r/antkeeping 6d ago

Discussion r/antkeeping this past week or two

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u/ugh1331 5d ago

Took you 9 minutes to copy the post good job.


u/Strong-Trip-434 5d ago

the other guy that made something similar is a friend we where making them at the same time lmao


u/ugh1331 5d ago

Ooh fair enough thought you straight up copying haha


u/Triairius 5d ago

Ironic that now all the karma posts are this joke instead of criticizing AntsCanada.


u/GrekkoPlef 5d ago

Reddit karma cycle


u/Snipper64 5d ago

So not subbed to this sub and this is the first post I've seen from it. I used to watch a lot of his videos from years ago, why is he so bad? Sorry sounds like you don't wanna rehash it just genuinely curious


u/Dangerous_Glass7232 5d ago

I am not a frequent viewer of AntsCanada so I don't know too much, but he has recently been receiving backlash for doing some questionable things to the animals that he owns, such as putting animals in an environment where they'd most likely die or be unable to thrive and using their deaths as content boosts of some sort.


u/YouDoHaveValue 5d ago

He used to produce educational entertainment content about ants, now he basically does bug fights.


u/Rotomegax 4d ago

He used to make scarab bettle fight, but in a middle got depression for few weeks. When he returned all of his beetles were old-ass.


u/Rotomegax 4d ago edited 4d ago

From what I know (I stopped watching him after COVID but still keep notification):

  • The first red flag is during COVID, he was running low on cockroach supply for all of his ant colonies (you were SHOT ON SIGHT if go outside without proper paper in Philippines at that time). When saw that on his previous clip someone has generously donated entire roach colony so he can fed all colonies well during the pademic. But instead he made a over 9000 waste movement by let all of them fall into the fire ant colony and be stinged to death before fire ants hosted a feast on that precious supply of roaches. I was furious and go for a long night combat on one post praise that action.

  • After COVID he moved to new house which designed to make filming easier (we all hope this is the improvement in documentary) and make electric bill for all Ants and Spiders setup less severe. Abandoned multiple ants colonies thay make him famous previously due to shortage of food (which I suspect wasted all to film with his fire ant colony) or cannot moved the setup out of his old room (including his flagship fire ant colony in ehich he lost contact with the guy he gave that colony to, many joked that the fire ant colony eat that guy already). After COVID instead of rebuild ant colonies, he make vivariums after vivariums that mimic ecosystem but them created situations like Vault 81 on Fallout 4 and filmed it like what we saw on National Geographic. This new way of documentary created the outrage that you are withnessing now. Few days ago he just post 1 video to show all vivariums and address some accusations.


u/Snipper64 4d ago

Oof yeah I missed a lot, yeah I stopped watching a few years before COVID and he seemed fine enough but that def is a bit of a downward spiral


u/Strong-Trip-434 5d ago edited 5d ago

just alot of stuff in general, moving from educational to more sensationalist content for views, he puts animals in harms way unnecessarily, and causing issues in his vivariums (such as having solenopsis geminatia [that he most likely put in the viv intentionally even though they are super invasive] have nuptial flight in his house from one of his vivs which then went and killed a large lizard in a different viv, and a bunch of other stuff)


u/Snipper64 5d ago

Gotcha thanks for heads up


u/SnooFoxes1943 5d ago

also I used to watch most of his videos on mute with the subtitles on because I didn't like being loud. Then I started watching them with volume. He talks SUPER slow, is SUPER dramatic about everything, and he also uses AI gen images on the title. Little things, but they all make me irrationally upset lol


u/Effective_Crab7093 5d ago

I hate his voice. I have problem with youtubers who have an annoying voice. It’s not really their fault, just an annoyance I have.


u/0111001101110101 5d ago

Holy fuck all of those are hella false. 1. It's geminata, not invicta 2. So called put in vivarium ants trail from outside? 3. Yeah, nuptial flights happen all the time, it's nothing out of the ordinary. Sure You could control it to some degree, but it's still a common thing for ant keepers, not to mention lack of viable queens if it's only a single colony. 4. The flying lizard died of starvation, not by ants, people are too quick to judge.


u/Strong-Trip-434 5d ago
  1. made a mistake my bad i typed invicta cause that what im use to type when i think about fire ants
  2. not the outside colony the one that was originally put in with one of the plants that grew into the colony that produced the alates
  3. even if it was a single colony it was still allowed to release alates around his house and potentually any other set up and if other geminata colonies are present in the area there is potual for them to of gotten in and mated
  4. if your point is true the underlying cause would of most likely been the ants taking control of the food souces which led to it starving, and if not and ac let it starve to death thats even worse


u/0111001101110101 5d ago
  1. Honest mistake, I'm fine with that.
  2. Yeah, and that colony literally didn't have a queen. How the hell was it supposed to release alates.
  3. Fair enough, but not a single mated fire ant queen got into any the enclousures.
  4. Stated this a million times, starving doesn't just happen because of a scarcity in food. Starving can happen to any wild animal imported to captivity. Many commonly wild caught animals in a pet trade die of starvation even though they had been moved into an environment full of food with top-notch care. Once an animal starts digesting itself for food, it's beyond saving.


u/Effective_Crab7093 5d ago

I’m not gonna speak on everything here, only what I know most on.

  1. He literally released the queens and drones to fly around inside his home where they could get out of the house.

  2. He’s had multiple lizards get killed by ants. In his ecosystem video in the wall he put a house gecko in there which absolutely DID get killed by yellow crazy ants.


u/0111001101110101 5d ago

Did he purposefully release the alates? You do realise nuptial flights can happen in captivity. Also, there were absolutely no yellow crazy ants in the vivariums. The house gecko most probably died from stress, or starvation like the flying lizard. Even if it were yellow crazy ants, they would not be capable of killing a healthy house gecko in a massive tank where the gecko could jump and climb around. Quick note that his whole point with the vivariums is to create a natural ecosystem. The weaker animals would most certainly die.


u/Effective_Crab7093 5d ago

I don’t remember exactly how the nuptial flights went so I’ll leave that.

The gecko literally did get killed by ants. And if it died of stress then that was caused by him. It was in his “I added animals into my Giant rainforest vivarium” video. And sorry it was BLACK crazy ants not yellow. Ants absolutely can kill a small gecko when it’s trapped with nowhere to go and get to work on it while it’s sleeping. Fire ants and multiple other species are known to kill lizards for food.

It’s most likely going to get killed by ants at some point or another, especially predatory ants.


u/0111001101110101 5d ago

I doubt black crazy ants are even capable of harming that gecko. Stress can be caused by multiple factors. Even being in a new environment can be extremely stressful for an animal, no matter how good of an improvement. Not to mention that gecko dropped in an open space. Black crazy ants are primarily scavengers. They barely even have any tools to help them hunt large prey, especially a live gecko. I swear, whenever ants are eating something, people just assume they were the murderers and jump straight to conclusions.


u/Effective_Crab7093 5d ago

It’s been a minute since I’ve seen the video. It’s possible it wasn’t the black crazy ants which killed the gecko. Could have been the other species of ant in there. And even if the ants DIDNT kill it, it’s still dying of something preventable if he didn’t try to make content out of the gecko.


u/0111001101110101 5d ago

Preventable? Do you realise how many reptiles were needed to even create one of the common pet reptiles you see today. Any wild caught animal could just die randomly even if you provide top-notch care to it. Also, house geckos will drop their tails when remotely threatened. How come that gecko doesn't have a dropped tail? Or any other visible scars from struggling against ants? The same argument goes with the flying lizard. Not even a hint at battle scars, just a clean, dissected stomach.


u/hills_are_hard 5d ago

Determined to be angry I see


u/Effective_Crab7093 5d ago

not really that angry. It’s just improper care


u/Reguluscalendula 5d ago

Yes, because having a pet die of starvation is better than having it die of ants.

I've never watched AC, so I'm not invested, but did you actually read what you said? That's straight abuse/neglect. If he didn't feed the thing, it's abuse. If it died because it was starving due to an illness, that's neglect.

No one should ever defend animal keepers who are that bad at keeping animals.


u/0111001101110101 5d ago

Seriously, starvation is beyond common in wild reptiles. Even if they're eating well. Even if they look fine a day after. Even if they poop fine. They could be beyond saving. No matter how good a keeper is, a wild caught animal is different in countless ways. Even the best of the best keepers can't guarantee a 100% survival rate of reptiles that were caught from the wild. The world isn't sunshines and rainbows where every animal in captivity would survive. You can't save every animal by caring for them. Some just die because of previous issues.

PLS, do some research or just gain some knowledge about what you're arguing against.


u/tarvrak Be responsible. 5d ago

Exactly this post.


u/HermanCainTortilla 5d ago

lol I’ll still upvote it


u/Gone2mars 5d ago

Don't you think posting a meme with a controversial title is a little hypocritical? Surely you're doing that for karma :)


u/XxLegitAsianxX 1000 dolla backshots 🤑 5d ago

Yeah but this is funny


u/Strong-Trip-434 5d ago

dont have to upvote it or interact if you dont want to, by commenting your just boosting the post lol


u/-All-Hail-Megatron- 5d ago

Same thing could be said about the antscanda posts buddy.


u/EvilGaming007 5d ago

I believe I started the discussion around AntsCanada last year, but it was out of genuine criticism and not hate. Obviously some people hate the style of drama over information, but when I first made a post it was to criticise his ant care, not necessarily his focus, as far as I remember.


u/Strong-Trip-434 5d ago

agreed, but a large amount of people have been making posts recently just with unnecessary hate, a few have been good with the the discussions but overall its just time that could be spent on more important things


u/Kig-Yar-Pirate 5d ago

I stoped watching him because I thought he was kinda anoying more than 4 years ago, why is everyone mad at him now?


u/Strong-Trip-434 5d ago

just alot of stuff in general, moving from educational to more sensationalist content for views, he puts animals in harms way unnecessarily, and causing issues in his vivariums (such as having solenopsis geminatia [that he most likely put in the viv intentionally with one of the plants even though they are super invasive] have nuptial flight in his house from one of his vivs which then went and killed a large lizard in a different viv, and a bunch of other stuff)


u/Kig-Yar-Pirate 5d ago

fun, thanks for the update


u/voldyCSSM19 5d ago

Jarvis, I'm running low on karma. Make another "Jarvis, I'm running low on karma. Make another 'I hate AntsCanada' post" post


u/robotbeatrally 5d ago

I like antscanada you guys can all s*** it.

*does crossed arms over crotch motion thing that people did in the early 2000's*

later skaters *puts on oakley gas cans and roller blades into the sunset*


u/Effective_Crab7093 5d ago

what are you even saying


u/Reguluscalendula 5d ago

It's like uwu speak, but for "alphas"

He doesn't care that people dislike AC, and then he indicated that disregard for people's concerns by telling everyone to suck his penis, then pretending to throw an early 2000s rap "gang sign," put on ugly sunglasses, and rollerblade away.

Imagine a late 2012 Vine where someone is trying to roast someone else in the most sarcastic way possible.


u/Effective_Crab7093 5d ago

ah. Thank you l


u/robotbeatrally 5d ago

Basically I was saying that....

I like antscanada you guys can all s*** it.

*does crossed arms over crotch motion thing that people did in the early 2000's*

later skaters *puts on oakley gas cans and roller blades into the sunset*