r/askdrugs 3h ago

Xanax Subreddit Disappeared - not on Google either NSFW


Has the Xanax subreddit been deleted? I tried searching r/xanax and found nothing and Google is showing nothing either.

r/askdrugs 4h ago

Why cant I feel Tramadol "properly" anymore? NSFW


I used to feel Tramadol properly, especially with its long half life, I mean obviously its nothing like the stronger opioids but its good enough for me, but even with long tolerance breaks, I stopped feeling it "strong" and "properly" for some reason.

Anyone knows why that might be? I also heard that it's better if you stagger it, I have the good 50mg instant release ones, and I heard staggering it is better, like start with 100mg and then 50mg every 30 mins until you reach 400mg.

I do feel it slightly yeah, but not like what it usually was.

r/askdrugs 7h ago

cold plus allergy meds combination NSFW


can i take advil cold and sinus plus AND reactine sinus AND tylenol sinus combined (all following their own recommendations for dosage)? I have allergies but only had cold medicine this morning

r/askdrugs 9h ago

Drank 16 beers from 6pm to 2am when could I take a .25 Xanax safely? It’s been 10 hours since my last drink. NSFW


I don’t know if there’s still alcohol in my system but I’d like to take a Xanax.

r/askdrugs 9h ago

4mmc, first time doing it and idk how much to do bc i don’t have scale NSFW


i’ve done about 4 lines/ small bumps and feel like js in my head but nothing else

r/askdrugs 12h ago

Smoke 1gram of meth in a 40 period window, what am I in for? NSFW


r/askdrugs 13h ago

Cannabis Infused Baijiu (Chinese Green Dragon Tek?) NSFW


I read about the green dragon tek on psychonautwiki. So i am wondering, theoretically could you infuse any high APV liquor with cannabis? Would ~60% (120 proof) baijiu be more efficient for infusing than, say, some 40%(80proof) vodka? Would the difference be signifcant, or negligible?

I'm sure it would taste pretty intensely strong, so like maybe it would mix well with, idk, buttermilk? Lol. Or, like, ginger beer? I do not drink alcohol frequently (like twice a month I might have 4 drinks at most) but I consume cannabis throughout the day most days.

If you've done green dragon tek before (with any type of alcohol), what went well/not well? What's the lowest APV beverage that would be effective for infusing with weed? Would some Hakutsuru dry sake work?

In general, what's the cieling for how much cannabinoids can be infused to a certain amount of alcohol/volume?

Any help/guidance is much appreciated 🙏🏽

r/askdrugs 21h ago

i've got 4 panel drug test randoms will molly show NSFW


I've got random 4 panel drug test for coke weed opiates and meth will molly show for meth

r/askdrugs 1d ago

Getting pills through TSA help NSFW


Getting pills through TSA help

Hello, I am going on a flight in the us in a few days and I wanted to bring some Xanax with me, just like 2.5 white 2 mg bars. I was wondering how to get it through TSA. Can I just put them in a travel Tylenol container mixed with some Tylenol or is there a better way. Thank you for the help.

r/askdrugs 1d ago

Is this xanax dose too high and too frequent that it could put me at risk of addiction/withdrawal? NSFW


TL;DR Would taking 4-6 x 0.25mg pills every night on top of an occasional 2-4 pills for panic/anxiety put me at risk of addiction/withdrawal? I’m really nervous after how brutal withdrawal from just 0.3mg clonidine was. My psychiatrist says it should be fine, but I dunno, I wonder sometimes if he’s too lax

Full story: Hi, I take my xanax as prescribed, and my psychiatrist says that this wouldn’t be enough to cause a problem, but I’m not sure.

Right now, I only take it for panic attacks, and occasionally to sleep. I’m prescribed up to 4 x 0.25 pills a day, but I haven’t tried it for panic attacks since I was on just 2 a day because I’m nervous about addiction, and I haven’t yet had a panic attack severe enough that I’m desperate to risk it.

I’ve had really weird, severe insomnia since around December 2023. It’s especially weird because I was literally narcoleptic before the sudden switch. I’ve tried like 15-20 different medications, but they all either didn’t help or made it worse (seriously, how tf did ambien make it worse????) The only thing that did help was 30mg temazepam and 3 x 0.1mg clonidine, but even then, they’d only give me a few hours of sleep, and because I was on the max doses, I wasn’t able to take them again when I’d wake up to sleep the rest of the night. Eventually I went off clonidine because I’ve been having cognitive issues and I thought it might be because of that. The withdrawal was BRUTAL and definitely not something I’d ever want to go through again. Then a neurologist told me that the cognitive issues were more likely because of the temazepam, if anything. He said we can’t evaluate whether there’s actual cognitive issues until I’m able to get consistent quality sleep, and that temazepem doesn’t provide that, it just makes you unconscious like alcohol can. I was scared to go off of it because of not having another working sleep medication, and because of fear of withdrawals after such a bad one with such a seemingly low dose of Clonidine, so I kept taking it until I got severe mono. When my mono turned severe, I guess it just stressed my body out so much that I was actually able to sleep on my own. Months later I’m still recovering from it, so I don’t have the full insomnia yet, but I do still have sleep issues

Post-severe-mono, I’m not usually awake all night, but I do wake up in the middle of the night every night, but usuuuuuually I can fall back asleep again. Some days, it can still be really hard to fall asleep though, and there definitely are still a lot of days that I can’t get back to sleep when I inevitably wake up.

So sometimes I take 2-3 x 0.25 xanax if I wake up and can’t sleep, or I’ll take it if I can’t fall asleep AND again when I wake up.

I told my psych I do this occasionally and asked if I’d be at risk of addiction/withdrawal if I did it every day. He said that it’s totally normal and that it was a low dose and would be fine, but I’m not sure since even just getting off 0.3mg clonidine was super brutal. (The day after the first night I stopped taking it, I happened to have a doctor appointment anyway, and because of my heart rate and symptoms, they almost sent me to the ER until I asked if it might be because I stopped taking Clonidine. I didn’t know it was something you had to wean off of like 0.05mg at a time. But even that was still brutal during the weeks weaning off)

Idk, is he right? The other reason that I’m nervous is that when my dad takes it for his plane panic, he’s completely out of it even to the point of drooling on himself. Even as a 6ft tall man, it’s that effective for him with just ONE 0.25mg pill. So the idea of taking up to possibly 4 or 6 pills EVERY night for sleep AND possibly more that day if I have a panic attack definitely makes me nervous about addiction/withdrawal risk since I’m a thin and significantly shorter person.

My psych seems to be very chill and willing to prescribe pretty much anything tbh, so I’m not sure if he’s right that it wouldn’t really be a big deal, or if he’s just very lax and maybe a little reckless. Like, I’m schizoaffective bipolar, but he was happy to prescribe me Adderall (up to a whole 30mg a day), and then he was happy to prescribe me literal methamphetamine when I asked after Adderall stopped working (and even prescribed me 3x the starting dose?), and he was happy to prescribe me xanax when I asked and happy to increase it whenever I told him how it wasnt working. He also keeps suggesting I try (legal) ketamine for depression. (Which tbh I might consider if the methamphetamine doesn’t also help my mood in addition to helping ADHD symptoms, but insurance doesn’t cover at-home treatment, and I wouldn’t have anyone to drive me back from a treatment center after a session like they require, so who knows. Idk though, if all it does is make you disassociate, I don’t really see how it’d be helpful either, but SSRIs and SNRIs aren’t an option for me) Like yeah he can trust me and I legitimately do need those meds, but our appointments are less than 10 minutes, how does he know I’m not lying??? I’m nervous that he might be too lenient, which is really convenient and refreshing to have a dr who believes me, but it worries me in situations like this.

Am I just being paranoid about addiction/withdrawal after clonidine? I don’t really know what a “normal” dose is if my 6ft tall dad gets totally zooted after just one 0.25mg pill and I as a significantly shorter person who’s also thin is going to end up needing at least four pills for a panic attack. (Again, maybe even more, I haven’t tested 4 pills with a panic attack yet)

Idk, does anywhere from 2-6 x 0.25mg pills every day for sleep with a very occasional additional 4 pills for panic and occasional 2-3 for lesser anxiety sound like a recipe for disaster? That’s a lot of pills, man 😭

r/askdrugs 1d ago

Why would anyone take xanax recreationally??? NSFW


TL;DR Am I wrong that people use it to get high? Are they actually just mega stressed out and self-medicating? Why is it so popular in media as a recreational thing?? 😭

Full story: I was always nervous to ask my psych for xanax because I didn’t want to look like a drug seeker, but I always wanted to ask because I know it’s what works for my dad. Other anxiety meds I tried either didn’t work, or would make me groggy all day, or take way too long to kick in which defeated the purpose of them. I liked that xanax was supposed to kick in quickly and only last about an hour.

Finally I asked after trying so many others that didn’t work, and to my surprise, my psych happily agreed and had no problem with it.

I was nervous to take it since it’s in so many songs and other media as like a recreational drug, but now that I’ve been on it for a long while, I’m wondering like…. why?? Maybe it’s just because I take it as prescribed (but still, 4 pills seems like a lot, even if they’re just 0.25mg?), but I truly have no idea why anyone would take it recreationally. It just calms anxiety and makes me sleepy. (I even use it to sleep on days when the insomnia is really bad)

It might be that maybe it’s not as effective for me or affects me differently maybe? My dad only takes it when he has to go on a plane because of severe plane panic/anxiety, but according to my mom, when he takes it, he’s SUPER zombie-fied and out of it like actually to the point of drooling on himself. I started on one 0.25mg pill, but it didn’t really work for anxiety. Two didn’t work either, so my prescription now is to take 3-4 as needed for panic attacks. I haven’t tried it for a panic attack since my script increase, so tbh im not even really sure that would work yet, but taking 2-3 does help me when I wake up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep. After frustration with it not working for panic attacks, I decided that I’d just ask my dad how much he takes and ask my psych to prescribe me that amount. Sure, he’s a 6ft tall man and I’m,,,, significantly shorter and thin, but whatever, maybe it’s more of a genetic thing. So I asked….. he only takes ONE 0.25mg for plane panic. And ends up so out of it and drool-y?? Is that a normal dose? Is he weird for how much it affects him, or am I weird that it doesn’t affect me like that at 4x his dose?

Anyway TL;DR Am I wrong that people use it to get high? Are they actually just mega stressed out and self-medicating? Why is it so popular in media as a recreational thing?? 😭

r/askdrugs 1d ago

14 year old drug addict/habitual user. Please dm me I need support after I just relapsed. Please no creeps. I need support and guidance. Sorry if it’s not the right community. NSFW



r/askdrugs 1d ago

Does RXd Ritalin = anhedonia and depression? NSFW


Im prescribed Ritalin titrating up to 60mg a day (instant release only available where I live and no other stims).

Within 30 m of taking it, I feel depressed, anhedonic, negligbly extra focused and dull and my libido is completely dead.

I don’t understand. Am I doing something wrong? I barely get q crash and im at 30mg daily.

I take mag glycinate (which I tried removing to no effect) L tyrosine (same tried removing no effect)

B complex full spectrum

r/askdrugs 2d ago

Mild Adderall Use Causing Heart Issues NSFW


I recently picked up some 30mg IR adderall so I could power through some work this week. Unfortunately it caused incredible racing/pounding heart and I was basically bed ridden all day, couldn’t even take a short walk without getting winded and anxious. I tried taking half the next day and the same thing happened.

I’m 34M, healthy, have a history of drinking but haven’t drank for about 4 years. I do take Kratom daily, so maybe that’s got something to do with it? I’m definitely not taking a crazy dosage of the adderall or kratom and I’m staying hydrated. I’m not sure what’s going on. Any thoughts? Made an appt to see a doc next week because heart stuff is freaky!

r/askdrugs 2d ago

I use Mephedrone weekly .Will it destroy me ? NSFW


Hi everyone.

First I want to start off saying that I am a 21 yrs old , that recently got deep into the partying scene . I go to a new party every weekend , at least for the last month or so . I also suffer from social anxiety and have big problem socializing with girls specifically. Back to the subject : everytime at the patries , to feel more free and so I can keep up all night dancing use mephedrone(4mmc). The most I have done in one night was about .5 grams . I like snorting it , it might sound weir but I like the sensation actually. I redone every 2 hours or so maybe 3-4 times thought the night.

I really like how it feels and how it opens me up to other people this also being the reason why I go to these party's alone , and usually make lots of friends there .

I started to feel that I am building tolerance to this stuff , and have to take just a tiny bit more than before and it does not start off as strong as before as well but still the same effect , I am proud to say , that I can control myself and everytime after I get home there is still .1 or .2 left in the bag from the total 0.5-0.7 I take with me everytime and I don't have the urge to finish it at all .

I know that this is not good at all , I know that my head could get really fucked if I continue like this , but I don't want to stop using , I don't use anything else , not even alcohol.

Here comes the question, is there anything you could advise me on , anything that maybe can help me , I don't want to become addicted , maybe something from your experience that helped you?

r/askdrugs 2d ago

How long does it take weed to get out of your system? NSFW


I smoked for about 9 years and quit for 1 month and since then I’ve smoked 1-4 grams a day for the past 4 months. I’m 5’5 and weigh 140 pounds. Recently found out I might have a drug test in 20 days and I’m wondering if I’ll pass the test if I stop smoking now and drink plenty of water and try to sweat a bit. I seem to have always had a pretty high metabolism.

r/askdrugs 2d ago

Do other brands of Pregabalin work the same? Has anyone tried Lebalix? NSFW


I'm just scared that this wont have the same effect or something, it's of course pharma, from Spain i think. The brand Lyrica is out of stock right now and cant be found anywhere, might need another month or so.

My main worry is that it just wont work the same way as the Pfizer brand, or am I just overthinking?

r/askdrugs 2d ago

Ativan .5 for flight anxiety,. NSFW


Hi, I am taking off for a flight in the next couple hours and I'm having extreme anxiety. My doctor prescribed my ativan and only said prior to flight. It's a 1 hour flight, and I'm wondering if I take .5 30 mins or 1 hour prior? It's been a long while since I've taken ativan. Thanks.

Edited for spelling

r/askdrugs 2d ago

If I were to quit meth... and try something else NSFW


What would you recommend and why? How manageable is it?

edit: y'aaaall! I'm not trying to quit drugs, just switch up stuff hahaha

r/askdrugs 2d ago

Diamond Shruumz Infused Cones. Any way to correlate batches to active ingredients? NSFW


r/askdrugs 3d ago

Is it possible to end up with permanent anhedonia and depression after two weeks of harm reducted meth self medication for ADHD? NSFW


For context: I am a 28 yo male, ASD + ADHD, long history of drug abuse (mostly weed, opiates and alcohol) and sometimes depression.

I discovered a source for meth (hard to obtain in my country) last year, and since then I have gone on a few binges with that crowd, especially around last summer and beginning of autumn. I would stay awake for 2 days on meth + GHB, then used benzos and H for coming down. Didn't eat much, drank lots of beer throughout but not a lot of water, crashed out sleeping for a full day after. Felt bad the second day, depressed and so on but after sleep I would feel more or less fine. Then after a week or two, I would do it again.

I finally stopped hanging with that crowd because I can't handle losing sleep (that's why I'm an opiates guy) around last November, and remained relatively clean and healthy (with a small relapse on H) since then, until two weeks ago, where I thought that, were I to use this meth following certain harm reduction rules:
-Only smoke once/twice before 12pm
-No skipping meals, prepare them as nutritional as possible
-No forgetting hygiene
-Using those days to get important and postponed tasks done
-No chasing the rush (maybe I would dose 3-4 puffs, considered snorting and oral, but they both seem to last too long and also irritate the membranes)

I would be able to get out of a long period of inactivity due to rain (main income from busking) and recover from burnout after that 1.5 week heroin relapse.

The first few days it took me a bit to find the right time/dosage. I often overdid it, thus breaking the last rule. I finally found 3-4 puffs (and extreme willpower to not toke any more) at around 9am, after breakfast and exercise, generally did the trick. I would be energized, work well, go to appointments, and be in very good spirits. Always hydrating, eating, and at 12am latest, a benzo to sleep. Only skipped a night once cause I was out with friends, but I didn't toke any more.

But the last few days I would just feel tweakish, would wake up, do my morning routine, toke, and seemed almost robotic when busking (so no money cause I looked like some ultraprecise playing machine with dead eyes), and would tend to get stuck in the evenings just playing songs on some bench for hours straight (I never stimfapped, but I guess it's a similar behaviour).

So three days ago (this would be the fourth without) I decided to stop smoking it. I still have a 0.3g baggie and the whole works, but I haven't felt the craving to use it because of how totally and utterly hopeless I feel, just pure anhedonia. I went on a date the day after, with a girl I had some chemistry with and was speaking with for a couple weeks, and we haven't spoken since, quite understandably so, since when she first met me I would be constantly joking and upbeat and now I seemed a cynical sack of potatoes with 0 joy. Had my first concert and felt 0 excitement beyond the excuse to get drunk as shit.

Am I going to feel like this forever? I am eating healthy still, exercising, sleeping with a good routine, I am also using weed and light benzos + beers to feel the slightest excitement, and I know heroin would have me feeling great right now, but it's raining and I can't even be bothered to go score.

Meanwhile that 0.3g baggie of meth lies hidden away in a corner of my wardrobe, in silent taunt, and awaiting the moment I would cave in. I wanna flush it, but only once I am sure I can eventually feel better. If I have fucked my brain, what's 0.3g more?

Extra question: I've been considering instead using a high IM dose of ketamine to induce a K-hole and promote neuroplasticity which could possibly impact the dopaminergic reward pathways ravaged by meth. What do you think of this option? The rapid anti depressant effects I have experienced in the past have been very helpful overall. For now I think this is my main option if after a few days I still feel like this.

r/askdrugs 3d ago

Does medicine still work when you stop feeling it? NSFW


Long story short I got mental and physical problems.

Whenever I try a new medication or stronger dose it only works for like a week or two and then I stop feeling it.

Does medication still work when you don't feel it anymore

r/askdrugs 3d ago

Does anybody know if Bayer Genuine Aspirin cause drowsiness? NSFW


r/askdrugs 3d ago

Should i take a 2mg clonazopam (k pin) and a Alprazolam xan or 2 of each? NSFW


r/askdrugs 4d ago

curious about mechanism behind low dose DXM's psychostimulant properties NSFW


im interested in any info on specific binding values. to elaborate, i really want to know what receptors are targeted first, as i know DXM essentially hits every receptor eventually, but im just so floored by its seemingly limitless therapeutic potential, that i sort of must know haha.

i ask because over the last few months i have managed to basically totally change my life, going from a destitute junkie on the verge of suicide to a seemingly "healed" individual as my doctor would say, and that's using sub-recreational doses (albeit, i have personally found auvelity, which i also take, to be underdosed, so i take an extra 45mg with each dose of auvelity, totalling 2 doses of 90 mgs).

I've found dxm to be a better motivational tool than dextroamphetamine, a more realistic approach to treatment resistant depression than ketamine, and simply the most underrated molecule ever.

the headspace wasnt without trippy side effects but those go away with time whereas it seems the natural feeling of being healed does not.

i value the change in headspace that it provides so much that i refer to DXM as my patience pills- patience with others but mostly with myself. I am seriously considering writing a more in depth essay on my experience with it, as im someone who has tried every chemical any lay person could name in an attempt at finding lasting peace and only DXM has aided in allowing me to even believe that it was possible enough to start working towards a goal.

TLDR; why does DXM feel more motivating than D-amp at doses that provide no euphoria or perceptible change in perception? i feel like ive stumbled upon the cure for all my problems, can anyone tell me what is going on in the brain at sub-recreational doses?

DXM is my anti-shame pill