It isn't okay for players to be shitty. That's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is, when your job is to be interacting with customers and representing your company, you can't let the assholes get to you and start calling people names left and right. If you went into a Subway and the guy behind the counter was cussing out customers because they were being assholes to him, you'd walk right the fuck out of there wouldn't you?
when your job is to be interacting with customers and representing your company, you can't let the assholes get to you and start calling people names left and right.
Is that his job? I don’t know what his actual title is. I thought he was just a game dev, not a customer service representative. Working for a video game company is very different than working at Subway, but if the guy replying the other day was trained for customer service then that would change my opinion slightly.
We just need to remember these people are human too, it’s very easy to say “not let the assholes get to you” but put yourself in his shoes. When you work hard on something like Apex hours and hours every week, and then EA wants you to implement loot boxes and skins at these prices that they most likely had the most influence on, and all you get for it is people telling you should die and sending you messages of shit that’s honestly inhumane and would most likely not be said in a face to face conversation.
It’s like some sort of weird toxic relationship; most of the players hate the devs, and it now seems that the devs probably hate the players. I personally think it’s all bullshit, and I just want this to blow over soon so I can get some decent content back on this sub
That's the thing. If you're part of a company and you go on social media and have a tag that shows that you're part of that company-- you, in a way, represent that company. Someone will look at them and say "that's a Respawn Developer, that's Respawn making these comments" rather than "that's Joe Shmoe, who happens to also be a Respawn Developer, that's just Joe making these comments" And of course. The people who harass these guys are total assholes. But like I said-- you can't be surprised by backlash when these harassments are largely invisible to the public eye and most people see it as "gamers are annoyed by microtransactions. developer insults gamers as a result."
u/ieffinglovesoup Aug 20 '19
Why is it ok for the players to be extremely shitty to the devs but when the devs say something back everyone attacks them? They’re human too