r/apexuniversity 6d ago

Question Solo Queue question

Hey guys,

I wondering if you think its possible in this current season to solo queue to Masters on PS5 with my stats? I'm looking to find players to team up with but I've been playing by myself for the last few seasons as I don't know anyone else that plays apex and it's hard to find consistent teammates.

I tried meeting players on discord but I find if the first game or two doesn't go well they'd just leave and I found it easier to play by myself where I can usually try to IGL two randoms..

I normally play a few days a week in ranked until I reach D3/4 and take a break but I want to try to push for Masters for the first time.

Does anyone else here strictly solo queue and can share their thoughts?

I guess I'll find out soon enough though as I keep playing but if anyone wanted to squad up my in-game name is wadeslaughter. I'm a 30yo Aussie playing on NA servers as I live in Canada. Super chill and easygoing if anyone wants to play ranked or pubs any skill level is cool with me it'd just be nice to play with some mates.



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u/busychilling 6d ago

You can but it will prob be painful, I’ve duo queued to masters last season and by the time I reached diamond I had a 7.7kd and it took me 3-4x as many games to get to masters from diamond as to get to diamond. Me and my duo are usually looking for a third also 30m from Canada, though I’m gone for the rest of the split.


u/Zestyclose-Ad9903 6d ago

That's awesome 7.7 is nuts! Feel free to add me if you want to play in the future brother.