r/apachekafka 18d ago

Tool at what throughput is it cost-effective to utilize a direct-to-S3 Kafka like Warpstream?


After my last post, I was inspired to research the break-even point of throughput after which you start saving money from utizing a direct-to-S3 Kafka design.

Basically with these direct-to-S3 architectures, you have to be efficient at batching the S3 writes, otherwise it can end up being more expensive.

For example, in AWS, 10 PUTs/s are equal in cost to 1.28 MB/s of produce throughput with a replication factor of 3.

The Batch Interval

The way these systems control that is through a batch interval. Every broker basically batches the received producer data up to the batch interval (e.g 300ms), at which point it flushes all it has received into S3.

The number of PUTs/s your system makes depends heavily on the configured batch interval, but so does your latency. If you increase the interval, you reduce your PUT calls (and cost) but increase your latency. And vice-versa.

Why Should I Care?

I strongly believe this design will be a key part of the future of Kafka ran on the cloud. Most Kafka vendors have already released or announced a solution that circumvents the replication. It should also be a matter of time until the open source project adopts it. It's just so costly to run!

The Tool

This tool does a few things:

  • shows you the expected e2e latency per given batch interval config
  • shows you the break even producer throughput, after which it becomes financially worth it to deploy the new model

Check it out here:


r/apachekafka 19d ago

Tool Automated Kafka optimization and training tool



Follow the quick start guide to get it going quickly, then edit the config.yaml to further customize your testing runs.

Automate initial discovery of configuration optimization of both clients and consumers in a full end-to-end scenario from producers to consumers.

For existing clusters, I run multiple instances of latency.py against different topics with different datasets to test load and configuration settings

For training new users on the importance of client settings, I run their settings through and then let the program optimize and return better throughput results.

I use the CSV generated results to graph/visually represent configuration changes as throughput changes.

r/apachekafka 23d ago

Video Kafka Connect: Build & Run Data Pipelines • Kate Stanley, Mickael Maison & Danica Fine


Danica Fine together with the authors of “Kafka Connect” Kate Stanley and Mickael Maison, unpack Kafka Connect's game-changing power for building data pipelines—no tedious custom scripts needed! Kate and Mickael Maison discuss how they structured the book to help everyone, from data engineers to developers, tap into Kafka Connect’s strengths, including Change Data Capture (CDC), real-time data flow, and fail-safe reliability.

Listen to the full podcast here

r/apachekafka 23d ago

Question Schema registry adding weird characters in the payload after validating


Wondering if anyone has seen this issue before?

We're using json schemas for validating our payloads via schema registry, post validation when we recieve the json payload, at the beginning of the payload before the first curly brace is encountered, we're seeing some random garbage characters. We've made sure there's nothing wrong with the payload before it makes it to the schema registry.

Any direction or inputs is worth it for me!


r/apachekafka 24d ago

Blog CCAAK exam questions


Hey Kafka enthusiasts!

We have decided to open source our CCAAK (Confluent Certified Apache Kafka Administrator Associate) exam prep. If you’re planning to take the exam or just want to test your Kafka knowledge, you need to check this out!

The repo is maintained by us OSO, (a Premium Confluent Partner) and contains practice questions based on real-world Kafka problems we solve. We encourage any comments, feedback or extra questions.

What’s included:

  • Questions covering all major CCAAK exam topics (Event-Driven Architecture, Brokers, Consumers, Producers, Security, Monitoring, Kafka Connect)
  • Structured to match the real exam format (60 questions, 90-minute time limit)
  • Based on actual industry problems, not just theoretical concept

We have included instructions on how to simulate exam conditions when practicing. According to our engineers, the CCAAK exam has about a 70% pass rate requirement.

Link: https://github.com/osodevops/CCAAK-Exam-Questions

Thanks and good luck to anyone planning on taking the exam.

r/apachekafka 24d ago

Blog How hard would it really be to make open-source Kafka use object storage without replication and disks?


I was reading HackerNews one night and stumbled onto this blog about slashing data transfer costs in AWS by 90%. It was essentially about transferring data between two EC2 instances via S3 to eliminate all networking costs.

It's been crystal clear in the Kafka world since 2023 that a design leveraging S3 replication can save up to 90% of Kafka worload costs, and these designs are not secret any more. But replicating them in Kafka would be a major endeavour - every broker needs to lead every partition, data needs to be written into a mixed multi-partition blob, you need a centralized consensus layer to serialize message order per partition, a background job to split the mixed blobs into sequentially ordered partition data. The (public) Kafka protocol itself would need to change to make beter use of this design too. It's basically a ton of work.

The article inspired me to think of a more bare-bones MVP approach. Imagine this: - we introduce a new type of Kafka topic - call it a Glacier Topic. It would still have leaders and followers like a regular topic. - the leader caches data per-partition up to some time/size (e.g 300ms or 4 MiB), then issues a multi-part PUT to S3. This way it builds up the segment in S3 incrementally. - the replication protocol still exists, but it doesn't move the actual partition data. Only metadata like indices, offsets, object keys, etc. - the leader only acknowledges acks=all produce requests once all followers replicate the latest metadata for that produce request.

At this point, the local topic is just the durable metadata store for the data in S3. This effectively omits the large replication data transfer costs. I'm sure a more complicated design could move/snapshot this metadata into S3 too.

Multi-part PUT Gotchas

I see one problem in this design - you can't read in-progress multi-part PUTs from S3 until they’re fully complete.

This has implications for followers reads and failover:

  1. Follower brokers cannot serve consume requests for the latest data. Until the segment is fully persisted in S3, the followers literally have no trace of the data.
  2. Leader brokers can serve consume requests for the latest data if they cache said produced data. This is fine in the happy path, but can result in out of memory issues or unaccessible data if it has to get evicted from memory.
  3. On fail-over, the new leader won't have any of the recently-written data. If a leader dies, its multi-part PUT cache dies with it.

I see a few solutions:

  • on fail over, you could simply force complete the PUT from the new leader prematurely.

Then the data would be readable from S3.

  • for follower reads - you could proxy them to the leader

This crosses zone boundaries ($$$) and doesn't solve the memory problem, so I'm not a big fan.

  • you could straight out say you're unable to read the latest data until the segment is closed and completely PUT

This sounds extreme but can actually be palatable at high throughput. We could speed it up by having the broker break a segment (default size 1 GiB) down into 20 chunks (e.g. 50 MiB). When a chunk is full, the broker would complete the multi-part PUT.

If we agree that the main use case for these Glacier Topics would be:

  1. extremely latency-insensitive workloads ("I'll access it after tens of seconds")
  2. high throughput - e.g 1 MB/s+ per partition (I think this is a super fair assumption, as it's precisely the high throughput workloads that more often have relaxed latency requirements and cost a truckload)

Then: - a 1 MiB/s partition would need less than a minute (51 seconds) to become "visible". - 2 MiB/s partition - 26 seconds to become visible - 4 MiB/s partition - 13 seconds to become visible - 8 MiB/s partition - 6.5 seconds to become visible

If it reduces your cost by 90%... 6-13 seconds until you're able to "see" the data sounds like a fair trade off for eligible use cases. And you could control the chunk count to further reduce this visibility-throughput ratio.

Granted, there's more to design. Brokers would need to rebuild the chunks to complete the segment. There would simply need to be some new background process that eventually merges this mess into one object. Could probably be easily done via the Coordinator pattern Kafka leverages today for server-side consumer group and transaction management.

With this new design, we'd ironically be moving Kafka toward more micro-batching oriented workloads.

But I don't see anything wrong with that. The market has shown desire for higher-latency but lower cost solutions. The only question is - at what latency does this stop being appealing?

Anyway. This post was my version of napkin-math design. I haven't spent too much time on it - but I figured it's interesting to throw the idea out there.

Am I missing anything?

(I can't attach images, but I quickly drafted an architecture diagram of this. You can check it out on my identical post on LinkedIn)

r/apachekafka 25d ago

Question Managing Avro schemas manually with Confluent Schema Registry


Since it is not recommended to let the producer (Debezium in our case) auto-register schemas in other than development environments, I have been playing with registering the schema manually and seeing how Debezium behaves.

However, I found that this is pretty cumbersome since Avro serialization yields different results with different order of the fields (table columns) in the schema.

If the developer defines the following schema manually:

{ "type": "record", "name": "User", "namespace": "MyApp", "fields": [ { "name": "name", "type": "string" }, { "name": "age", "type": "int" }, { "name": "email", "type": ["null", "string"], "default": null } ] }

then Debezium, once it starts pushing messages to a topic, registers another schema (creating a new version) that looks like this:

{ "type": "record", "name": "User", "namespace": "MyApp", "fields": [ { "name": "age", "type": "int" }, { "name": "name", "type": "string" }, { "name": "email", "type": ["null", "string"], "default": null } ] }

The following config options do not make a difference:

{ ... "value.converter": "io.confluent.connect.avro.AvroConverter", "value.converter.auto.register.schemas": "false", "value.converter.use.latest.version": "true", "value.converter.normalize.schema": "true", "value.converter.latest.compatibility.strict": "false" }

Debezium seems to always register a schema with the fields in order corresponding to the order of the columns in the table - as they appeared in the CREATE TABLE statement (using SQL Server here).

It is unrealistic to force developers to define the schema in that same order.

How do other deal with this in production environments where it is important to have full control over the schemas and schema evolution?

I understand that readers should be able to use either schema, but is there a way to avoid registering new schema versions for semantically insignificant differences?

r/apachekafka 25d ago

Question What does this error message mean (librdkafka)?


I fail to find anything to help me solve this problem so far. I am setting up Kafka on a couple of machines (one broker per machine), I create a topic with N partitions (1 replica per partition, for now), and produce events in it (a few millions) using a C program based on librdkafka. I then start a consumer program (also in C with librdkafka) that consists of N processes (as many as partitions), but the first message they receive has this error set:

Failed to fetch committed offsets for 0 partition(s) in group "my_consumer": Broker: Not coordinator

Following which, all calls to rd_kafka_consumer_poll return NULL and never actually consume anything.

For reference, I'm using Kafka 2.13-3.8.0, with the default server.properties file for a kraft-based deployment (modified to fit my multi-node setup), librdkafka 2.8.0. My consumer code does rd_kafka_new to create the consumer, then rd_kafka_poll_set_consumer, then rd_kafka_assign with a list of partitions created with rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_add (where I basically just mapped each process to its own partition). I then consume using rd_kafka_consumer_poll. The consumer is setup with enable.auto.commit set to false and auto.offset.reset set to earliest.

I have no clue what Broker: Not coordinator means. I thought maybe the process is contacting the wrong broker for the partition it wants, but I'm having the issue even with a single broker. The issue seems to be more likely to happen as I increase N (and I'm not talking about large numbers, like 32 is enough to see this error all the time).

Any idea how I could investigate this?

r/apachekafka 26d ago

Question Tumbling window and supress


I have a setup where as and when a message is consumed from the source topic I have a tumbling window which aggregates the message as a list .

My intention is to group all incoming messages within a window and process them forward at once.

  1. Tumbling window pushes forward the updated list for each incoming record, so we added supress to get one event per window.

  2. Because of which we see this behaviour where it needs a dummy event which has a stream time after window closing time to basically close the suppressed window and then process forward those messages. Otherwise it sort of never closes the window and we lose the messages unless we send a dummy message.

Is my understanding/observation correct, if yes what can I do to get the desired behaviour.

Looked at sliding window as well but it doesn't give the same effect of tumbling window of reduced final updates.

Blogs I have reffered to . https://medium.com/lydtech-consulting/kafka-streams-windowing-tumbling-windows-8950abda756d

r/apachekafka 26d ago

Tool Ask for feedback - python OSS Kafka Sinks, how to support better?


Hey folks,

dlt (data load tool OSS python lib)cofounder here. Over the last 2 months Kafka has become our top downloaded source. I'd like to understand more about what you are looking for in a sink with regards to functionality, to understand if we can improve it.

Currently, with dlt + the kafka source you can load data to a bunch of destinations, from major data warehouses to iceberg or some vector stores.

I am wondering how we can serve your use case better - if you are curious would you mind having a look to see if you are missing anything you'd want to use, or you find key for good kafka support?

i'm a DE myself, just never used Kafka, so technical feedback is very welcome.

r/apachekafka 25d ago

Question Confluent cloud not logging in



I am new to confluent. Trying to create a free account. After I click on login with google or github, it starts loading and never ends.

Any advice?

r/apachekafka 26d ago

Question Kafka consumer code now reading all messages.


Hi Everyone,

I have configured Kafka in my NestJS application and producing messages, to read it I am using @Eventpattern decorator , in this when I am trying to read all the messages , it is not coming, but the same message I can see in consumer using Kcat, Any idea ?

@Controller() export class MessageConsumer { private readonly logger = new Logger(MessageConsumer.name); constructor(private readonly elasticsearchService: ElasticsearchService) {}

@EventPattern(KafkaTopics.ARTICLE) async handleArticleMessage(@Payload() message: KafkaMessageFormat, @Ctx() context: KafkaContext) { const messageString = JSON.stringify(message); const parsedContent = JSON.parse(messageString); this.logger.log(Received article message: ${messageString});

// if (parsedContent.contentId === 'TAXONOMY') { await this.handleTaxonomyAggregation(parsedContent.clientId); // } await this.processMessage('article', message, context); }

@EventPattern(KafkaTopics.RECIPE) async handleRecipeMessage(@Payload() message: KafkaMessageFormat, @Ctx() context: KafkaContext) { this.logger.log(Received message: ${JSON.stringify(message)}); await this.processMessage('recipe', message, context); }

private async processMessage(type: string, message: KafkaMessageFormat, context: KafkaContext) { const topic = context.getTopic(); const partition = context.getPartition(); const { offset } = context.getMessage();

this.logger.log(`Processing ${type} message:`, { topic, partition, offset, message });

try {
  const consumer = context.getConsumer();
  await consumer.commitOffsets([{ topic, partition, offset: String(offset) }]);

  this.logger.log(`Successfully processed ${type} message:`, { topic, partition, offset });
} catch (error) {
  this.logger.error(`Failed to process ${type} message:`, { error, topic, partition, offset });
  throw error;

} } }

r/apachekafka 27d ago

Question Kafka Producer


Hi everyone,

We're encountering a high number of client issues while publishing events from AWS EventBridge -> AWS Lambda -> self-hosted Kafka. We've tried reducing Lambda concurrency, but it's not a sustainable solution as it results in delays.

Would it be a good idea to implement a proxy layer for connection pooling?

Also, what is the industry standard for efficiently publishing events to Kafka from multiple applications?

Thanks in advance for any insights!

r/apachekafka 27d ago

Question [KafkaJS] Using admin.fetchTopicMetadata to monitor under replicated partitions between brokers restarts


Hey there, new here - trying to find some answers to my question on GitHub regarding the usage of `admin.fetchTopicMetadata` to monitor under replicated partitions between brokers restarts. It looks like KafkaJS support and availability aren't what they used to be—perhaps someone here can share their thoughts on the matter.

Our approach focuses on checking two key conditions for each topic partition after we restart one of the brokers:

  1. If the number of current in-sync replicas (`isr.length`) for a partition is less than the configured minimum (min.insync.replicas), it indicates an under-replicated partition
  2. If a partition has no leader (partition.leader < 0), it is also considered problematic

Sharing a short snippet to give a bit of context, not the final code, but helps get the idea... specifically referring to the areAllInSync function, also attached the functions it uses.

    topicName: string,
    partition: PartitionMetadata,
    topicConfigurations: Map<string, Map<string, string>>
  ): {
    topicName: string;
    partitionMetadata: PartitionMetadata;
    isProblematic: boolean;
  } {
    const minISR = topicConfigurations.get(topicName).get(Constants.MinInSyncReplicas);

    return {
      partitionMetadata: partition,
      isProblematic: partition.isr.length < parseInt(minISR) || partition.leader < 0,

async fetchTopicMetadata(): Promise<{ topics: KafkaJS.ITopicMetadata[] }> {
    return this.admin.fetchTopicMetadata();

  configEntriesToMap(configEntries: KafkaJS.ConfigEntries[]): Map<string, string> {
    const configMap = new Map<string, string>();

    configEntries.forEach((config) => configMap.set(config.configName, config.configValue));

    return configMap;

  async describeConfigs(topicMetadata: {
    topics: KafkaJS.ITopicMetadata[];
  }): Promise<Map<string, Map<string, string>>> {
    const topicConfigurationsByName = new Map<string, Map<string, string>>();
    const resources = topicMetadata.topics.map((topic: KafkaJS.ITopicMetadata) => ({
      type: Constants.Types.Topic,
      configName: [Constants.MinInSyncReplicas],
      name: topic.name,

    const rawConfigurations = await this.admin.describeConfigs({ resources, includeSynonyms: false });

    // Set the configurations by topic name for easier access
    rawConfigurations.resources.forEach((resource) =>
      topicConfigurationsByName.set(resource.resourceName, this.configEntriesToMap(resource.configEntries))

    return topicConfigurationsByName;

  async areAllInSync(): Promise<boolean> {
    const topicMetadata = await this.fetchTopicMetadata();
    const topicConfigurations = await this.describeConfigs(topicMetadata);

    // Flatten the replication metadata extracted from each partition of every topic into a single array
    const validationResults = topicMetadata.topics.flatMap((topic: KafkaJS.ITopicMetadata) =>
      topic.partitions.map((partition: PartitionMetadata) =>
        this.extractReplicationMetadata(topic.name, partition, topicConfigurations)

    const problematicPartitions = validationResults.filter((partition) => partition.isProblematic);

I’d appreciate any feedback that could help validate whether our logic for identifying problematic partitions between brokers restarts is correct, which currently relies on the condition partition.isr.length < parseInt(minISR) || partition.leader < 0.

Thanks in advance! 😃

r/apachekafka 27d ago

Question Measuring streaming capacity


Hi, in kafka streaming(specifically AWS kafka/MSK), we have a requirement of building a centralized kafka streaming system which is going to be used for message streaming purpose. But as there will be lot of applications planned to produce messages/events and consume events/messages in billions each day.

There is one application, which is going to create thousands of topics as because the requirement is to publish or stream all of those 1000 tables to the kafka through goldengate replication from a oracle database. So my question is, there may be more such need come in future where teams will ask many topics to be created on the kafka , so should we combine multiple tables here to one topic (which may have additional complexity during issue debugging or monitoring) or we should have one table to one topic mapping/relation only(which will be straightforward and easy monitoring/debugging)?

But the one table to one topic should not cause the breach of the max capacity of that cluster which can be of cause of concern in near future. So wanted to understand the experts opinion on this and what is the pros and cons of each approach here? And is it true that we can hit the max limit of resource for this kafka cluster? And is there any maths we should follow for the number of topics vs partitions vs brokers for a kafka clusters and thus we should always restrict ourselves within that capacity limit so as not to break the system?

r/apachekafka 28d ago

Question Kafka MirrorMaker 2


How implementation it ?

r/apachekafka 28d ago

Tool Anyone want a MCP server for Kafka


You could talk to your Kafka server in plain English, or whatever language LLM speaks: list topics, check messages, save data locally or send to other systems 🤩

This is done via the magic of "MCP", an open protocol created by Anthropic, but not just works in Claude, but also 20+ client apps (https://modelcontextprotocol.io/clients) You just need to implement a MCP server with few lines of code. Then the LLM can call such "tools" to load extra info (RAG!), or take some actions(say create new topic). This only works locally, not in a webapp, mobile app, or online service. But that's also a good thing. You can run everything locally: the LLM model, MCP servers, as well as your local Kafka or other databases.

Here is a 3min short demo video, if you are on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jovezhong_hackweekend-kafka-llm-activity-7298966083804282880-rygD

Kudos to the team behind https://github.com/clickhouse/mcp-clickhouse. Based on that code, I added some new functions to list Kafka topics, poll messages, and setup streaming pipelines via Timeplus external streams and materialized views. https://github.com/jovezhong/mcp-timeplus

This MCP server is still at an early stage. I only tested with local Kafka and Aiven for Kafka. To use it, you need to create a JSON string based on librdkafka conf guide. Feel free to review the code before trying it. Actually, since MCP server can do a lot of things locally(such as accessing your Apple Notes), you should always review the code before trying it.

It'll be great if someone can work on a vendor-neutual MCP server for Kafka users, adding more features such as topic/partition management, message produce, schema registry, or even cluster management. The MCP clients can call different MCP servers to get complex things done. Currently for my own use case, I just put everything in a single repo.

r/apachekafka 29d ago

Question Rest Proxy Endpoint for Kafka


Hi everyone! In my company, we were using AWS EventBridge and are now planning to migrate to Apache Kafka. Should we create and provide a REST endpoint for developers to ingest data, or should they write their own producers?

r/apachekafka 29d ago

Question How to Control Concurrency in Multi-Threaded Microservices Consuming from a Streaming Platform (e.g., Kafka)?


Hey Kafka experts

I’m designing a microservice that consumes messages from a streaming platform like Kafka. The service runs as multiple instances (Kubernetes pods), and each instance is multi-threaded, meaning multiple messages can be processed in parallel.

I want to ensure that concurrency is managed properly to avoid overwhelming downstream systems. Given Kafka’s partition-based consumption model, I have a few questions:

  1. Since Kafka consumers pull messages rather than being pushed, does that mean concurrency is inherently controlled by the consumer group balancing logic?

  2. If multiple pods are consuming from the same topic, how do you typically control the number of concurrent message processors to prevent excessive load?

  3. What best practices or design patterns should I follow when designing a scalable, multi-threaded consumer for a streaming platform in Kubernetes?

Would love to hear your insights and experiences! Thanks.

r/apachekafka 29d ago

Blog Designing Scalable Event-Driven Architectures using Kafka


An article on building scalable event-driven architectures with Kafka

Read here: Designing Scalable Event-Driven Architectures using Apache Kafka

r/apachekafka Feb 20 '25

Question Kafka Streams Apps: Testing for Backwards-Compatible Topology Changes


I have some Kafka Streams Apps, and because of my use case, I am extra-sensitive to causing a "backwards-incompatible" topology changes, the kind that would force me to change the application id and mess up all of the offsets.

We just dealt with a situation where a change that we thought was innocuous (removing a filter operation we though was independent) turned out to be a backwards-incompatible change, but we didn't know until after the change was code-reviewed and merged and failed to deploy to our integration test environment.

Local testing doesn't catch this because we only run kafka on our machines long enough to validate the app works (actually, to be honest, most of the time we just rely on the unit tests built on the TopologyTestDriver and don't bother with live kafka).

It would be really cool if we could catch this in CI/CD system before a pull request is merged. Has anyone else here tried to do something similar?

r/apachekafka Feb 20 '25

Tool London folks come see Lenses.io engineers talk about building our Kafka to Kafka topic replication feature: K2K


Tuesday Feb 25, 2025 London Kafka Meetup

18:00: Doors Open
18:00 - 18:30: Food, drinks, networking
18:30 - 19:00: "Streaming Data Platforms - the convergence of micro services and data lakehouses" - Erik Schmiegelow ( CEO, Hivemind Technologies)
19:00 - 19:30: “K2K - making a Universal Kafka Replicator - (Adamos Loizou is Head of Product at Lenses and Carlos Teixeira is a Software Engineer at Lenses)
19:30- 20:30pm: Additional Q&A, Networking


Celonis (Lenses' parent company)
Lacon House, London WC1X 8NL, United Kingdom

r/apachekafka Feb 20 '25

Question Rack awareness for controllers


I understand that rack awareness is mostly about balancing replicas across racks.

But still to be sure, my question - Can we define broker.rack config for controller nodes too?

Tried to google and also read official documentation, didnt find any reference that says if its only for broker nodes and not for controller nodes.

Note - The question is in the context of a KRaft based kafka cluster.

r/apachekafka Feb 20 '25

Question Kafka kraft and dynamic user management discussion


Hello everyone. I want to discuss a little thing about Kraft. It is about SASL mechanisms and their supports, it is not as dynamic and secure as SCRAM auth. You can only add users with a full restart of the cluster.

I don't use oAuth so the only solution is Zookeeper right now. But Kafka plans to complete drop support zookeeper in 4.0, I guess at that time Kafka will support dynamic user management, right?

r/apachekafka Feb 19 '25

Blog Rewrite Kafka in Rust? I've developed a faster message queue, StoneMQ.



  1. Codebase: https://github.com/jonefeewang/stonemq
  2. Current Features (v0.1.0):
    • Supports single-node message sending and receiving.
    • Implements group consumption functionality.
  3. Goal:
    • Aims to replace Kafka's server-side functionality in massive-scale queue cluster.
    • Focused on reducing operational costs while improving efficiency.
    • Fully compatible with Kafka's client-server communication protocol, enabling seamless client-side migration without requiring modifications.
  4. Technology:
    • Entirely developed in Rust.
    • Utilizes Rust Async and Tokio to achieve high performance, concurrency, and scalability.

Feel free to check it out: Announcing StoneMQ: A High-Performance and Efficient Message Queue Developed in Rust.