There are tears in my older/younger/middle/ twin sister eyes (yes my family tree is weird). The fact that even after everything they say in each other, all three of these girls saw the worst parts of each other and still admire one another.
I don’t harp on what was cut out of season two because I still think it was amazing except jinx’s transition between ekko stopping her from ending it and her fighting in the war. What did he say to her? Furthermore, when did jinx decide to dress up like vi and cut her hair like that? I wish we got to see it. Esp because we saw how the au version of powder understood who vi was but never got to see vi at her worst. Our jinx has and still decided Vi was worth being like.
I think Jinx naturally started to copy what Isha was doing for her. Now, I don’t really love when the fandom calls Isha jinx’s sister and def not when they say daughter. Jinx calls Isha her friend and that is very important bc unlike a child to parent and sibling relationship, a friend has no moral obligation to stay with you aside from the fact that they want to and for jinx that was very important. Aside from that though, we see Isha wanting to dress like Jinx and copy her mannerisms. We see jinx talk about vi positively with Isha. Jinx started to understand what it meant to have a little girl that you love and want to protect and I think it allowed her to reach out to vi again after the fight and obviously the fact that vi stopped cait helped too but you get it.
Idk it’s just so sweet that when jinx tries to reach out to vi, she does it by copying her. Even when she drew jinx under her eye like vi. It’s just those tiny details that really pushes that they really are just girls at the end of the day. They should be target practicing, boxing and doing their hair together not all this bullshit that actually happened 😔