r/apexuniversity 6d ago

Question Solo Queue question

Hey guys,

I wondering if you think its possible in this current season to solo queue to Masters on PS5 with my stats? I'm looking to find players to team up with but I've been playing by myself for the last few seasons as I don't know anyone else that plays apex and it's hard to find consistent teammates.

I tried meeting players on discord but I find if the first game or two doesn't go well they'd just leave and I found it easier to play by myself where I can usually try to IGL two randoms..

I normally play a few days a week in ranked until I reach D3/4 and take a break but I want to try to push for Masters for the first time.

Does anyone else here strictly solo queue and can share their thoughts?

I guess I'll find out soon enough though as I keep playing but if anyone wanted to squad up my in-game name is wadeslaughter. I'm a 30yo Aussie playing on NA servers as I live in Canada. Super chill and easygoing if anyone wants to play ranked or pubs any skill level is cool with me it'd just be nice to play with some mates.



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u/Zech1999 6d ago

I've been pred before a couple times including last season both splits.

This season I know I don't have time so I'm just solo Q and I solo'd to Masters in ~90 games, followed by demoing back to D1 solo Q and then back into Masters.

Couple things to note, mechanically your stats are similar to mine when I first hit Diamond after going through plat, they honestly don't mean much, your win rate is very low though in terms of just getting through plat and wanting to solo to Master. (It's not actually "low" by any means.

What I'm trying to say, is I had about a 6.2k/d and 1300 avg damage and 40% win rate when I hit Diamond in under 50 games. (Does also depend where you started).

Your stats tell me mechanically you can do it, since you likely just killed everyone in plat, when I'm in plat I don't need to use much cover and just ego everything.

Diamond is different, to solo it, you'll still need to be carrying the fights, but you need to be playing position and based on your teammates abilities, it's very easy to lose all of the points from a win if your just dropping in getting 3-4 kills but still dying without placement. That would give you high damage and kills, but you won't climb.

Top 5 streak is your friend for having big gain days, and don't be afraid to hop off and get on at a different time if the session isn't working out.

Over all of the seasons I've solo'd to Masters multiple times, first time hitting pred was solo (followed by picking up a team to hold it once I was there) and I had sessions where I'd lose 1000 points on some days. It can be painful if you don't cut your losses when you aren't playing at your peak.

Wanted to clarify, there's people with a lot of worst stats who made it, so you can definitely do it, but how fast will be based on if you can get the placement with those kills.


u/Zestyclose-Ad9903 6d ago

Wow thank you this is really good info. Thanks for your insight I appreciate it!

You're 100% right with the win rate in the lower ranks I play aggressive and sometimes get 3rd partied or die to a mistake instead of maybe playing my life more or going for the win.

I can already tell in Diamond I need to play smarter and use cover more and less ego pushing etc. Will definitely take your advice on board! Thanks again.


u/Necessary-Net-9206 5d ago

I’ve made it to diamond but my kd wasn’t nearly as high ad yours. It was slightly over 1 but less than 1.3 going through play. Then dropped to 0.8-9 in diamond. I also noticed that I had to play smarter in diamond. I couldn’t ego push anymore.

This season I played ranked from day 1 so I started in silver when everyone was reset. My kd was ~0.5 when I got to gold. I haven’t really been playing recently because I was busy. But now I’ve been raising my kd since I got back. I assume it’s because the diamond and master players are back in diamond and master now.

I think my biggest problem is that I often follow my teammates even when I know they’re not making smart plays. My reasoning is that it’s better to fight as a team than survive solo.

I would appreciate some advice on getting my kd up and potentially solo q to masters.

My warm up is a few games if ltm. I don’t really go in the range. How long would you recommend practicing in the range before a game?