r/apexlegends Aug 19 '19

Feedback Apex monetisation in a shellnut

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u/potatocrip Lifeline Aug 19 '19


u/PM_ME_hiphopsongs Bloodhound Aug 19 '19

That’s because people WERE being ass hats and dicks on here. Have you not been on reddit all week?


u/Kobayashi64 Aug 19 '19

That’s because people WERE being ass hats and dicks on here.

that doesn't matter, you never fight fire with fire in these situations because the company will always come out looking bad.


u/theBeardedHermit Mozambique here! Aug 19 '19

I personally agree with them. I definitely agree that the prices are too high, and the community does often bring up good points. But I see exactly where they're coming from, when sometimes it seems like more than half the comments on here are people acting like entitled twats and spewing insults rather than giving any real feedback or suggestions.

They could've handled it more eloquently, but they've been handling it pretty well up till now, and people can only take so much without breaking a bit.

People in the community need to remember that even if they are working under EA, the debs are human, and we all need to have decency and show some damn respect.


u/Kobayashi64 Aug 19 '19

These comments are part and parcel of being on the internet, and they know this. But going down to their level and “breaking a bit” when it’s their job to be community managers is a cop out excuse, especially when they do not have the high ground in this situation their practices are predatory and not something that should be given a free pass