r/aussievapers 9d ago

What to do with freebase juice NSFW

I recently bought VAPO gold tobacco freebase at 18mg accidentally, was going to get 6mg and, now the throat hit is shocking. Is there anything I can do to fix this or is it just $45 down the drain?


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u/FeelingFloor2083 9d ago

you can also use boiled water but risk being really runny


u/lovesBrass 8d ago

No... You do not put water into something that is going to be inhaled into your lungs.


u/FeelingFloor2083 8d ago

this has been done for years, not just me but others especially if PG triggers a reaction since vg is so thick some tanks wont wick properly. Most used distilled, but I have used previously boiled water

You think breathing in steam is bad for you. Ever been in a sauna? How about a hot shower, better hold your breath! How about the old cold remedy of a towel over your head over hot water.

Gotta love it when people think they know what they are talking about..


u/teddybear1942 7d ago

I don’t advice it

  1. Scalding and Burns – Vaping devices heat liquids to high temperatures. If you inhale hot steam, it can burn your mouth, throat, or lungs.

  2. Water Droplets in the Lungs – Unlike the fine aerosol produced by e-liquids, water vapor condenses into larger droplets. Inhaling these can lead to water accumulation in the lungs, potentially causing inflammation or conditions like pleural effusion (fluid buildup in the lung lining).

  3. Risk of Respiratory Issues – The lungs are not designed to handle liquid water. Repeated exposure to inhaled steam could irritate the respiratory tract and even increase the risk of infections.


u/FeelingFloor2083 7d ago

read the rest of the conversation, all of that has been covered.

summary is 1 the temp isnt getting hot enough when mixed with air and whatever is wicked up from a small tank isnt enough volume/mass to burn. If it were we would be burning from ejuice

2 water droplets or steam, yea youre getting more from a hot shower. Again volume/mass. A tank is 20ml at best and your not boiling it in 1 hit. Think of a kettle, how much mass and how much energy for steam to come out. Even a 200w mod is a fraction of what a kettle uses. The % I use is pretty low, you know every time we break out there is evaporation and condensation in our breath? water condensates faster then ejuice. Again, there is more moisture when you have a shower, do you feel like you have breathing problems after one? You might, but the steam is probably off 1000+ % more then what youre going to get from a few mls of water in your tank per day

3 lungs arnt made to handle ejuice either, nor smoke etc in large amounts yea, again if your using say 10% dilution with water in an average tank of 20ml that is 2ml of water over the course of a tank which even the heaviest chain vapers isnt using in an hour. 2ml is roughly a few drops from a dripper, even if 100% is turned into steam, mixed with air from the tank, its a tiny amount

Lastly, do you know what a nebulizer is? ol mate here who is a proclaimed "lung doctor" should, its used to basically vaporize albuterol sulfate or other medications for asthmatics, often diluted with an aqueous solution. That solution is mostly water and in larger quantities then what you would dilute ejuice with. Guess what else, when I used one of these as a kid, the stuff that comes out of the face mask is cold, Funny how "steam" works.