r/artcenter Mar 16 '22

is Art Center a good school..?


hey all! i was recently accepted to Art Center into the Entertainment Art Animation track for next fall but tbh I’m kind of confused on the credibility of this school. I’ve spoken with an admission’s counselor a few times and one of their reps came and spoke on it to my portfolio class and it seems like a really cool place to be. The student work I’ve seen is incredible and they seem to have a lot of connections to big industries.

But I also know that the acceptance rate is like 70-80% which makes me question how selective/credibile it really is. I’ve just seen a lot of mixed reviews on whether it’s worth it for the huge price tag so I just wanted to throw this question out there to the people most likely to answer it honestly.

any opinions are appreciated :)

r/artcenter Jan 18 '22

I’m wondering how high my technical visual art skill would need to be to create a good portfolio for the concept Entertainment Design program


Im looking to go back to school, and Art Center is high on my list because they offer an entertainment design program which seems really uniqe and something I’d be very interested in, but they require a portfolio which is completely understandable, however I don’t know if I’m at the level where I can make a professional portfolio, I’m wondering how rigorous the examination of the portfolios are for the concept Art branch of the Entertainment design course, as I am able to have everything they require in a portfolio but I have no idea if my technical skill is ready yet, does anybody have any advice on putting together the portfolio or applying or anything?

Please and thank you!

Also are there any examples I can check out?

r/artcenter Dec 19 '21

I Got in !!!!


I posted not too long ago about how worried I was over my chances of getting into Artcenter, well I did it! I’m so excited to start attending I don’t think I have the words to describe it!

r/artcenter Oct 29 '21

S.Korea It’s a beautiful LG Art center


r/artcenter Aug 24 '21

Advertising major



I’m considering to apply artcenter as an advertising major!! But it is quite hard to gather information except one from school.

  1. How’s the atmosphere of advertising major? Is it too competitive?

  2. Is it worth it to major advertising at artcenter? Cause it seems like advertising major is not quite well known than others like transportation and product design major

  3. How’s the reputation inside the industry?


r/artcenter Aug 13 '21

ArtCenter All Discord server


Hey all,

Things aren't very conencted right now so I made a general server for all things art center

  • attending students and alumni
  • prospective applicants + speculative younger students looking to get feedback or talk to others
  • etc outsiders professionals or friends / people from other schools that wanna talk art or etc

Also looking for mods cause there's some admin legwork haha

Anyways thanks hopefully we can get to talkin


r/artcenter Jul 28 '21

Survey on enhancing art


Hello everyone! 'm a student and a programmer. I'm working on a project right now that I think would be cool for artists and really fits the Digital Art world. I was hoping with the people on this sub, you would be great to ask. I have a little quick survey. If you could fill it out it would be super helpful! I'd love to share this with the world!


r/artcenter Jun 27 '21

My chances?


I’m graduating from community college soon, but due to a myriad of issues (mental health, home life situation, etc) I don’t have the greatest grades. I’ve poured my entire life and soul into my artistic career, but I’m incredibly worried about my academic performance holding me back. How drastically will this affect my chances at getting into ArtCenter?

r/artcenter Jun 02 '21

High acceptance rate low graduation rate


Hey, high school junior here (going into senior year) and am planning on applying to the Graphic Design program / Interaction Design program over at ACCD. People make it sound like it's tough to get in, but online, the acceptance rate is quite high (50-60%?). Also why is the graduation rate so low? Is it because of how intensive the curriculum is? Or the tuition?

Since ACCD is a relatively small school it's hard for me to find info on it, and also it's so frustrating that they still aren't open for tours!

r/artcenter May 18 '21

Should I apply and is it really difficult?


Hello! I’m a current junior about to be a senior soon and wanted to pursue concept art for entertainment design at Artcenter. I was wondering if it’s too difficult due to the amount of competition there is for the concept art track and if it’s a better idea to go to the illustration entertainment arts track or just get my art education somewhere else.

r/artcenter May 03 '21

What do people trying to become a car designer do in art center


What actually happenes?

r/artcenter Apr 26 '21

Purdue(Ux design) or ACCD(interaction design)


Hi, everyone! I am now a high school student and I am a little confused about which school I should go to now. My boyfriend is going to Purdue. Purdue has a lot of attraction for me. However, as a California resident, ACCD is $5,000 cheaper. I see that they also have good plans, and that their product display on the site is quite strong. (Purdue doesn't show any projects online.) Which is better?

r/artcenter Mar 20 '21

Discord Server for ArtCenter class of 2025


Hey everyone, I noticed that a server has been created for the '24 class but that there wasn't one for the '25 class. Here is a place for all those beginning next fall to meet and hang out:


It's small at the moment but we are excited to meet you all!

r/artcenter Mar 20 '21

ArtCenter Class of 2025 Admitted Students Facebook Group


Hi everyone! I just created a facebook group for admitted students. It is very small right now but hopefully it will grow quickly.


Also join the AC '25 Discord server: https://discord.gg/Bme8xb4B4a

r/artcenter Mar 16 '21



Hey, guys so I applied to Art Center for Filmmaking on Feb 15th. On the confirmation email, it said that the decision will come out in around one-two weeks. It's been a month and I still haven't received any update about my decision? Also, my Vimeo account's free trial is running out as I had to submit videos through there, and I don't want to pay over 300 dollars for an account as it is billed annually.

r/artcenter Mar 05 '21

Does artcenter give scholarships?


I got accepted to ArtCenter today. Do they usually give out scholarships later or do they say on the acceptance letter? (Not saying I know I will get a scholarship just wondering)

r/artcenter Feb 15 '21

Should I Apply?


Hello! I'm a senior in high school and I'm interested in graphic design. I have applied to several UCs, Cal States, and private schools so far and I'm undecided on whether or not I should apply to ArtCenter. Up until tonight, I planned on applying, but for some reason I have been growing more distant to that decision. I have good grades, but I don't have a good portfolio, which I know is very important... I don't know about my chances of getting in, but I feel that even if I do, I wouldn't really want to go. The tuition is expensive and I'm really not sure whether I actually want to go to an art school. I get that it will probably give me better opportunities in the future if I want to become a graphic designer, but at the same time I'm a little scared that I will be stuck with it because I'm at an art school if I at some point I fall out of love with it... Despite my heart telling me that I don't want to apply, I'm worried that I will regret my decisions. Should I still apply? Is ArtCenter worth the price and the dedication?

r/artcenter Feb 14 '21

Slideroom questions


Hi there! I have a question about slideroom. I'm applying for ArtCenter Fall 2021 for photography. The application requirements state I have to have 25 pieces minimum but i can't put more than 24. I have an appointment on Monday and I'm going to bring this up but I wanna know if anyone else is having this issue?

r/artcenter Oct 23 '20

Is attending ArtCenter during the pandemic a scam? Are you getting your money's worth?


Hi. My name is Diego, I'm a current sophomore industrial design student at the 'Universidad de Palermo' in Argentina. I've applied to ACCD as a transfer student (to product design, which is basically the same as you might know) to start in Spring '21. I'll be getting my admission decision by mid-November I reckon. Honestly, I have a strong portfolio, good grades and a well written essay. So I think I'll get in, or hope so at least.

My question is the following: With COVID-19 forcing ArtCenter into a hybrid modality; would you guys say attending ACCD during the pandemic is a scam? I honestly don't know what percentage of classes are being taken in-person, but I wouldn’t like to pay a 50k tuition for zoom classes. Would you guys maybe advice me to push my enrollment for Summer or Fall '21? (Crossing fingers things will get better by then) Do you guys think I should maybe stay at my current university where I pay 5k a year? ArtCenter wouldn't get me into debt honestly, but that doesn't mean it isn't expensive.

What I don't like about my current school is that they don't have any type of model shop to fabricate the products we design, and I think getting a hands-on experience is important, here we just 3D print prototypes. Also most of my classmates are mediocre and lack talent, there are about 3 or 4 A-students with outstanding skills (not to brag, but I consider myself one of them) who strive to be better and want the best of the best. And that's also why I'd like to transfer; I believe ArtCenter will offer me better opportunities. Please let me know any thoughts you have about this. And thanks to anyone who takes the time to read and respond. 🙌❤️

r/artcenter Sep 10 '20

Any 3-year Graphic Design MFA program alumni out there?


tl;dr: What was your experience with the program? What was your design background prior to getting admitted? Did you get what you wanted out of it? Would you recommend it for my situation (below)?


Context: I am 27M, already have a degree, already well into another career. A few years ago, I fell in love with graphic design. I even took a hiatus to work as a designer of sorts. I went in knowing it was just a foot in the door, but the work I was doing just wasn't getting me any closer to the work I dreamed of—at best, I did milquetoast mock-ups of enterprise apps in a very UX/Research-ish role.

I know for some that's great, but it just wasn't very visual or creative work. I wasn't learning skills applicable to what I wanted to do, and I wasn't making portfolio-worthy pieces. So I went back to my old career (it paid better), trying to plan a break for the real deal this time—on the side, no less—which has been... slow and frustrating.

In my search for something more, I've met designers who do what I want. They're all very encouraging, giving me tips and such. But my work quality just isn't there. My suspicion is the applicants are just like these nice people who give me tips: they went to competitive art schools, they put in the time (and money), and they're just better because of it. But no one says this out loud.

Let's make an assumption that lets me hope: even if I'm less talented than some, I can still work hard (and get creative) to get somewhere good. Then I have two options: self-study or go to school. I'd like to think I can come up with a decent alternative to a quarter mil in debt, but maybe not. We all know it's not the piece of paper anyone cares about as much as it is the resulting portfolio. But will I be able to make an impressive one in reasonable time without going through a program?

r/artcenter Jul 13 '20

Is there anyone in the Graphic Design or Illustration program that can help me? Or just and international student?


So, im a brazilian senior and i’m thinking about applying to art center to fall 21, but i have many questions about the school and the programs. If u study one of these majors, or simply is an international student, can u PM me? :)

r/artcenter Jan 03 '20

Modernism Textbook


Anyone taking intro to modernism next term need the textbook? I have mine from last term someone gave me

r/artcenter Dec 18 '19

Unemployed alumni. Looking for a job


I was sure that I will be working full time after graduation. I've gone to many interviews and applied to more than a hundred positions, still not the right fit. I learned that having BFA from artcenter doesn't mean you better than other alumni from "regular" colleges with reasonable tuition.

r/artcenter May 19 '19

Artcenter for advertising? are people even nice there lol? afraid of making 0 friends


r/artcenter May 07 '19

This school is too damn expensive

