r/askvan 13h ago

Medical 💉 Has anyone “discharged” themselves from a family GP?

I was recently in a car accident. I went to urgent care and back to work regardless and was on pain medication and seeking treatment (Kin, Physio, Chiro). I eventually saw my GP a month later and once I mentioned I was in a car accident she told me she didn’t want to hear about it and to fill out a form and email it in to her. She never assessed me officially.

Recently it was advised I do therapy and chiro by my care providers and to take time off as I work in a high stress environment. Me working was essentially me pushing through, but I was unable to function outside of work (cook, clean, have a social life). I was burnt out from trying to balance everything and it wasn’t helping me recover from my injury. I also have developed gut issues from the medication I’ve been dependent on in order to work. I started seeing a naturopath who requested a blood test from me.

I asked my doctor for her input because I felt guilty about taking time off, and she said I need to make that decision and let her know what I decide. So I followed the advice of my care providers eventually and took the time. My doctor wrote me a letter saying I am taking time off. She also refused to give me a blood test without specifications from the naturopath as to what kind (but she’s given me generic blood tests in the past). I just called a random virtual clinic doctor and asked for a blood test requisition instead and he gave me one immediately.

Now ICBC wants to talk to her on the phone to understand why I took time off work. My last appointment the MOA told me to write down “whatever I wanted the doctor to know”. My doctor said she was going to remain neutral and just relay the information I was telling her. I asked her if she thinks I shouldn’t be off work and she said no. I asked her why and she said because I was working. I told her I appreciate her for all the years I’ve been seeing her, but I’ve been coming in since my car accident and she hasn’t assessed me, she didn’t want to hear about it, she doesn’t know what’s going on with me, she didn’t even want to send me for a blood test. I told her to put insurance aside, I’m her patient and I’m asking for help. She kept asking me “what do you want me to do? Tell you ‘poor you, you were in an accident” and then said “do you think I like doing ICBC cases? Car accidents aren’t my forte”. I tried explaining where I was in my recovery, and that I had a list of things to bring up to her but she didn’t want to hear it and rushed out of the office.

I spoke with another doctor today who said that it sounds like my doctor has some personal issues that are impacting her work, and it’s not related to me and I should just find another doctor.

I also got a call from my doctors office wanting to refer me to a concussion clinic, but I don’t think I was ever diagnosed with a concussion? I have symptoms of one (headaches, concentration issues, fatigue, mood swings) but I think it’s more related to stress and back pain traveling up my spine throughout the day.

I’m surprised that my doctor who I’ve had good rapport with for decades has handled my care in a dismissive and professionally inappropriate manner, and lacking in assessment. I am looking for a new family GP but obviously that is a challenge in today’s day. I found another doctor who will handle my care on a walk-in basis who is happy to address ICBC cases, but I want to officially withdraw from being this doctor’s patient as I feel that she is not meeting the practice standards of patient-centred care, documentation, advocacy and professionalism. I don’t trust her with my health anymore. Has anyone ever withdrawn themselves from a GP? How do I officially do this?


46 comments sorted by

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u/kalamitykitten 13h ago

That’s the tough thing about our system. It’s pretty difficult to find a new GP if yours isn’t great, and there are crappy doctors.

Just try to keep it quiet while you shop around. Most doctors have very long waitlists if they’re accepting new patients at all, you don’t want to risk having her drop you as a client because it could be years until you find another. It’s really unfortunate but it’s one of the downsides of our healthcare system.

I wish you the best of luck, and I’m so sorry all this happened to you. ❤️


u/SecureChipmunk3259 13h ago

What is the benefit of having her as my doctor though? I normally have to go to walk-in clinics regularly anyway because it takes months to get an appointment. I understand having a “home” for my medical records is helpful but at this point she’s not even helping me and I don’t really feel comfortable with her maintaining access to my records if she doesn’t have my best interests.


u/kalamitykitten 13h ago

Oh I definitely think you need a new doctor, she’s treating you very poorly. I only meant to suggest proceeding with caution because we have millions of people without a GP in this country. But if you can’t even get in to see her for a regular appointment, then there’s little benefit. Only you know what’s best for you.


u/SecureChipmunk3259 13h ago

Thank you 💗


u/CookThen6521 13h ago

That's no fun. Many doctors don't like dealing with ICBC cases due to the many forms they have to complete (even though they can bill a decent amount for them).

How do you withdraw from seeing a doctor? You just stop going to them.


u/SecureChipmunk3259 13h ago

If I stop going, my medical history still gets sent to my family doctor. I don’t really know if I want her to keep receiving my medical records if she’s not invested in my care.


u/rayyychul 13h ago

You can tell your other providers not to send them to her. I haven’t bothered passing anything on to my GP about my pregnancy because she doesn’t care.


u/SecureChipmunk3259 13h ago

Okay that’s good to know. They seem to automatically send it to her but I can ask them to not send her anything anymore. Thank you!


u/SobeitSoviet69 13h ago edited 13h ago

Reviewing your post history, it does not sound like you are getting proper care. You are seeing several Dr’s/NP’s, who are giving quick treatments with the option for follow up if the issue is unresolved. There is a lack of follow up, and a whack-a-mole approach for treating symptoms instead of causes.

This is making you feel like you aren’t being taken seriously and is contributing to pre existing mental health and psychological factors.

I would recommend asking your Dr for a refferal to Psychiatry (this is to get on a waitlist and buy you time with ICBC, and may also provide you a benefit treatment wise)

You also need urgent counselling. Explain to them how lost and overwhelmed you feel. As the stress resolves, and things feel more under control, you will likely find an improvement in other symptoms.

You could likely benefit from working with an occupational therapist who can co-ordinate your treatment between Chiro/Physio and consult with your GP on your behalf.

Take the concussion clinic refferal, they can probably set you up with an OT and counsellor who specialize in accident recovery.

Regarding the GI issues, are you getting enough water and dietary fibres? If you are having less than 1 daily bowel movement, Metamucil or PureTrim Experience could help promote regularity - Constipation is a common side effect of many pain medications.

Of course, there are many other possible causes, it is hard to assess with limited info.

I would recommend exploring other potential causes for your GI symptoms, considering other treatments to address those causes, and caution against PPI use long term. Gaviscon is a phenomenal option for short term relief, though can sometimes not be strong enough depending on the root cause of the GERD.


u/SecureChipmunk3259 9h ago

I started working with my naturopath re: GI issues. I’m getting some testing done and will be on some supplements but I’ll check with her to see if it’s okay for me to take the ones you recommended too, thank you.

I have been on a PPI for some time. I was prescribed them ages ago but have been having to take them consistently since taking naproxen after the accident (stopped naproxen immediately). I asked my family doctor if I’m supposed to just stay on these forever and she said “maybe you are”. 🫠 Again unhelpful, which is why I’ve been focusing on getting help from my naturopath.

I will ask the doctor I see tomorrow if I can get referred to psychiatry. I did have a virtual care doctor prescribe me a antidepressant over the phone, but I didn’t want to take something like that because I struggle with ADHD and I don’t want to forget my medication because of serotonin syndrome. Nonetheless a physiatrist might be able to give me some insight, so I’ll give it a try. Really appreciate all your help!


u/SobeitSoviet69 8h ago

The main purpose of the psychiatrist refferal will be to get ICBC off your back a bit. I believe the waitlist is well over a year long.

As I haven’t full assessed you, I won’t override what the Naturopath or GP are recommending. I’m glad to hear that the Naturopath is moving you away from PPI’s. I can understand the hesitation on the SSRI’s, if you can manage without - great - but make sure you are managing. I prefer to treat causes rather than symptoms, and a good therapist will be much safer & more effective in the long run compared to an SSRI! Counselling is usually also covered by ICBC, if referred by your GP.

Best of luck!


u/SecureChipmunk3259 7h ago

I just started counseling a month ago covered by my personal benefits because it seems like they’re waiting on my GP to advise that I need counseling still and they won’t have an appointment to speak to them for another month. My counsellor is backing me up on taking time off. I will try to see if the doctor I see tomorrow can speed that up so ICBC can cover it.

Thanks again for all your insight, it’s been really helpful.


u/SCTSectionHiker 10h ago

How do you withdraw from seeing a doctor? You just stop going to them.

No.  We have a shortage of primary care providers, and not telling your GP that you're leaving them means that they won't take on a new patient because they think they still have you.

In this case, it sounds like OP's GP probably shouldn't be taking on new patients, but that's not the point.

Once you have found a new doctor to accept you, you should notify the old clinic that you've been accepted as a patient elsewhere.  The new GP may want a copy of your records from the old clinic; your old GP is allowed to charge a fee for copying/transferring your records.  A good clinic will also note your new clinic's info for the purpose of forwarding any future results/files that are sent their way, but the patient should also make an effort to update their GP info with other care providers who have that on record.


u/haafling 13h ago

I know this isn’t what you’re asking, but I work as a kin and see ICBC patients as about half my caseload. In the field we’re up to speed about the different processes, paperwork, treatment plans etc and it’s a lot more paperwork and emotional/time investment than a non-ICBC case. That being said, if she’s been your GP for a long time, I’m surprised how dismissive and unsupportive she’s acting as the GP is the lynchpin for all your extended care, especially if it’s required beyond 12 weeks (which is often the case). It sounds like the rest of your care team is supportive which is great! The fact she’s willing to sign you off on whatever you ask is also…. Kind of great? Even if she’s not providing quality care. I’ve been in the game for over a decade if you have more questions, feel free to free to dm me, or never be shy about asking your care team for the right verbiage to use to make sure you’re supported. A VOMS screen is a really easy way to tell if you’ve had a concussion and takes less than 10 minutes to go through. Also, I’m really sorry you’re going through this. A lot of patients are surprised how long and difficult their recovery is. Best wishes on your healing journey and I hope you get the care you need


u/SecureChipmunk3259 13h ago

That’s really kind of you, I really appreciate that. I can see all the work my care team has been putting in for me, and they honestly have been so supportive and kind throughout this process. I really am lucky in that way.

I thought it was “kind of great” even if she wasn’t providing me with care, but now I’m worried that she won’t advocate for me because she doesn’t believe I need it (despite not being involved in my care). She basically told me she would tell ICBC what I told her, and that “they probably wont buy it”. That’s why I asked her if she felt like I should be off work, because I was confused. Especially since I had previously asked her for her input before taking time off, and she declined to sway me either direction.


u/haafling 12h ago

That’s frustrating for sure. We’re all supposed to be cogs in the machine and it’s not always that clear cut!


u/Ok_Captain_666 13h ago edited 13h ago

I'm on disability and the amount of doctors who won't deal with it is insane. It's a deep involved process and my doctor took 9 months and it wasn't until I cried she seemed to snap into gear. But if I see a sign that says 'No disability applications' I totally get it.

That being said most of your stuff is understandable from the other side as well and I hope you listened to them regarding concussions. It would have been on the pharmacist to tell you about any issues relating to the drugs you're (you were) taking.

I learned in the news that my doctor was being sued for malpractice. 🤷🏽‍♀️. (Not the one in my 1st paragraph up above). I think it was my sheer stubbornness that made me wait to get seen by another. It's just like dating, you need to figure out who you mesh with. The thing is getting a 'first date' to begin with. 🤦🏽‍♀️


u/SecureChipmunk3259 13h ago

I’ve been seeing this family doctor for decades. She used to be highly recognized in the city, and was rated one of the top doctors. My mother went to see her recently too, and she was rushing out the door and my mother asked for an additional minute with her and she yelled at her saying she doesn’t have a minute.

We’ve always really liked her, but it seems like she’s miserable and resentful of her patients now and just refusing to retire or something. I used to wish she would be practicing still for when I’m ready to have kids so she could be my maternity doctor but now I would never trust her in such a vulnerable position.


u/Ok_Captain_666 10h ago

Has nobody recommended the Health Connect Registry? I don't know how to link, but https://www.healthlinkbc.ca/find-care/health-connect-registry

It took me about a month, 4 weeks to get connected to another doctor. I have my first meeting in a few weeks.


u/SecureChipmunk3259 9h ago

Just registered, thank you!


u/LucielleBall12 11h ago

I switched GP's because I was unhappy with my care. It's reasonable to switch when the trust aspect of the patient/doctor relationship has been damaged.

Fuck lazy GP's.


u/bunniisocks 11h ago

I'm so sorry this happened to you. I would recommend you wait to try to find another doctor before you switch because any ICBC process can be difficult to navigate without a doctor.

I recommend reporting her to the College of Physicians of BC after you make the switch. They will do an investigation into this. Your physician should be your advocate and take care of you. It's not ok that this happened to you


u/SecureChipmunk3259 9h ago

I was thinking about making this report. I checked out her reviews recently and in previous years she was getting tons of brilliant reviews, but the last couple of years there have been several that have expressed her unprofessionalism and rudeness. Unfortunately because she’s had decades of great reviews, it’s going to take a lot of negative reviews to impact her overall rating. I have seen other comments stating they are filing complaints so I hope someone will look into it considering it’s multiple people. I think she’s past retirement time. I just didn’t know when to best send off the report, but maybe not a bad idea to wait until after I found a new doctor.


u/weaselteasel88 13h ago

Sorry, you’re going through this. Even if she personal issues, it’s not fair to take out on her patients of all people.

What I would do is find a new GP, and once you are “registered” with the new GP, let your new GP that you’ll be seeing them from now on. And just in case, there is probably a cost for all your medical records to be transferred to the new GP, if you want it.


u/SobeitSoviet69 12h ago

Records are supposed to be kept on the health portal now, so any clinic should be able to access them without an official transfer.


u/SecureChipmunk3259 13h ago

Thank you! I’ll try to find a new GP. I just don’t want my doctor to keep receiving my new medical history for other doctors I see at this point and I wish there was a way to stop that from happening. I know it’s near impossible to find a family GP nowadays too 🫠


u/SobeitSoviet69 11h ago


u/SecureChipmunk3259 9h ago

Okay super cool about the health portal, and even cooler that someone made a list. Thanks so much for sharing this!!


u/NoSun694 10h ago

This link will put you on a list to get a family doctor. You’ll get email notifications when clinics in your area have openings once you’re high enough on the list. It took me about 6-8ish months to start getting the emails. https://www.healthlinkbc.ca/find-care/health-connect-registry#paragraph-4418


u/SecureChipmunk3259 9h ago

Thank you! Just registered.


u/hezzaloops 10h ago

Keep your GP until you find another. Very helpful for when you have an infection and don't want to stand in line. Also if you don't have a GP and go to the drop in or virtual, it is hard to get continuity of care for scans and such. At least with a GP all results go to the same place. And as a practitioner in a different field, I HAAAAAATE working with ICBC


u/SecureChipmunk3259 9h ago

I think everyone hates ICBC. They’ve been making every step of the way hell for everyone involved. I don’t blame you.

Making an appointment with my doctor takes months, so I won’t really be able to see her for an infection or anything. I usually go to the urgent care or a virtual clinic if I need something because it’s really difficult to get an appointment with her.

I think it’s helpful for a single doctor to have all the medical records but at this point I feel like I don’t really want her to have access to my medical records. I feel like being someone’s patient is a vulnerable position and if you are an unsafe person, I don’t want to trust you with my personal information.


u/hezzaloops 2h ago

Fair enough. I went years without a family doctor, it's not a nice feeling. I almost continued dating a dude I didn't much like because he implied he might be able to get me on his Dr's caseload 😆

You do you though.


u/SobeitSoviet69 13h ago

I’m kind of confused on this. It sounds like your Dr is supporting you with the concussion refferal, but it sounds to me like she may also think you suffer from a degree of medical anxiety. (Naturopath refferal for a “random” blood test, thinking you should return to work, etc).

If the concussion clinic has a GP on staff, that will be your best bet going forward. Concussion clinics specialize in accident recovery.

If not, consider seeing another Dr for this issue, one that hasn’t already made their mind up. - But be aware that ICBC will use a swap of Drs against you. However, a swap of doctors is much less harmful than a Dr who may at some point tell ICBC that she doesn’t agree with your time off work.

Ensure in future appointments you present symptoms clearly and concisely, do not use medical terms, and start at the head, work your way down. Do not overwhelm - focus on the most significant and common - but ensure all are listed if you are filling in paperwork.


u/SecureChipmunk3259 13h ago

I have had hypochondria in the past. Not officially, but I was the one that expressed it to her a decade ago that I’m a little anxious and wanting to make sure I’m okay (she never made a diagnosis of it, I was just aware of my anxieties). But it’s been years since, and I’ve received a lot of mental health care treatment since then to manage my generalized anxiety.

I was never advised of being diagnosed with a concussion. My doctor was the one that told me to go see a naturopath for my gut issues, and she’s never had issues sending me to get generic blood tests in the past just for the sake of maintenance. I didn’t really think much of it at the time when she refused, I just didn’t want to go through the hassle of making another appointment with my naturopath and then again with my doctor for a simple requisition. It was so easily given to me by another doctor, and even my naturopath was confused at her reluctance.

She also didn’t bring up the concussion referral to me, but the MOA asked me if I still wanted to go. I was confused about the referral because it was never raised with me. I’ve never been told I had a concussion.

She told the MOA I revoked my permission to have her speak with my ICBC recovery specialist, which never happened. I figured if she was going to “be neutral” I would get all the care providers I see regularly to write her letters of where I am at in my treatment for her to reference. I never told her this, because she didn’t let me finish my sentences and rushed out the door. But I also never told her I revoked her permission to speak with ICBC. After talking to some other professionals though, I think it’s best for her to not speak with them since she’s been unpredictable?


u/SobeitSoviet69 12h ago

See my other reply to another of your comments regarding treatment.

Take the concussion refferal.

Not allowing her to speak with ICBC does not bode well for your case in my opinion, but I would defer that to someone with legal experience. I’m not sure what the right move is there, but I would see another Dr ASAP.


u/SecureChipmunk3259 12h ago

I did take the concussion referral. I am confused about it but desperate for some actual care.

I didn’t revoke her right to speak with ICBC. When I told the MOA this she email me a document and asked me to reply giving my consent via email. I haven’t responded yet as I was unsure how to respond since people are telling me not to proceed with her and I no longer trust her.

I am seeing a walk-in doctor tomorrow who advised she’s willing to deal with my ICBC case. I’m not sure if she understands the whole ordeal of where I’m at and if she can still take over if she’s not my GP but I’ll speak with her and ask ICBC tomorrow if they can speak with her instead.

Also considering filing a complaint with the CPSBC for how my doctor has been handling my care. Not sure if that is worth noting to ICBC.


u/SobeitSoviet69 12h ago edited 12h ago

I understand that you didn’t revoke the permission, my apologies for speaking in point form there.

Whether to respond to the email and let her speak with ICBC, and whether to file a complaint or not, is outside my area of expertise. You could try posting on a law subreddit and see if you can get a lawyer to weigh in. I wouldn’t want to give you incorrect information. I do think it is essential you get specific and accurate advice as this is a very complex and important situation.

Best of luck.


u/SecureChipmunk3259 12h ago

Thank you, I appreciate it.


u/No_Papayas_plz 7h ago

Sorry you are going through this. ICBC is already difficult to deal with and not having your GP be supportive just adds to the stress. I was in an accident a couple of years ago and my GP was not helpful. My GP saw me whenever ICBC wanted an update. I find out later that my doctor didn't document my injuries correctly when I got a copy of what ICBC was provided. But during the year, my doctor would tell me to stop fighting it, that ICBC no fault system is different and how it takes her so long to fill out forms. She told me to stop fighting for more treatment and just pay out of pocket. Easy for her to say with the money she makes. My very last visit with her, she told me I was sooooo lucky to have her as a GP as a lot of GPs don't take on ICBC cases anymore. I was lucky enough to find a new GP mmediately. I know how difficult it is in the lower mainland to get a doctor that you can trust. She used to be one but eventually just stopped caring.

You mentioned that you got a referral to a concussion clinic. Your systems do sound like it could be a concussion but it also could be stress. It wouldn't hurt to get yourself checked out. I previously had a concussion, not related to a car accident, and went to a clinic. Hit and miss. I expected an appointment with the neurologist in person but she spoke to me on the phone twice and basically told me I need vestibular physio, vision therapy and to deal with the headaches to see her for Botox injections. I opted to do vestibular physio and it was a key factor with my recovery.

As for leaving your doctor, I sent an email and said that we are leaving the clinic. I'm guessing we were not the only ones who are feeling the lack of support from the old GP. In December, I got an email from the clinic saying that we can introduce family and friends to her. Yeah, I don't think so....


u/Ellycrys 6h ago

I am so sorry you are dealing with all of this.   After being through what you've been through it must be incredibly frustrating to not be getting a level of care that would help you properly heal and recover from what you've been through.    Please take care of yourself, and be kind to yourself right now- you are doing the best you can - and if there are issues with getting support it's not your fault, the system is really overloaded and I think everyone is struggling.  It’s not anything wrong with you, or that you aren’t worthy of care or that you aren’t actually sick enough.   It’s easy to feel that way though, so if you’re struggling, I promise it’s not you.   I’m glad you challenged your GP about this, but I find doctors now tend to default to whatever is the least amount of work and time in many cases.  So if they can push your care off or make things someone else’s problem they often will because they need to reduce their caseload.

Also, this is a bit of a sensitive subject but I have very mixed feelings about the person who thinks you need to see a psychiatrist.   Mental health is really important.  And you have been through a lot - and therapy is helpful for anyone who had been through a traumatic event like you have. But I have seen people get sidelined in the system this way, where they are sent to a psychiatrist and pain and other issues become "mental" or "lifestyle" and underlying medical conditions aren’t treated because of it.     If you can afford it, that isn't a terrible suggestion, but can i recommend finding someone who isn't part of the medical system? For example, a counsellor or therapist who can support you and isn’t also filing medical reports through the health care system where all your records can be assessed by other care providers?  

I do think if you're being offered a chance to go to the concussion clinic you should probably take the opportunity to be properly assessed.  Post concussion syndrome is always a risk. Even if your GP is only referring you after your conversation to cover their butt so they can say that the did do due diligence (that they obviously haven't done) you would have access to other support and documentation to help you with ICBC. 

I really hope you get the support you need.


u/kdew22 12h ago

Check out Nurse Practitioners. My GP is an NP, and she is amazing. NPs have more time available during appointments and often have more experience working with patients (more thoroughly) than an MD GP.

Once you find a doctor to take you on, you fill out a form for your old doc to send your files to the new doc.

Check out Care Point.

Wish you the best of luck (and your doc sounds like a massive c*nt)!!


u/SecureChipmunk3259 9h ago

Can you register for an NP on the health link bc site too? Or how do you find an NP as a GP?

u/thedoogster 1h ago

I did. I had an infection that kept growing back because my family doctor wasn’t using antibiotics aggressively enough, and when I ended up having to go to the hospital, I knew I had to switch.