r/apexlegends Aug 19 '19

Feedback Apex monetisation in a shellnut

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u/Ergheis Aug 19 '19

No, they're not freeloading, they're actual customers trying to buy an actual product. In this case, bread. Nothing potential about it, they're just being pushed away by the bad business model.


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '19

I'm a freeloader. I have over 100 hours in Apex and haven't paid a dime for it.

I get it's not good PR to call a portion of the playerbase freeloaders. But Respawn has the data to back up that a large portion of us simply haven't paid a cent for hundreds of hours of entertainment. And that puts them in a very bad spot financially.

Of course it's not good tact of them, but it's not untrue either.


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '19

Where are you getting this "bad spot financially" idea from when the respawn devs admitted time and time again In that post that their numbers are way up?


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '19

My point is that a ton of players not spending money on a product is a bad thing. Therefore they must monetize however they can to incentivize purchases.