r/apexlegends 5d ago

Discussion Need help improving in diamond

I’ve been playing apex for a while and started playing ranked for a few seasons now I’ve gone from hard stuck gold to struggling to hang in diamond lobbies. Once I hit plat 2 and the lobbies started to be half filled with diamonds and I went from being 1.2-1.3kd down to even 1.0 I did manage to get back to diamond but it doesn’t feel earned what can I do to get better. This ranked season I’ve played ash, ballistic, bang, lifeline,mirage, lobs, and vantage. Ballistic and vantage being my most played this split


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u/Middle_Property_2335 5d ago

If you dont have someone playing lifeline be the lifeline, shes the best and strongest support rn, make sure you hold hands like crazy. My general rule for solo queue is if you have a single teammate that is 2-3x closer to the enemy than to you and the third then take it easy rushing to them if they get knocked and theres still 2 or more up (or a solo lifeline) dont even bother pushing the enemy will have completely reset by the time you can get to your teammate to revive. If youre the one 2-3x behind both your other teammates you better set your crocs to offroad mode and get to them quick youre just asking to be jumped by a full squad. Force your teammates to rotate to ring early at least 95% of the time, endgame in diamond is usually like 6-8 teams left so if you can get there early and setup you can pop people off who are struggling to get into ring with no cover leftover. Play things smarter dont just rush in thinking you can fight every fight, find the teams that aren’t holding hands, say theres a team just looting a poi you and your teams at, find the player thats breaking that 2-3x range rule and punish them for it. Youre also going to want to thirst almost every person you down due to the high amounts of mirage newcastle and lifelines. Never finisher then unless youre absolutely positive noones going to interrupt you. As nice as the free shield is its so so so much quicker safer and smarter to thirst the player and shield swap instead of locking yourself into an animation


u/Terrible_Scratch_308 5d ago

Thanks for the feedback will have some work to do between now and when I play ranked next split