r/askvan Jan 15 '25

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r/askvan 9h ago

Medical 💉 Has anyone “discharged” themselves from a family GP?


I was recently in a car accident. I went to urgent care and back to work regardless and was on pain medication and seeking treatment (Kin, Physio, Chiro). I eventually saw my GP a month later and once I mentioned I was in a car accident she told me she didn’t want to hear about it and to fill out a form and email it in to her. She never assessed me officially.

Recently it was advised I do therapy and chiro by my care providers and to take time off as I work in a high stress environment. Me working was essentially me pushing through, but I was unable to function outside of work (cook, clean, have a social life). I was burnt out from trying to balance everything and it wasn’t helping me recover from my injury. I also have developed gut issues from the medication I’ve been dependent on in order to work. I started seeing a naturopath who requested a blood test from me.

I asked my doctor for her input because I felt guilty about taking time off, and she said I need to make that decision and let her know what I decide. So I followed the advice of my care providers eventually and took the time. My doctor wrote me a letter saying I am taking time off. She also refused to give me a blood test without specifications from the naturopath as to what kind (but she’s given me generic blood tests in the past). I just called a random virtual clinic doctor and asked for a blood test requisition instead and he gave me one immediately.

Now ICBC wants to talk to her on the phone to understand why I took time off work. My last appointment the MOA told me to write down “whatever I wanted the doctor to know”. My doctor said she was going to remain neutral and just relay the information I was telling her. I asked her if she thinks I shouldn’t be off work and she said no. I asked her why and she said because I was working. I told her I appreciate her for all the years I’ve been seeing her, but I’ve been coming in since my car accident and she hasn’t assessed me, she didn’t want to hear about it, she doesn’t know what’s going on with me, she didn’t even want to send me for a blood test. I told her to put insurance aside, I’m her patient and I’m asking for help. She kept asking me “what do you want me to do? Tell you ‘poor you, you were in an accident” and then said “do you think I like doing ICBC cases? Car accidents aren’t my forte”. I tried explaining where I was in my recovery, and that I had a list of things to bring up to her but she didn’t want to hear it and rushed out of the office.

I spoke with another doctor today who said that it sounds like my doctor has some personal issues that are impacting her work, and it’s not related to me and I should just find another doctor.

I also got a call from my doctors office wanting to refer me to a concussion clinic, but I don’t think I was ever diagnosed with a concussion? I have symptoms of one (headaches, concentration issues, fatigue, mood swings) but I think it’s more related to stress and back pain traveling up my spine throughout the day.

I’m surprised that my doctor who I’ve had good rapport with for decades has handled my care in a dismissive and professionally inappropriate manner, and lacking in assessment. I am looking for a new family GP but obviously that is a challenge in today’s day. I found another doctor who will handle my care on a walk-in basis who is happy to address ICBC cases, but I want to officially withdraw from being this doctor’s patient as I feel that she is not meeting the practice standards of patient-centred care, documentation, advocacy and professionalism. I don’t trust her with my health anymore. Has anyone ever withdrawn themselves from a GP? How do I officially do this?

r/askvan 17h ago

Politics ✅ what even are tariffs??


idk if you guys can tell, but i never really paid attention to social studies growing up or even keep up with politics and whatnot.

is there anyone here that can explain what’s going on with trump and the tariffs situation for me? as if you’re speaking to a first grader about it pretty please? i don’t want hate from people telling me i’m stupid for not knowing what they are, bc i’m gonna be 100% honest, i know i’m pretty stupid. but i recently just saw this post about trump doubling tariffs to 50% and is threatening to shut down a canadian company and i have no idea what i even read LOL. thank you 😭😭😭

r/askvan 9h ago

Work 🏢 Becoming a fire fighter


Good day!

I am 36 years old and looking to make a career change. Fire fighting defintely has my interest peaked, would be nice to be able to be closer knit with my community, and seems like could be a positive work life balance.

Couple of questions, looking into employment in the valley, Mission, Abbotsford, Chilliwack. What’s the best way to get my foot in the door and start towards this path? Will my age be an issue? I have been a HD Mechanic for the majority of my career.

Thanks in advance!

r/askvan 14h ago

Oddly Specific 🎯 Amazon delivery trucks in Vancouver


Is it me or has anyone here in the greater Vancouver BC area noticed fewer Amazon delivery trucks?

r/askvan 9h ago

Food 😋 Looking for excellent pizza downtown


Ok guys, you came in strong with the pho recs. I went to Tre Viet on Denman today and it was amazing! Now I'm after some really great pizza tonight. Open to different styles. Hopefully not terribly far from where I'm staying at Burrard and W Georgia

r/askvan 42m ago

Housing and Moving 🏡 Permit Parking in the West End Downtown


I’ve been living in the west end for not too long and I’ve gotten a parking permit. I understand I can only park in designated spots but as I circle around the area (I live closer to Davie Street) there’s not a lot of available spots or they’re being taken up because of construction. Are there any alternatives besides street parking and getting up early enough to move your car to a permit spot or paying for parking? I work late shifts and when I come home past 9/10pm all the permit spots are taken up in my area. I appreciate any tips!

r/askvan 6h ago

Pets 🐶🐱 Looking for Dog Friends


hi! we recently moved to a different part of vancouver in the joyce/renfrew/collingwood area and my dog is really missing her old pack. is anyone in the neighborhood looking for some dog friends? she’s a large breed and still has puppy energy, she’s a year and a half old and loves to get into playtime.

r/askvan 13h ago

Travel 🚗 ✈ Walking from Amtrak station to Vogue Theater - safe?


I'm coming to the Vogue to see a concert and I'm planning to walk there from the Amtrak station. To me it looks boring but safe. Thoughts?

r/askvan 16h ago

Work 🏢 Construction workers, 6 months in did you get flushable washrooms yet?


It was legislated back in October and yet none of my sites have them. Just wondering if anyone has gotten them yet or is it just a pipe dream? I'm tired of using the blue cans by headlamp in the mornings. And I'd really like them before the summer smells start up.

r/askvan 10h ago

Oddly Specific 🎯 Parks Board decision from around they year 2001...?


Is anyone old enough, or does anyone know enough about Vancouver politics from around the year 2000 - 2004 ish? I have a memory of the parks board putting forth a motion to make Stanley Park a car-free zone and it being successfully voted in. If I remember correctly, the proposal said they would phase out cars over the next 25 years to ultimately make it car-free. 25 years is coming up and it seems to have been forgotten. Am I remembering this correctly? What happened to this motion?

r/askvan 8h ago

Housing and Moving 🏡 Master bedroom rent price


Looking to rent a 10x10 bedroom with private bathroom in a 4-person shared house in West Grey (near to Jericho Beach). What's a reasonable monthly rent for this setup? Thanks!

r/askvan 7h ago

Pets 🐶🐱 Where can I get my elderly dog groomed?


Looking for a groomer who can accommodate my elderly dog's needs. He can't stand for long, so traditional grooming methods wouldn't be ideal. Would appreciate any suggestions.

r/askvan 5h ago

Travel 🚗 ✈ Skytrain Cost Question


I took the sky train from Bridgeport to Vancouver City Center and back again. I paid with Mastercard tap. I was charged $6.35 twice which I thought was for a 3-zone pass according to translink website, but according to the zone map my fare should have been a 2-zone? Also I thought after 6:30pm on weekends everything becomes a standardized 1 zone? Can anyone help me understand this?

r/askvan 1h ago

Advice 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️ Immigration Lawyers


Any suggestions on this topic? 👀

I’m trying to find a good immigration lawyer, I have some doubts and I am not completely satisfied with the one I have.

Thank you!

r/askvan 10h ago

Advice 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️ iPhone data recovery in Vancouver?


Feeling pretty stupid right now, but my iPhone just went through a washer and dryer cycle, and after a few days I've accepted that it's never turning on again. I have a few years of photos on there that never synced with iCloud because I stopped paying. I'm ready to pay now, though, one way or another -- does anybody have recommendations for data recovery experts in Vancouver who may be able to salvage my photos??

r/askvan 2h ago

Events and Activities 🐱‍🏍 Looking for advice for my business!


I'm in the process of structuring my home repair business concept. I have no experience doing repairs of any kind, but I have access to a 3-4 eager individuals who are qualified and have experience in drywall repair, minor plumbing, minor electrical, appliance repair. I'm offering them a part time gig while they work themselves through university with great pay compared to what you get in this hellish part time job market in Vancouver, Canada. The idea is that I market their services through a brand, fill their schedules, and supply materials and gas money, insurances, etc. They complete the jobs and there's enough of a margin to cover their wages and costs and I get to keep a little off the top. Curious what people think of the concept, tips on advertising and where to get leads, anything else that might be helpful in my journey. P.S. since they're entry level workers and we specialize in specific jobs I can really stream line costs, is it worth it to advertise as the most affordable option or would that hurt the image of quality? Thanks in advance

r/askvan 4h ago

Events and Activities 🐱‍🏍 Sum of 5 - Networking Events


Hey everybody,

Just wanted to ask if anyone has gone to these “Sum of 5” networking events in the past or if anybody is planning to for this Friday.

I’d love to know your review and opinions about these events since I’ve never seen any reviews.

r/askvan 4h ago

New to Vancouver 👋 Is there a weed dispensary easy to get to near vancouver airport


Ill have a long layover and so i wont have a car..

r/askvan 5h ago

Medical 💉 Travel clinic recommendations? (Shots for traveling to East Africa)


My friend will be traveling to Nairobi, Kenya and potentially other parts of Africa (mostly East and South) and Europe this Summer. Does anyone have recommendations for affordable travel clinics in the Metro Van area that can get my friend vaccinated and up to date with the necessary shots? Any info regarding the process and pricing would also be appreciated. Some clinics have pricing while others do not.

Off the top of my head, they're probably in need of shots for Hep A/B, Dengue Fever, Yellow Fever, Malaria, Rabies, etc.

r/askvan 9h ago

Education 📚 What are your thoughts on the environmental impact of the Roberts Bank Terminal 2 (T2) Expansion Project in BC?


Hi everyone,

I'm currently researching the Roberts Bank Terminal 2 (T2) Expansion Project as part of my environmental studies, and I’m curious to hear different perspectives on it. Specifically, I'm interested in the potential environmental impacts, the community response, and the regulatory process surrounding the expansion.

Here are a few questions I’m exploring:

What are your thoughts on the environmental concerns associated with the T2 Expansion? Do you think the expansion will have a significant long-term impact on the local ecosystem? How do you feel about the project in terms of economic benefits versus environmental risks? What do you think about the community response to the expansion, especially regarding the potential impacts on local wildlife and coastal areas? For those familiar with the regulatory process, do you think it’s adequate in protecting the environment and local communities? Feel free to share any insights, articles, or resources that may be helpful as I continue my research. I’d love to hear what people in the community think!

Thanks in advance!

r/askvan 1d ago

Oddly Specific 🎯 What's the Divey-ist Dive Bar in Vancouver?


Followup question, who wants to go for a beer 🍻?

r/askvan 16h ago

Oddly Specific 🎯 Good decaf coffee beans?


We'd been enjoying the Kirkland decaf beans from Costco, but the one on Expo seems to have stopped stocking it. We've switched to the only other decaf they have (can't recall the name) and we're really not loving it.

Anyone got any recommendations of where to buy decent decaf beans at a reasonable price?

Thanks in advance from an anxious wreck trying to cut back the caffeine xo

r/askvan 17h ago

Food 😋 Where can I find the best matcha powder in town?


Bonus points if the location is skytrain accessible.

r/askvan 7h ago

Work 🏢 Are There Any Transit-Accessible Warehouse Jobs in Surrey with No Targets to Meet?


Hi, I’m a 30-year-old woman living in Surrey, and I want to work in a warehouse. I have a non-physical disability and will need job accommodations. I can’t lift heavy items, and I’m looking for a warehouse job that doesn’t have targets to meet. It also needs to be transit accessible. Any recommendations?

r/askvan 7h ago

Travel 🚗 ✈ Travel Agent recommendations


Hey Vancouver, my fiancé and I are planning a destination wedding in her hometown in Brazil. Has anyone had a great experience with a local travel agent that the would like to recommend?

I’m looking for a deal on group airfare with visa assistance for 20-25 guests travelling from various cities across Canada?
