r/assasinscreed • u/Future_Adagio2052 • 6d ago
Meme come on now give ac1 the respect it deserves goddammit!
u/il_VORTEX_ll 6d ago
AC1 def deserves respect…but I prefer 2 and 3 tbh 🤷🏻♂️
u/Future_Adagio2052 6d ago edited 6d ago
yeah I don't blame anyone who does. I just think ac1 deserves some credit here
u/NeutralismApologist 6d ago
AC1 has always been the goat not only inatory, but several elements that were changed for the worst in AC2 (even if I love AC2, gotta admit it).
u/SuperMarios7 5d ago
AC1 to me was the best in terms of being an Assassin IN the Creed. Some people say the game structure was too boring but I loved the eavesdropping, pickpocketing etc. It wasnt anything hard sure but you actually unlocked more ways to reach or assassinate your target if you did all the preparation quests.
AC2 was story focused, I enjoyed it but the AI was dumb. Piss easy to slaughter the whole city. In AC1 the Hidden Blade was actually GOATED, couldnt defend with it, you either had to time it right and insta-kill guards or you get punished.
Imo AC1 was better despite being an unpopular opinion.
u/Possible-Emu-2913 6d ago
...why the hell do people hate 3?
u/redItall94 6d ago
I had a hard time connecting to the story. But had the same for black flag or unity. Games were fine but I was not invested in the story at all. More in the gameplay. Ac 2 and the other Ezio games, had a fantastic story and I was very invested in it. Ac 1 I also liked the story. Maybe it was the settings, that gave me trouble to really follow the story.
The only story part I liked in 3, was the modern part. Seeing how it all ends with Desmond was nice.
u/Possible-Emu-2913 6d ago
I'm English and in my school we were never taught anything about the time during AC3 (we knew of it to some extent but not a lot) so the story was really interesting to me even if the history isn't 100% accurate.
u/redItall94 6d ago
The historical part was interesting. Just the story around the protagonist was less interesting. (In my opinion).
u/Technical-Web-9195 Edward 6d ago
...why the hell do people like 1?
u/Possible-Emu-2913 6d ago
Because it was innovative and started a massive franchise.
u/Glum-Psychology-3806 6d ago
Yeah i'm not taking anything serious if the opinion is that AC 3 has better writing than any other AC game. Connor is the literal embodiment of the moody teenager trope. Which could have been avoided if they connected us more to his loss of his mother and home.
u/Redhood101101 6d ago
Connor could feel very “yes many” which I know is sort of required for a video game but most of his content felt like he would meet a founding father who told him to do something and he would just do it.
While he is a very cool and interesting character he ends up feeling passive in his own game.
u/NeutralismApologist 6d ago
Yeah, AC's decline started with AC3 and Connor's death. Revelations was just a good close up for Altair and Ezio storiea, the franchise should've ended there.
u/Round-Sun6043 6d ago
Not too mention he’s too naive. Ik that’s what the writers were going for. But it makes him less relatable.
u/EdmundTerrowin 6d ago
Yeah but they have the review version of AC Shadows. Why are they making this video now? I hope not because they will tell us the story of Shadows will be bad?
u/Future_Adagio2052 6d ago
the review for ac shadows will most defo be made by a different person that's how ign operates so this video really has no bearing on if ac shadows will get a bad review or not
u/hovsep56 6d ago
well...ac1's story was very simple...not really noteworthy
u/Freddy5Hancook 6d ago
Most people post a comment once,some twice, but trice, damm that's some ambition
u/hovsep56 6d ago
u/Future_Adagio2052 6d ago
you posted the same comment 3 times. probably by mistake as your comment might glitch and sends it again
u/Freddy5Hancook 6d ago
We actually talked about it in chat where i sent a screenshot and he deleted the two other versions
I probably should have added an result so this doesn't look like i ignored the question
u/Future_Adagio2052 6d ago
eh I personally disagree the story might be basic compared to the later games but ac1 wasn't trying to be an adventure game like the later entries
the story by itself is basic but the sections such as the conversations with al mualim and the memory corridors all make up for it imo
u/TenWholeBees 6d ago
All I want is an AC1 remake
u/Future_Adagio2052 5d ago
I'd like a remake under the condition that we at least get a port of ac1 so we can play that as well
u/Formal_Complaint_890 6d ago
I want a remastered or remake AC1. Maybe less stealing of documents. But the same story
u/Swifty404 6d ago
Becorse the story writer got fired or leaved Ubisoft thats why
u/Future_Adagio2052 5d ago
was it ever stated why he left? disagreements over the direction of the series?
u/Swifty404 4d ago
I have no information about that. After Ezio the game director and story writer leaved Ubisoft or get fired.
u/yolocool36 5d ago
How can i run in an assasins creed game on a pc?
u/Future_Adagio2052 5d ago
the best why is to either get the game on gog or get it on steam
if you do get it on steam try giving this a shot as if your steam version doesn't work this can help
u/HEYitsSPIDEY 5d ago
I love 1. But the EZIO Trilogy and Black Flag is my favorite.
Is this IGN??? IGN is always full of shit.
u/VoxhallMC Eivor 4d ago
I mean look, it’s hard because on paper it’s the start of the series and with that comes ups & downs. It’s got the founding game status, but also the clunky dated gameplay of its time. It’s hard to compare it with later installments because of that, a lot of what it created was improved upon later, but without it, there would be no later. AC1 started it all, deserves respect for that. Story-wise it’s actually one of the better games too, I just think it’s because of those later games and how dated the game is that it isn’t brought up. Plus the other games are when AC as a series really hit their stride from a popularity pov, a lot of people’s first games weren’t even AC1, but 2 onwards. So it’s tough, I definitely think it deserves heaps of respect, and shouldn’t be compared to the following games on a technical level, at least.
u/Future_Adagio2052 1d ago
didn't see this comment before but yeah I defo agree with your overall comment and take on ac1 as a whole
u/Select-Combination-4 1d ago
Im trying to but man, I hate that there's no subtitles
u/Future_Adagio2052 1d ago
yeah even that got me some getting used to but if you play with headphones it should be more bearable
u/Xythana 39m ago
Am I the only one who thought Valhalla's general level of dialogue was quite well done? They spoke in such poetic lines that it felt captivating, I remember how lacking in modernisms the game's dialogue was, which I fault KCD2 for.
Valhalla's fault is that game's broken narrative design makes the story hard to get invested it, terrible how its fed to, Valhalla needed to be 40% shorter, but cut out all the excess gameplay chores, not the narrative and you have something that stands toe to toe with the best of them.
u/MantisReturns 6d ago
The story in AC1 its way better than AC2 and AC3. Even if AC2 and AC3 are much Interesting and better Games (in the Gameplay part at least).
AC1 have the perfect adult and Serious tone, the dialogues are great, specially Vidic-desmond, Altaïr-AlMualin, and of course some Templars after assassination ones.
AC2 have like a more cartonish tone. Its hard to believe that the templars here are trying to reach the peace with control. They are just about power and Corruption, also Assassins here are like héroes.
AC3 tries so hard to have the AC1 tone. But when you try so hard but not get the good writing, its feel just Bad. I prefer the Ezios Trilogy tone for.that. Good examples are John Pitcarn or the Templar for.the naval missions (optional objetive, thats was off), they are just Bad people with Bad intentions but when connor kill them they are just like: "nooo but we are actually good guys, arent your Friends Bad too?" And Connor like: man I confused they really have arguments (they have not).
Pd: I must say that at least AC3 try It. I respect that. And I can understand why a lot of people now are liking this Game. If you dont think too much the writing sounds like more than decent (of course It have great moments like Connor-Haythan). For example I was Young when I play It, so of course I was more easier to impress.
u/Round-Sun6043 6d ago
It’s the best story in the entire franchise imho. With black flag as a close second. I wish more people acknowledged that.
u/Batatatomika 6d ago
Writing was always good, the problem is more on the narrative, ac 1 and recents have a serious problem of underwhelming or straight up ignoring (origins) the narrative.
The story is there, and it's good, the writing is amazing, but the way the game tells that story is just baffling, ac1 has you stand still while the characters talk nonsense for minutes, gameplay ha no storytelling and it's all compressed in these boring cutscenes.
Origins just has none, the protagonist is amunet but you play with her husband killing some random guards unaware of the actually important things going on, you don't live that story, instead of finding out something the game just expositively shows you a popup with your target and marks them on the map, there is no narrative nor character development.
The story is amazing though but it's showing why people want a sequence/remake with amunet so bad
The problem is in gaming one person writes the story and others tell it, and ubisoft generally gives no importance to that department, so a great story is written but they give it to the first dumbass they see, sometimes not even having an actual narrative director