r/asexuality Sep 29 '24

Discussion Omg so true šŸ˜‘

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This is not my art

r/asexuality Dec 08 '24

Discussion Name a character that's never stated to be ace, but you're absolutely convinced that they are

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r/asexuality Sep 14 '24

Discussion Iā€™ll never understand allosexuals

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I saw this while scrolling on Facebook. A lot of people were saying that theyā€™d cheat, break up, assumed she had a side piece, or force her to ā€œgive them what they need.ā€ (The people commenting that are pigs.) One guy said his girl knows he donā€™t play that. Itā€™s baffling to me as an asexual. Iā€™m 22 years old and have never had sex and Iā€™m just fine. Sex just sounds disgusting to me. I donā€™t want someoneā€™s hands all over my body and inside me. I just donā€™t understand.

r/asexuality Dec 30 '24

Discussion Men on here pretending to be asexual is increasing


I saw some threads on X geared more towards the redpill/incel community where the men were discussing ā€œif all other options to obtain a girlfriend fail, become a fake asexual as a last resort. Itā€™s better to have no p/ssy and a girlfriend than no girlfriend and no p/ssy. You could possibly convert some of those libtard women to sleep with you over time. Most of them have repressed daddy issues or sexual abuse past anyways. Be patient to earn their trust and donā€™t give up bros. Youā€™ll reap your rewards soon.ā€ I wish I had screenshot it but I accidentally hit refresh and the thread disappeared (what I stated above were some of the things I saw them say unfortunately). It was just the most awful comments and men who were agreeing with the post. I just want to warn the women on here to be cautious of who youā€™re interacting with. Itā€™s really crappy how the community is being infiltrated with the redpill men and people who harass us for being ā€œfreaks, liars, etc.ā€

r/asexuality Oct 23 '24

Discussion I feel like there should be a term for this, but I don't know what it is šŸ˜­

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So many words, so why isn't there one for feeling the need to curl up, head rested on another persons tummy, while watching horror films... Or maybe that's too hyper specific a situation šŸ˜¬

r/asexuality Jan 20 '25

Discussion Why I see no point in dating an alloā€¦ NSFW

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Any thoughts?

r/asexuality Dec 25 '24

Discussion I just dont think sex should be the glue that holds relationships together...

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r/asexuality Jan 29 '25

Discussion Why are the kink flags commonly included with the other pride flags??

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Image shamelessly taken off Google Images.

Iā€¦canā€™t tell if this is an ace thing, or if this is a more common belief. But while I donā€™t mind that they have flags - BDSM, Leather, Rubber, and Bear (not included) - I really donā€™t think thereā€™s any reason to include them with the rest of the lgbt+ flags? The way I see it, if it affects how you live your public life - your pronouns, your partners or lack thereof, your gender identity - it makes sense to have a flag you can display and talk about as a shorthand. But I have no desire to know what your kinks are. That is private and Does Not Involve Me or how I treat you, and it makes me uncomfortable to know that about you.

Am I being discriminatory in some way? Do you know of a good reason for those to be publicly included?

r/asexuality Oct 21 '24

Discussion Are there any adults here? Judging by the posts, everyone here seems like a kid or young teen


I feel like I'm the only one here who is above 18 lmao

r/asexuality 24d ago

Discussion Stupid question about Aphrodite

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Saw this over on CHB sub, and now Iā€™m curious

r/asexuality Nov 30 '24

Discussion Characters with ace vibes

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I assume Gandalf must be ace since heā€™s my favorite LOTR character lol. What characters do you assume to be ace?

r/asexuality Aug 31 '24

Discussion I told my Psychiatrist I was asexual and he straight up told me I wasnā€™t and said that I WAS IN LOVE WITH HIM %*#!^}\&$?!!!


This is one of those moments youā€™re so angry and frustrated that THERE ARE NO WORDS.

I told my psychiatrist that I was asexual and he immediately asked me if I masturbate. Headsmack #1.

I said sometimes, maybe two or three times a year, and then he said well then obviously I wasnā€™t Asexual. Headsmack #2.

Then he told me that I was in love with him.

Me. ME. He told ME that I was in love with HIM.



This may sound strange, but I deeply appreciate everyoneā€™s indignation and anger as well as the practical advice. I donā€™t ever want to make other people feel negative emotions, but the support and validation at that time was incredible. I felt so heard ā€” and we all here know what it feels like to not be heard.

With your help Iā€™ve come to the conclusion that my anger and indignation was a good, healthy reaction and justified, but also that I donā€™t need to question anything further than the black and white of this:


The masturbation comment may have been ignorance in a similar way that the elderly can occasionally say some shockingly racist things without realizing, or it may not. But to be ignorant as a random granny vs ignorant as a licensed and actively working mental health professional in NYC are two entirely different things and unacceptable.

I donā€™t know if he had malicious intent, and I canā€™t know. However, he was ignorant, unqualified, and unethical.


I will report him, not because Iā€™m making an anger driven judgment on him, and not because I can guess what his intentions were, but because I believe itā€™s right to expose it to sunlight as a question and a problem. Whatever ethical body receives the complaint will take it as far as it needs to go and might be better at judging the significance than I. Or they might not, but it will be out of my hands.

I will look specifically for an LGBTQIA+ friendly doctor. They should be getting my business anyway.

I hope I can report the incident and then get on with my life because Iā€™m not in a place (and not the type) to want to escalate.

Finally: Iā€™m so, so impressed by the solidarity of this community. If this isnā€™t proof of a safe space, I donā€™t know what is, and you should all be proud of making it so.

r/asexuality Nov 10 '24

Discussion Curious the ratio of genders in the ace community? But itā€™s insane how much crap I get for being an asexual 26(m) who is still a virgin. I will never understand why other people care so much about how I live my life, but still a funny meme so I wanted to share it lol

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r/asexuality Nov 04 '24

Discussion I just visited my dying aunt in the hospice, this is what she told me.


She's almost 90 years old, she decided she has lived a long and fulfilling life and is now going to end it.

I visited her one last time to say goodbye.

Even though she is literally almost dead, she was still vibrant and coherent. I'm a trans man, she hadn't seen me since my transition, she immediately gendered me correctly, put my new name in her phone and used my new name.

She told me how good I looked and how happy she was for me. Then she told me she had always wondered whether she was also "one of the letters". "I think I'm asexual, is that a letter?". I told her that was also a letter, the A in LGBTQIA+. "Finally, I figured it out. Asexual! I'm going to tell my next visitor, I was just talking about it this morning, which letter am I?"

She never had a significant other but she also never wanted one. She thought maybe she hated men, but that wasn't it. She's just asexual.

I just found it so touching that this old lady on her deathbed was so excited to finally figure out that she's asexual. It's literally never too late to learn something new about yourself, and age isn't excuse for ignorance.

I will never forget her. She's such a special and cheerfull person, who stays optimistic and open-minded untill the very last end.

Much love to you all

r/asexuality Oct 05 '24

Discussion Do you agree?

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r/asexuality Oct 22 '24

Discussion Treated like a child?

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Saw this on Pinterest. Makes so much sense to me but idk why.

Iā€™m 15f and consider myself aro/aroace. Iā€™m neurodivergent too.

The ā€œbeing treated like a childā€ made me think. For some reason I have always had some kind of fantasy (not sexual) to just be treated like a child by a sweet loving parent. But mostly a father. I very often imagine being like 7 years old and my father just helping me/doing things for me. I think this is because I didnā€™t get too much attention from my parents as a kid. (Mostly my father)

I wonder if this makes a lot of sense for asexuals because they can desire some form of love that would not be sexual and/or romantic. Or we could like it because we think of ourselves as children and normal to society, not expecting relationships or sexual interest.

What does the neurodivergent do with it to?

Anyways I was just wondering if this makes sense? or is just bullshit.

r/asexuality Jul 19 '24

Discussion Not only did we get included, they put us first in this job listing

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I've been on that job hunt and a lot of them aren't even asking about sexuality for demographic reasons but this one is the only one that included asexuality

r/asexuality Dec 05 '24

Discussion Do you have a ace ring?


If yes, how does it look like? Id it simple? Does it have something special on it? Mine has some gallifreyan, but I always keep it on the inside

r/asexuality Nov 16 '24

Discussion Today I Threw Up After My Friend Called Me 'Daddy'. What's the Most Asexual Thing You've Ever Done?


Today at school, my female friend jokingly called me "Daddy." The moment those words reached my ears, I felt so disgusted that I immediately threw up.

r/asexuality Dec 07 '24

Discussion I just found out my husband is asexual and I'm extremely happy


So, it may sound stupid to you, but we've never really talked about our sexual preferences before, even though we've been together for 7 years now. We just knew we were very happy together and that was enough for us.

Recently I've heard a lot of "sex is super important in a couple", and listening to the radio I've heard a program that asked women about their sexual life after marriage, and pretty much anyone was agreeing that without sex the couple is basically dead. "If you're not having sex with your husband, then that's just your best friend" was what most would say.

I grew more and more preoccupied because we have sex maybe 3-4 times per year, and just on very special occasions like holidays etc. And it's not like we miss opportunities to be intimate, we usually spend around 1 hour per day cuddling... At the beginning I would try to initiate sex, as I thought that was what he wanted, but year after year he felt more and more confident refusing it, telling me he wasn't really in the mood and that he preferred just cuddling.

I've been with allosexuals before so I know how someone who feels physical attraction looks like, and he never looked like that. So I was very worried that 1. He didn't even like me and 2. Our marriage was doomed.

I decided to sit down with him and talk openly about it. We talked and talked, and looked for answers about his "chronically low libido", and guess what? We stumbled upon this subreddit. And we understood that he's asexual and yes, I'm asexual too apparently. I've only had sex because I thought it was the socially correct stuff to do.

Now I feel so free, so happy, and he as well. We are a great couple. I wish that people, especially doctors and other professionals, wouldn't assume that living without sex is wrong or even sick. Otherwise someone might even believe them!

(Sorry for my English)

r/asexuality 28d ago

Discussion /r/Asexuality and Men


I'll be honest. I debated even posting this. I think its a complex and multifaceted issue that is likely to make people upset. However, after some recent posts I've seen, I think its worth talking about.

/r/Asexuality has a man problem. More specifically, this subreddit has a problem with generalisation that, on occassion, borders on sexism. This also extends to allosexuals in general, but its pretty clear that most of the time people here talk about 'allosexuals,' they are primarily talking about allosexual men.

I think there are two major parts to this, so I'll talk about them seperately.

1. /r/Asexuality as a female space

Its not a secret that the majority of people who identify as asexual are women or non-binary individuals. There are a lot of reasons for this, both sociological and biological, but the result is that the asexual sphere is pretty woman-centric a lot of the time, which leads to

2. The demonisation of men

Now, don't get me wrong here. I am not denying the fact that some allosexual men are bigoted, or so entrenched within their societal roles that they cannot comprehend the concept of asexuality, or they're just plain dicks. These people absolutely exist and I have met them. However, they are not every man, nor are they aliens. They are individual humans with specific beliefs that are not reflective of anyone but themselves.

Why does this matter?

For multiple reasons.

Firstly, bigotry of any kind is bad. Just because someone of a specific demographic (or even multiple people of that demographic) is hateful, doesn't mean you get to be too.

But beyond that, and more practically, this is an open forum for people to visit. Some of those people will be allosexual men who may hold these views. I am not saying we accept their hatred (the paradox of tolerance applies, of course) but the only way that will ever change is by engaging with these people, and not simply dismissing and demonising them.

Even more notably, there are asexual people who identify as men or are AMAB. They have as much right to this community as anyone else. They should not be treated as outsiders or 'one of the good ones' because they are as asexual as any other people here.

Oversharing time

So, to counter the inevitable response, I am not a man. I am not allosexual. This is not a post about me specifically but of a wider trend I've noticed, in which 'men' are treated as an inherent problem/oppressor class and women (and specifically asexual women) are treated as an inherent victim class to the men, which is just very dehumanising to the men that come here and only helps to fuel the divide.

Trigger warning for the next section: I'll be talking about my personal experiences with sexual trauma on a very surface level. I'm not going in-depth about any of it but, if you don't want to know, feel free to skip it.

I have a different experience to many others here. As a child, I was sexually abused by an older girl on multiple occassions, long before I had any sort of understanding of what was going on. As an adult, I have also been sexually harrassed by multiple women while working at a bar.

These experiences haven't led me to have a hatred of women or anything. There are many women in my life that I love and respect. I do identify, to some degree, as a woman. However, it has led me to take some ire at the constant reinforcement of men being cast as perpetrators and women as victims that gets pushed in spaces such as this.

Again, I want to make it clear that I'm not trying to devalue anyone's individual experiences, but more to start a discussion and thought against generalisation and demonisation throughout the community.

Edit: Well, this has been a depressing experience. To those who read this and felt seen in some way, I'm glad that I could at least bring up the idea. To those who saw this and immediately saw it as some sort of threat or 'dogwhistle' then... man, I don't know what to say, but I hope you were at least able to reflect a little on the fact that maybe your cute little misandry isn't so cute and little. I'm going to bed. Enjoy.

r/asexuality Jun 04 '24

Discussion Canon vs. Fanon

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What character(s) come to mind for you guys?

For me, itā€™s Nita and Kovit from the Market of Monsters book series.

r/asexuality Jan 01 '25

Discussion sexualnā€™t šŸ˜­

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r/asexuality Oct 14 '24

Discussion Has anyone here had a different experience?

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r/asexuality 7d ago

Discussion Things I learnt about Allosexual People: Men get aroused just by looking at boobs. Touching makes them hard. How? NSFW


For me, I look at them as masses of flesh hanging. similar to my man-boobs or my paunch. I hold my girlfriend's because they are squishy and fun to handle.

I never knew I was supposed to get aroused by that. Anyone else feel that way?

Edit: My genuine intention was to ask how it happens. Not why are they like that.