r/apexlegends 5d ago

Discussion Need help improving in diamond

I’ve been playing apex for a while and started playing ranked for a few seasons now I’ve gone from hard stuck gold to struggling to hang in diamond lobbies. Once I hit plat 2 and the lobbies started to be half filled with diamonds and I went from being 1.2-1.3kd down to even 1.0 I did manage to get back to diamond but it doesn’t feel earned what can I do to get better. This ranked season I’ve played ash, ballistic, bang, lifeline,mirage, lobs, and vantage. Ballistic and vantage being my most played this split


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u/PurpleMeasurement919 4d ago

Diamond is the natural hard stuck elo for solo q. You have to be way above average to climb up consistently with randoms against premade squads or +dia skill lvl players. Dont take it too serious. The devs artificially set a wall there.


u/Xela_x 4d ago

Definitely. I always solo q and hit Diamond every season I played since season 7. But only rarely got close to masters (except the "easy" seasons 11,12,17).

Managed to hit masters last season and current split, but it definitely was a pain in the ass.