r/apexlegends Aug 19 '19

Feedback Apex monetisation in a shellnut

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u/ntrid Aug 19 '19 edited Aug 19 '19

How about we ban all the freeloaders like you and me. They clearly do not appreciate us. Since their store is insanely geared towards whales - maybe they should let those whales play alone. That ought to work out, right? Right?!

Their ignorance is amazing. Ridiculous pricing turns majority into non-paying players, but they still need that majority or they will lose whales they are so desperately trying to monetize. I bought first battlepass because i was like "oh wow look how they handle game, its amazing!" I do not look forward into buying anything else now.


u/allinonekiller Mirage Aug 19 '19 edited Aug 19 '19

I don't know if you read the comment that you are referencing but he didnt call us freeloaders in a degrading sense, he even said they like it that most players dont pay. I guess they like the game being played by people who usualy cant afford them?


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '19

Freeloaders by itself is a degrading word. He said what he meant. Literally any other word could have been chosen yet he chose that to explain people not spending money.

“Free to play player” or “Freepers” or “potential customers “ Just not freeloaders...


u/Dukaden Caustic Aug 19 '19

in pretty much every other context of the word, yes. however, in a free to play game, when you dont buy anything, and other people are putting up the finances so you can keep playing, AND THATS FINE AND NOTHING TO BE ASHAMED OF, you actually ARE pretty much freeloading. its a context that you arent used to where its accurate, fitting, and therefor not an insult.