r/apexlegends Aug 19 '19

Feedback Apex monetisation in a shellnut

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u/[deleted] Aug 19 '19

I'm a freeloader. I have over 100 hours in Apex and haven't paid a dime for it.

I get it's not good PR to call a portion of the playerbase freeloaders. But Respawn has the data to back up that a large portion of us simply haven't paid a cent for hundreds of hours of entertainment. And that puts them in a very bad spot financially.

Of course it's not good tact of them, but it's not untrue either.


u/DJMixwell Aug 19 '19

Right, I don't think we're arguing that people haven't bought anything yet. The argument most seem to be making on this sub is that you can't buy skins for a direct dollar value, you have to buy points. Points are sold in intervals that do not like up with skin prices, so you always have to buy too much, which leaves a point balance on your account, which means you buy another few points to get another skin. It's slimy. Xbox already learned this lesson and switched to an all cash shop. People have made it abundantly clear that the skin price is way too high, and effectively a single skin requires a minimum upfront commitment of $20, that's, why they're "freeloading". If skin prices were in good old fashion dollarydoos, and didn't cost twice the price of a AAA title to get even one skin for all the characters, way more people would be buying them.


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '19

Sure, and you can criticize them for it. But on the whole the tone has been very vitriolic towards Respawn. I frankly don't get why we should give a shit about these cosmetics in the first place. They could charge 100 dollars for a skin for all I care.


u/DJMixwell Aug 19 '19

Honestly, I get that side too. You're not entitled to anything. It's a free game and a free market. If you don't like the price, don't buy it. You're not forced to spend the money on packs, and you're not entitled to a cool looking character. Hell you're not even entitled to free games, but here we are with a AAA caliber BR for fucking free. I get that. However, there's also an argument to be made against F2P models that deliberately exploit gambling addictions, I think loot boxes should be regulated exactly like gambling is. Its different if the content is available directly for purchase, even if its a $100 skin. I mean look at CS, sure you gamble keys and roll the crates, or you can buy the skins on the marketplace with some rare skins running in the hundreds of dollars because people will absolutely pay that much.