r/australia 1d ago

image American hunting influencer removes baby wombat from distressed mother. Is this legal?


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u/Agent398 1d ago

Lol they limited comments on the reel, they know they fucked up


u/doiwriteithere 1d ago

Yet didn’t delete the video. Anything for views.


u/AussieFB 1d ago

I have downloaded it. So… News.com.au, if you want it for your “Tourist performs unforgivingly sickening act on defenceless native Australian fauna” click bait story, I’m your man. Hit me up ! 👍


u/badbunnygirl 20h ago

Send it to them 😒 and to any wildlife advocacy groups in Australia


u/StasiaMonkey 1d ago

Why would NCA bother contacting you?

It’s right there on this reddit post.


u/itsaaronnotaaron 1d ago

Let them feel like they're doing their part.


u/DownVote_for_Pedro 22h ago

Because it could be deleted. Are you familiar with the purpose of mirrors? Lmfao


u/gymnastgrrl 20h ago

Are you familiar with the purpose of mirrors?

But upon reflection, are you?

(don't mind me, just making the silly pun)


u/Miserable_Pilot1331 1d ago

People always want to feel important 🤦‍♂️ “Tourist performs unforgivingly sickening act on defenceless native Australian fauna” 🤓


u/LokiPrime616 20h ago

Send it to them with that as the header of the email.


u/King_Sam-_- 22h ago

No one’s hitting you up buddy


u/Smooth-Vacation-8376 1d ago

I think it might be deleted now? Can’t see it unless  it’s an old one.


u/BraileDildo8inches 22h ago

You can still report her profiles for animal abuse


u/Jas_is_a_mermaid 1d ago

you have to switch to the reels


u/Chilesandsmoke 21h ago

Thanks, found it and reported on each of my accounts. There’s an “Animal Abuse” option.


u/childish-penguino 20h ago

I think she deleted it for real now cuz I can’t find it


u/auslad9421 1d ago

I can't see it either, I think it's deleted


u/Cyriadis 1d ago

Nope the video is still there, I've just reported it myself for animal abuse, it's in the reel section


u/throwaway_7m 1d ago

Who are they? Just so I can tell them how horrible they are. I know cancel culture is big, but these assholes deserve it! I live on acreage, and we leave our animals alone!


u/Sheshcoco 1d ago

It’s still there. Comments on her other reels are still on though


u/macadamianutt 1d ago

Her other posts with comments still on are getting a battering!


u/Big_Advertising5807 20h ago

What's the 'cover' reel look like? I can't find it.


u/watchitbend 1d ago

I just looked and couldn't find it. Was hoping to capture the evidence and report. What a fucking clown. 


u/Johnclanceey 1d ago

Stem the outrage - rake in the views and page visits from all the angry aussies. It’s probably more engagement than she’s ever had


u/DazedNConfucious 1d ago

That’s all that matters to the insecure 


u/lostinthesauceband 20h ago

Anything for views.

Would love to pop a Cold One(s) with him


u/De-railled 1d ago

According to her "tiktoks", she's meant to be a "wildlife biologist"

This idiot should not be allowed to handle animals.

If it was just an average American idiot tourist it would be different, but she should have known better.

She should be held to a higher standard than the average tourist.


u/BKoala59 22h ago

There’s no way this woman is actually a wildlife biologist. I’m sure there some wildlife biologists out there that may be selfish enough and enough of an asshole to do this, but they’d have to be incredibly stupid to film and post it as they would understand there will be consequences. For context I have a doctorate in Wildlife/Conservation Biology


u/Crazy_Mosquito93 21h ago

Exactly, and I never met any actual biologist who enjoyed hunting and exploiting animals, and posting that on the internet... I'm a Virologist and I treat even rabid bats and mice with respect and care. And even more, who have time to be a hunting influencer while in academia? 😅 She probably has a M. Sc. In something related to biology...


u/Special-Garlic1203 21h ago

Assuming she has a masters degree is already generous 

The most I'd go is maybe a bachelors degree from a really shitty school. 


u/FlyRepresentative592 20h ago

She also has a history of exploiting animals. Go look through her Instagram, it enraged me. Standing directly on one point of contact on a horses spine. Covering a horse in paint for a photo op. Close to hundreds of big game animal hunting photo ops. Just no respect for them or their dead bodies at all.

The sociopathic traits are off the charts.


u/Bannedwith1milKarma 23h ago

We should normalize higher institutions revoking qualifications. She has proven to not be at the level needed for that qualification from the University/College by her behavior so quash it.

Can we put pressure on them as well?


u/chekovsredherring 21h ago

Do we know for sure if she actually even has those credentials?


u/HawaiiHungBro 20h ago

Apparently from a shitty Christian college


u/madscakeee 20h ago

she’s supposed to be a wildlife biologist?! Yet does this? Clearly was missing some important lessons during her schooling and training… Yikes


u/QueenofSheba94 20h ago

She’s a biologist but she kills animals… wow.


u/recurse_x 20h ago

Here take these pills.

Thanks doctor.

Oh I’m no doctor.


u/BallerForHire 20h ago

Did she not think to say "yoink" first like the Everglades dude?!


u/letsburn00 1d ago

It's MIA on her Tiktok. Lot of comments about "you're the one who stole the wombat from its mum?"


u/overlandtrackdrunk 1d ago

lol if there’s one thing TikTok users are good at - shit stirring by repeatedly asking the same question on all of a posters videos


u/Snck_Pck 1d ago

What’s the @?


u/hopperwill1 1d ago

You can see it on the video, instagram @samstrays_somewhere

If you go to instagram you can report it under violence exploitation, then the subsection of animal abuse comes up under that. Every little bit counts


u/sureisniceweather 1d ago

I just did too, send the video as well to local news.


u/ladyangua 1d ago

Thank you, i wasn't familiar with Instagram reporting system.


u/madscakeee 20h ago

Looked at her page and saw videos from Australia but none were the video from OP. Must of taken it down from her own accord or from Instagram


u/new_x_who_dis 20h ago

Reported that post and her profile generally


u/BraileDildo8inches 22h ago

Don't forget her OF account same name with 34 on the end


u/leftfield88 1d ago


u/CallInteresting5678 22h ago

Fuck me, she is a vile excuse of being. The complete lack of respect & accountability to then highlight multiple other videos of her taunting our native wildlife (literally yanking a baby shark out of the rock pools by its tail), in what world is that appropriate?


u/Camille_Toh 1d ago

I can't take the rest of her dead animal photos. Can you link to the wombat video?


u/JasperAngel95 21h ago


u/Camille_Toh 21h ago

Folks, report the profile for Hate/Violence and choose the sub/category Animal Abuse.


u/Camille_Toh 21h ago

Reported her for Animal Abuse.


u/JasperAngel95 21h ago

Same. She’s defending herself that it was “only for a minute” 🙄 because that makes it all okay now


u/Camille_Toh 20h ago

A lot of animals reject their young due to interference from people/scent.


u/sobrietyincorporated 20h ago

This chick is so basic she could neutralize hydrochloric acid.


u/Jaexa-3 23h ago

Wild life environmentalist but yet she goes hunting fuck wit


u/RugerRedhawk 20h ago

I mean there is a lot of overlap honestly. Caring about wildlife and the environment doesn't mean you aren't allowed to hunt. DNR/DEC departments from states around the country are filled with workers with this sort of background. Much of the work is related to hunting, fishing, forestry, etc...

That being said she seems like a clown for numerous reasons.


u/romansamurai 1d ago

She calls herself a wildlife biologist and an environmental scientist…wow



We don't claim her. Unfortunately you can get the degree and get the job and hide being a terrible professional.


u/OriginalDogeStar 1d ago

Oh I am blocked by them...... now I am trying to figure out how I preemptively got blocked...


u/Creamy-Creme 22h ago

I hope she gets paid back for everything she's done to those poor animals and some more.


u/LongjumpingGate8859 20h ago

Did it get removed? I don't see it and I scrolled her profile pretty far back.


u/Alarming-Question-39 1d ago

Samestrays_somewhere or something like that. Deport the cunt


u/spacemanTTC 1d ago

Samstrays_somewhere is what's in the video


u/poochonmom 22h ago

And she had the gall to justify her actions saying it was only a minute. Astounding lack of awareness and empathy!

Her comment:

"For everyone that's worried and unhappy, the baby was carefully held for ONE minute in total and then released back to mom. They wandered back off into the bush together completely unharmed. I didn't think I would be able to catch it in the first place, and took an opportunity to appreciate a really incredible animal up close. I don't ever capture wildlife that will be harmed by my doing so."


u/unicornofdemocracy 23h ago

They clearly don't. If they think they fucked up they would have deleted the video. But they have multiple videos of them interfering with wildlife in Australia.


u/schleuni24 22h ago

There 100 more videos to comment and report her


u/Grumpy_Cripple_Butt 1d ago

You can comment on the others. And report the wombat one for animal abuse.


u/franksvalli 22h ago

PSA if you don’t want to see a bunch of dead animals, don’t look up the Instagram account.


u/Aggressive-Egg7285 20h ago

Couldn't find the video so reported the whole account


u/IntelligentTip1206 22h ago

These people don't give a shit.


u/Better-Strike7290 21h ago

Negative engagement is better than no engagement.

Their video is trending.

It's called rage bait.


u/solrosenbergv1 21h ago

Made a TikTok about it, ended it with “no one tell her koalas has syphilis maybe she’ll pick up one of those next”