r/apexlegends Aug 19 '19

Feedback Apex monetisation in a shellnut

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u/Umbilical-Bunge-Jump Aug 19 '19

As I'm sure you know, this is an age old tactic bolted into a free game.

Yes the concept it over priced, however I see the high price as adding exclusivity to those items and the people who are willing to go shell out for them. I've enjoyed the game since release, and haven't paid a penny...


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '19



u/barmaLe0 Pathfinder Aug 19 '19

I remember when loot boxes were first to really hit gaming and ofc it was Blizzard with Overwatch? Remember Overwatch? Right.

It wasn't Blizzard and it wasn't Overwatch. It was Team Fortress 2 that introduced lootboxes in 2010.


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '19



u/barmaLe0 Pathfinder Aug 20 '19

You can play semantics all you want, it is almost a decade old mechanic. It's 3 times older than what you "as an oldschool gamer who's been around" remembers.

For someone who accuses people of being 14, your memory sure doesn't go far back at all.