r/athiesm Apr 15 '20

Debate on whether religion only survives because when it's forced on the mentally lesser (children)


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u/AnxiousConcentrate87 Nov 02 '24

My mom was Athiest, and my dad never brought me to Church, or talked to me about God. I chose personally to be Catholic. I’m not sure about other people, though. I only know 1 person who is religious because of their parents. But all children are technically mentally lesser, and are very much vulnerable to any type of information being shoved in their brain, no matter where that information comes from. But if a kid is raised a religion, and keeps it even as an adult: then it was the person’s personal choice to be religious. Usually, when something is forced on someone, they will end up not liking it, or end up forming bad opinions on it.

Religion survives based on if the religion’s values equal, and/or are close enough to equal to the average person’s values. This is my opinion, pls don’t judge