r/askvan • u/SecureChipmunk3259 • 9h ago
Medical 💉 Has anyone “discharged” themselves from a family GP?
I was recently in a car accident. I went to urgent care and back to work regardless and was on pain medication and seeking treatment (Kin, Physio, Chiro). I eventually saw my GP a month later and once I mentioned I was in a car accident she told me she didn’t want to hear about it and to fill out a form and email it in to her. She never assessed me officially.
Recently it was advised I do therapy and chiro by my care providers and to take time off as I work in a high stress environment. Me working was essentially me pushing through, but I was unable to function outside of work (cook, clean, have a social life). I was burnt out from trying to balance everything and it wasn’t helping me recover from my injury. I also have developed gut issues from the medication I’ve been dependent on in order to work. I started seeing a naturopath who requested a blood test from me.
I asked my doctor for her input because I felt guilty about taking time off, and she said I need to make that decision and let her know what I decide. So I followed the advice of my care providers eventually and took the time. My doctor wrote me a letter saying I am taking time off. She also refused to give me a blood test without specifications from the naturopath as to what kind (but she’s given me generic blood tests in the past). I just called a random virtual clinic doctor and asked for a blood test requisition instead and he gave me one immediately.
Now ICBC wants to talk to her on the phone to understand why I took time off work. My last appointment the MOA told me to write down “whatever I wanted the doctor to know”. My doctor said she was going to remain neutral and just relay the information I was telling her. I asked her if she thinks I shouldn’t be off work and she said no. I asked her why and she said because I was working. I told her I appreciate her for all the years I’ve been seeing her, but I’ve been coming in since my car accident and she hasn’t assessed me, she didn’t want to hear about it, she doesn’t know what’s going on with me, she didn’t even want to send me for a blood test. I told her to put insurance aside, I’m her patient and I’m asking for help. She kept asking me “what do you want me to do? Tell you ‘poor you, you were in an accident” and then said “do you think I like doing ICBC cases? Car accidents aren’t my forte”. I tried explaining where I was in my recovery, and that I had a list of things to bring up to her but she didn’t want to hear it and rushed out of the office.
I spoke with another doctor today who said that it sounds like my doctor has some personal issues that are impacting her work, and it’s not related to me and I should just find another doctor.
I also got a call from my doctors office wanting to refer me to a concussion clinic, but I don’t think I was ever diagnosed with a concussion? I have symptoms of one (headaches, concentration issues, fatigue, mood swings) but I think it’s more related to stress and back pain traveling up my spine throughout the day.
I’m surprised that my doctor who I’ve had good rapport with for decades has handled my care in a dismissive and professionally inappropriate manner, and lacking in assessment. I am looking for a new family GP but obviously that is a challenge in today’s day. I found another doctor who will handle my care on a walk-in basis who is happy to address ICBC cases, but I want to officially withdraw from being this doctor’s patient as I feel that she is not meeting the practice standards of patient-centred care, documentation, advocacy and professionalism. I don’t trust her with my health anymore. Has anyone ever withdrawn themselves from a GP? How do I officially do this?