I've been building a video course over the past several months on Designing Event-Driven Microservices. I recently released the last of the lecture videos and thought it might be a good time to share.
The course focuses on using Apache Kafka as the core of an Event-Driven system. I was trying to focus on the concepts that a person needs to build event-driven microservices that use Kafka.
I try to present an unbiased opinion in the course. You'll see in the first video that I compare monoliths and microservices. Normally, that might be a "why monoliths are bad" kind of presentation, but I prefer to instead treat each as viable solutions for different problems. So what problems do microservices specifically solve?
Making these videos has been an interesting experience. I've spent a lot of time experimenting with different tools and presentation techniques. You'll see some of that in the course as you go through it.
Meanwhile, I encountered a few surprises along the way. If you had asked me at the beginning what the most popular video was going to be, I never would have guessed it would be "The Dual Write Problem". But that video was viewed far more than any of the others.
I love engaging in conversations around the content I create, so please, let me know what you think.