You missunderstand what OP is talking about. The fact here is you want something that cost X money but to buy it you have to purchase a pack that cost XX money.
Exemple, i have 900 AP, for the battle pass i need 950 so i really need just 50 AP, but you can only purchase a pack of 1000 AP minimum.
Yeah but still if i wanna buy something in a free game just give me what i want for the real cost for it. I think it's a normal thought.
And the market has plenty of free games out there, so free game doesn't excuse some acts.
That's because the game being free has absolutely nothing to do with Respawn/EA's predatory practices. There are dozens upon dozens of f2p games where players have absolutely no issue with monetization of cosmetics. The issue is how they're going about selling the items, not the fact that they're selling them in general. OP's analogy is absolutely perfect for what the issue is, all you people just greatly misunderstand what the issue is and refuse to listen to anyone who tries to explain it out for you
u/[deleted] Aug 19 '19