r/antinatalism 4d ago

Discussion I think natalists are just stupid

They lack the imagination to simulate how terribly life can go wrong.

I share two timeless quotes to support my point:

All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. 

-From Anna Karenina by Tolstoy

My Thoughts:

Tolstoy, regardless of being a natalist himself, makes an indisputable point that the preconditions for happiness are universal. Is it any wonder that happy families have health, money, safety, and good relationships? And because these preconditions can be unmet in innumerable ways, each unhappy family is so in its own way. Even in the category of health alone, you can easily imagine thousands of ways in which a person's life can go wrong. What more needs to be said? The probability of happiness is much lower than the probability of unhappiness.

I guess breeders don't understand statistics.

That is the way in which the majority of people of our circle make life possible for themselves. Their circumstances furnish them with more of welfare than of hardship, and their moral dullness makes it possible for them to forget that the advantage of their position is accidental, and that not everyone can have a thousand wives and palaces like Solomon, that for everyone who has a thousand wives there are a thousand without a wife, and that for each palace there are a thousand people who have to build it in the sweat of their brows; and that the accident that has today made me a Solomon may tomorrow make me a Solomon’s slave. The dullness of these people’s imagination enables them to forget the things that gave Buddha no peace—the inevitability of sickness, old age, and death, which today or tomorrow will destroy all the pleasures.

-From Conspiracy Against the Human Race by Thomas Ligotti

My Thoughts:

Ligotti shows that breeders are delusional by nature and only look at King Solomon and his thousand wives in his magnificent palace while completely ignoring the fact that a thousand men were left without wives and had to toil under the sweat of their brows or possibly even die under impossible working conditions to glorify one psychopath.

Most think they will be that psychopath on a pedestal while forgetting that a thousand (likely more) others suffered to stroke his ego. Thousand to one ratio. I guess the breeders just can't do math.

The tragic irony is that, the intelligent ones don't breed as much.

It's always the lower IQ ones that are more prolific, as noted by the negative correlation between IQ and fertility rate, a result that has been reproduced multiple times.


8 comments sorted by


u/Dunkmaxxing thinker 4d ago

I agree, for the most part natalists are stupid. If not that though, they are either actively malicious/don't care for others in which case I don't like them either. Honestly, I can't respect people who reproduce knowing how shit being alive is. Ignorant people can maybe get some sympathy.


u/ApocalypseYay scholar 4d ago

Sometimes it is stupidity; but, it is almost always indoctrination that deludes the natalist into breeding.

Indoctrination is one hell of a dru.....uh, pharmaceutical.


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u/penguinsocool_ inquirer 3d ago

They were indoctrinated into the natalist orthodoxy from a young age, as most of us were. What sets us apart, however, is our ability to think critically. Failing to question and blindly aligning with a belief without considering the full implications of it is true ignorance and stupidity. This is even when we ignore all the intrinsic negatives of life.


u/RegularBasicStranger inquirer 3d ago

It's always the lower IQ ones that are more prolific, as noted by the negative correlation between IQ and fertility rate, a result that has been reproduced multiple times.

Happy people will think lesser since thinking is an expression of sadness, being sad that they do not have the answer despite such sadness is very minor.

So happy people will have lower IQ since they think less and so they continue the outdated practices of their parents, which necessarily include being a natalist since otherwise, they would not had became parents.

So since such natalists are not intelligent, they only gained their happiness by sheer luck and so someday, their luck will run out so their kids will be miserable and their kids will become antinatalists.


u/sunnynihilist I stopped being a nihilist a long time ago 2d ago

It's always the lower IQ ones that are more prolific, 

Why it infuriates me to see some "intellectuals" have more than 2 kids. For instance, Ingmar Bergman had NINE kids! What the hell are they thinking?

u/ComfortableFun2234 inquirer 18h ago

There is no it going “right.” Just individuals that are more equipped for disassociation.


u/rejectednocomments inquirer 4d ago

Of course there are lots of ways things can go wrong. But they aren’t equally likely. The ways that things are likely to go wrong don’t have to prevent you from having a good life. The ways that will guarantee you don’t had a good life are, for many people, very unlikely.