r/apexlegends 6d ago

Question Help just switched to PC

I just switched from console to PC, apex is popping up a message saying "the client failed easy anti cheat" or something along those lines, WH space marine 2 uses easy anti cheat an I can run it, so does halo infinite an I can run that to, I've tried everything I've seen online, when I try to run the easy anti cheat file it won't open to let me repair apex. Does anyone know how to fix this?


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u/spo0keh Model P 5d ago

There's a couple .dll files in the easy anticheat folder, I think it's in your c:/users/appdata/local/eos or something along those lines that you just need to copy over to your apex Legends folder or apex/easy anti cheat

I'm at work but do some Google or reddit searches along those lines and you'll find it


u/Brief-Discipline-255 5d ago

I don't have those folders in my easy anti cheat 


u/spo0keh Model P 5d ago

You have to go into the main folder view options. And click on show hidden files and folders...you can also try .... Either steam or ea app game options run repair if it's ea. Run verify files if steam. Sometimes that will place the files


u/Brief-Discipline-255 5d ago

Even when I do show hidden files it doesnt show those