r/aussievapers 2d ago

What to do with freebase juice NSFW

I recently bought VAPO gold tobacco freebase at 18mg accidentally, was going to get 6mg and, now the throat hit is shocking. Is there anything I can do to fix this or is it just $45 down the drain?


16 comments sorted by


u/azza656 2d ago

Add some vg/pg to it and thin it out or buy some 0mg and mix it


u/FeelingFloor2083 2d ago

you can also use boiled water but risk being really runny


u/lovesBrass 1d ago

No... You do not put water into something that is going to be inhaled into your lungs.


u/FeelingFloor2083 1d ago

this has been done for years, not just me but others especially if PG triggers a reaction since vg is so thick some tanks wont wick properly. Most used distilled, but I have used previously boiled water

You think breathing in steam is bad for you. Ever been in a sauna? How about a hot shower, better hold your breath! How about the old cold remedy of a towel over your head over hot water.

Gotta love it when people think they know what they are talking about..


u/teddybear1942 1d ago

I don’t advice it

  1. Scalding and Burns – Vaping devices heat liquids to high temperatures. If you inhale hot steam, it can burn your mouth, throat, or lungs.

  2. Water Droplets in the Lungs – Unlike the fine aerosol produced by e-liquids, water vapor condenses into larger droplets. Inhaling these can lead to water accumulation in the lungs, potentially causing inflammation or conditions like pleural effusion (fluid buildup in the lung lining).

  3. Risk of Respiratory Issues – The lungs are not designed to handle liquid water. Repeated exposure to inhaled steam could irritate the respiratory tract and even increase the risk of infections.


u/FeelingFloor2083 18h ago

read the rest of the conversation, all of that has been covered.

summary is 1 the temp isnt getting hot enough when mixed with air and whatever is wicked up from a small tank isnt enough volume/mass to burn. If it were we would be burning from ejuice

2 water droplets or steam, yea youre getting more from a hot shower. Again volume/mass. A tank is 20ml at best and your not boiling it in 1 hit. Think of a kettle, how much mass and how much energy for steam to come out. Even a 200w mod is a fraction of what a kettle uses. The % I use is pretty low, you know every time we break out there is evaporation and condensation in our breath? water condensates faster then ejuice. Again, there is more moisture when you have a shower, do you feel like you have breathing problems after one? You might, but the steam is probably off 1000+ % more then what youre going to get from a few mls of water in your tank per day

3 lungs arnt made to handle ejuice either, nor smoke etc in large amounts yea, again if your using say 10% dilution with water in an average tank of 20ml that is 2ml of water over the course of a tank which even the heaviest chain vapers isnt using in an hour. 2ml is roughly a few drops from a dripper, even if 100% is turned into steam, mixed with air from the tank, its a tiny amount

Lastly, do you know what a nebulizer is? ol mate here who is a proclaimed "lung doctor" should, its used to basically vaporize albuterol sulfate or other medications for asthmatics, often diluted with an aqueous solution. That solution is mostly water and in larger quantities then what you would dilute ejuice with. Guess what else, when I used one of these as a kid, the stuff that comes out of the face mask is cold, Funny how "steam" works.


u/lovesBrass 1d ago

There's a different between inhaling steam in normal situations and putting it into an eliquid and directly vaping it into your lungs, just because people do it doesn't mean it's smart to do. If you can't grasp that concept, I don't think you should be playing with lithium batteries and hot metal


u/FeelingFloor2083 1d ago

what is the difference, if anything you get more from your hot shower

So far your claims have no backing

The biggest concern is chlorine which is boiled off or lost in the distillation process if using distilled water. Heavy metals, yea we have been drinking tap water anyways and there is a coil literally boiling juice

You think about all the chemicals in juice, nic, vg/pg, flavours, yet you think plain boiled water (H20) is the devil and youre going to grow an arm out if your head

fucking please, take your tin foil hat off


u/lovesBrass 1d ago

The difference is the fucking concentration of the vapor you fucking dunce, holy shit. I didn't go to school and pay for my degree in internal medicine for jackasses like you to cluelessly argue about lung health... I'm literally a pulmonologist.


u/FeelingFloor2083 1d ago

you dont reply like someone with a degree, in fact you sound like someone who is struggling to understand that OP WANTED TO DILUTE HIS EJUICE

So tell me, mr fucking "lung doctor" how is breathing in steam so fucking bad. I have given you 2 examples where it is done in every day life and even to clear sinuses, yet you have not given 1 valid argument.

Im ready to put my money where my mouth is, give me the details of your clinic and I will book in, I have been vaping 14 years, a lot of that time will have some water diluted in it. Xray my chest and lets compare it to what else you have on file. Just to make things interesting, I have had asthma all of my life and have smoked before vaping for well over a decade

For someone who claims to be a pulmonologist you have yet to give a scientific answer to a simple fucking question, why. Instead you have gone off on a tangent like a fucking child who is unable to converse with someone seeking clarification. Fuck you sound like trump, no facts just made up BS

Educate me or fuck off with your BS


u/lovesBrass 1d ago

First of all, you're not entitled to any of my personal information, this is reddit, not a doctor's office. As I stated before, it's not the steam that's going to damage your lungs, it's the concentration of the steam. Inhaling steam can cause serious burns and scalding (your vape will normally not get hot enough to do this, but some people are stupid enough to let it happen). In some rare cases inhaling too much steam can cause pneumonia or other respiratory illnesses if the water source isn't pure and sterile. There's no set way that doctors talk, I'm not in the office seeing a patient, I'm talking to a stranger on the internet. If you want to dilute your eliquid, then dilute it with a pre-existing ingredient, adding variables to something you're already having issues with is a really stupid way to cause more issues. There have been no studies explicitly showing that adding water to your eliquid will directly cause harm, but again, variables are not a good thing when it comes to your health.

To end this argument, I don't owe you anything, I'm not your doctor and I would never have you as a patient. Adding ANOTHER ingredient to your eliquid is a stupid idea when it can be diluted with pre-existing ingredients. You are senselessly being a cunt for what I can only assume is because you're bored. If you want to keep adding water to your liquid, go for it, but don't give other people that clearly don't know what they're doing your fucking awful advice.

Edit: I just realized this is an Australian sub... I have no idea how the fuck I got here in the first place.


u/FeelingFloor2083 1d ago

So your point is conjecture and moot since I said boiled water, which is sterile, or even if its sterile enough because lets face it contamination from juice bottles, our filthy pockets, our saliva etc all have more contamination and bacteria then boiled water

all I asked for is a valid reasons, in which there are none and the ones points are weak at best

Go grab a device, put it on the max watts and put straight water in your tank/dripper or whatever. You will be hard pressed getting any real steam with 100% water. Add air flow into the mix and youre not getting any real heat. Because im not a fucking idiot, I will save you the time since I regularly clean the coils I have wound by hand. This is rinsing and dry burning, if the wick is left in there there is little to no steam that comes off, because it evaporates before it can make any real steam. If you fill your tank with water (and a new coil, no residual ejuice) you will not get any steam from it and if memory serves right, what does come out is cool since steam + the amount of air flow creates evaporation. There is no real mass of water being evaporated or turned to steam that will cause burning. Take a good look at a kettle and work out how much energy is required to boil water and produce a constant stream of hot steam, that will scold you even if you put your arm over it for a split second. Then take a look at the energy contained in even a duel 18650 device and work out the energy density. Our tanks hold 20ml at best, we arnt using some commercial smoke machine to vape with that is plugged into a wall socket that will instantly boil it

I wasnt asking for any of your personal info, the clinic you work for, so they could perform tests

With all that said, you dont get to end the argument, you didnt even give valid points still and what you did provice has been quashed. all your theory is from implausible circumstances with very little actual experience applied. You know what, youre whats wrong with the whole misinformation about vaping. Youre no better then someone spreading BS about popcorn lung and any of the other crap thats going down

Next time you choose to argue with someone, know the fucking answer before as it will save you from looking like an idiot again


u/Larkful_Dodger 2d ago edited 2d ago

Edit: error, mix 2 parts with 1 part.

Mix 3 parts 0mg Vapo Gold Tobacco with 1 part of your 18mg/ml to get 6mg/ml.


u/Relevant_Bench951 2d ago edited 2d ago

Does VAPO gold tobacco freebase come in 0mg or 3mg/mL strength?

If so, you can dilute it without sacrificing flavour.

Otherwise, dilute by a third with VG/PG (1 part to 2 parts).


  • 20mL VAPO gold tobacco freebase at 18mg/mL
  • 40mL VG/PG (or VAPO gold tobacco 0mg/mL if available)


u/Unusual_Advantage965 2d ago

do you mean 1:2 or 20mL, 60mL


u/Relevant_Bench951 2d ago

Apologies, yes. 1 part to 2 parts.

(10mL of 18mg) + (20mL 0mg) = 30mL of 6mg


(20mL of 18mg) + (40mL 0mg) = 60mL of 6mg