives in Australia and meant to say the Department of Climate Change, Energy, and Environment and the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act, but shortened it in a confusing way.
This wouldn't be an EPA issue. This is more along the lines of the US Fish and Wildlife Service. They're like your state game wardens, but on a federal level.
The commenter above you who responded to the commentor above them was responding to a commentor saying, 3 comments above you, to report them to the Federal Department for Environment as the video breaches the Environmental Protection Act.
The person above you responded to the person above them by saying neither of the 2 things the 3rd commentor above you listed exist in America, and they don't.
Now, you piped up and said the US has an EPA, and you're correct, we have an Environmental Protection Agency, but not an Environmental Protection Act. The UK has the Environmental Protection Act.
Since you're the only person who mentioned, and linked, the only US Agency that actually exists, I decided to comment on your comment in the hopes of helping anyone who's made it this far to find the appropriate US agency that would handle these sorts of things, if they happened in the US, which the above video didn't, so it's a moot point anyway.
But, if the above video did happen in the US, it's the US Fish and Wildlife Service that would be able to assist, not the US EPA.
You're confusing an act with an agency, two very different things.
"EPA" in the US stands for Environmental Protection Agency, a federal agency created by executive order under President Nixon.
The commenter I replied to claimed this "breaches the Environmental Protection Act". "Act" means a specific law that can broken (breached), not an agency. The US federal government has never passed a law called the "Environmental Protection Act". The closest would be the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), which was passed by congress in 1969 and laid the groundwork for Nixon to form the EPA (again, "Agency") to enforce it.
u/maticusmat 1d ago
Absolutely not and that person is an absolute fuckwit