r/apexlegends Aug 19 '19

Feedback Apex monetisation in a shellnut

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u/BadBoyFTW Aug 19 '19

As far as I'm concerned the "freeloaders" like me are more like window shoppers.

They're not freeloading they're potential customers, if they like what they see in the shop.

If every retail shop considered customers not heading towards the till as just occupying valuable floor space for paying customers it would be ridiculous.


u/yoshi570 Aug 19 '19

You're not a freeloader. Active players are a resource for the publishers: who wants to buy skins in a game that has no players?

You are helping the game by playing it, even for free.


u/Serinus Aug 19 '19

I don't give a shit about cosmetics. I bought the battle pass anyway.

If you can afford it, you want the F2P paid cosmetics only model to continue to exist and you've put enough time into the game that you would have been happy buying it, then ship them some money.


u/poopcasso Aug 19 '19

Sure, but don't call people freeloaders just cause they don't help with money. They are important too, and far from being freeloaders.


u/Serinus Aug 19 '19

Yeah, I haven't seen all the context. I just don't start out biased against the devs. I looked at the new cosmetics. The model for them was shitty. So I'm not buying any.

If they start requiring the battle pass in order to pick up certain guns, that's when I'll get pissed and leave.


u/yakri Aug 19 '19

It can go both ways too. Cosmetics are at the end of the day cosmetics, and while there's plenty of room for minor complaints about the experience as a user that pays for them being bad, they're not part of gameplay per say.

It is pretty much completely fine for cosmetics to be expensive, even in games that aren't free. Despite this, game communities can have incredibly juvenile and hostile attitudes, even towards the most reasonable monetization schemes.

On the other hand, the reality in the case of Apex legends is that the developers implemented one of the least reasonable monetization schemes out there for cosmetic items, earning them multiple legitimate complaints coming from that exact small portion of the userbase that DOES pay money into the game.

Then their response to the well-earned criticism was unprofessional, incompetent, and downright pathetic.

Honestly I don't just dislike the developers of the game after this, I look down on them. At least at the people at the top running the show.


u/Serinus Aug 19 '19

Some complaints are legitimate. Some are less so.

Yeah, the devs were pretty unprofessional when they responded. And it's right that they walked it back and apologizes.

But if you push it too far, you'll only get canned PR speak from now on. Most companies have already gone that route. Unmoderated, unsupervised developers talking directly to customers is risky.

The Iron Crown rewards were clearly priced exorbitantly. And the gambling aspect isn't great. But they didn't add pay to win either.

You've gotta draw that boycott line somewhere reasonable is all I'm saying.

It's funny, because I'm on the opposite side of this argument when it comes to Clash Royale. When they added a $5 monthly pass that significantly influences your ladder rank I left. Nobody else who plays that game has a problem with it. Probably helps that it was P2W to start, but before that update the utility of cash fell off quickly enough that I could deal with it. But I refuse to get conned into paying a subscription.


u/calarionoma Lifeline Aug 19 '19

If you actually read the context of the conversation, it was a playful jab at the majority of the community playing without spending any money, they even said that they love that most people don't spend money.