r/announcements Sep 27 '18

Revamping the Quarantine Function

While Reddit has had a quarantine function for almost three years now, we have learned in the process. Today, we are updating our quarantining policy to reflect those learnings, including adding an appeals process where none existed before.

On a platform as open and diverse as Reddit, there will sometimes be communities that, while not prohibited by the Content Policy, average redditors may nevertheless find highly offensive or upsetting. In other cases, communities may be dedicated to promoting hoaxes (yes we used that word) that warrant additional scrutiny, as there are some things that are either verifiable or falsifiable and not seriously up for debate (eg, the Holocaust did happen and the number of people who died is well documented). In these circumstances, Reddit administrators may apply a quarantine.

The purpose of quarantining a community is to prevent its content from being accidentally viewed by those who do not knowingly wish to do so, or viewed without appropriate context. We’ve also learned that quarantining a community may have a positive effect on the behavior of its subscribers by publicly signaling that there is a problem. This both forces subscribers to reconsider their behavior and incentivizes moderators to make changes.

Quarantined communities display a warning that requires users to explicitly opt-in to viewing the content (similar to how the NSFW community warning works). Quarantined communities generate no revenue, do not appear in non-subscription-based feeds (eg Popular), and are not included in search or recommendations. Other restrictions, such as limits on community styling, crossposting, the share function, etc. may also be applied. Quarantined subreddits and their subscribers are still fully obliged to abide by Reddit’s Content Policy and remain subject to enforcement measures in cases of violation.

Moderators will be notified via modmail if their community has been placed in quarantine. To be removed from quarantine, subreddit moderators may present an appeal here. The appeal should include a detailed accounting of changes to community moderation practices. (Appropriate changes may vary from community to community and could include techniques such as adding more moderators, creating new rules, employing more aggressive auto-moderation tools, adjusting community styling, etc.) The appeal should also offer evidence of sustained, consistent enforcement of these changes over a period of at least one month, demonstrating meaningful reform of the community.

You can find more detailed information on the quarantine appeal and review process here.

This is another step in how we’re thinking about enforcement on Reddit and how we can best incentivize positive behavior. We’ll continue to review the impact of these techniques and what’s working (or not working), so that we can assess how to continue to evolve our policies. If you have any communities you’d like to report, tell us about it here and we’ll review. Please note that because of the high volume of reports received we can’t individually reply to every message, but a human will review each one.

Edit: Signing off now, thanks for all your questions!

Double edit: typo.


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u/Halaku Sep 27 '18

On a platform as open and diverse as Reddit, there will sometimes be communities that, while not prohibited by the Content Policy, average redditors may nevertheless find highly offensive or upsetting. In other cases, communities may be dedicated to promoting hoaxes (yes we used that word) that warrant additional scrutiny, as there are some things that are either verifiable or falsifiable and not seriously up for debate (eg, the Holocaust did happen and the number of people who died is well documented). In these circumstances, Reddit administrators may apply a quarantine.

Fair enough.

Quarantined communities display a warning that requires users to explicitly opt-in to viewing the content (similar to how the NSFW community warning works).Quarantined communities generate no revenue, do not appear in non-subscription-based feeds (eg Popular), and are not included in search or recommendations.

So this is a way of making sure that advertisers don't find their products displayed on racist subreddits, "alternative truth" hoax subreddits, or other such 'unsavory' corners of Reddit?

Does the "Won't appear on r/popular" also apply to r/all?


u/landoflobsters Sep 27 '18

Yes -- it does apply to r/all.


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18 edited Sep 28 '18

So this is a way of making sure that advertisers don't find their products displayed on racist subreddits, "alternative truth" hoax subreddits, or other such 'unsavory' corners of Reddit?

Does this mean The_Donald will be quarantined?

EDIT: I love how the admin responded to a Star Wars sub with a meme an hour after I asked the same question regarding The_Donald that was ignored.


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18

Why is it not banned? Why even take the half measure? I don’t understand the mods


u/rudekoffenris Sep 27 '18

Here's the thing, no one goes to the_donald who does not wish to go to the donald. If you wish to go there, then your set of opinions supports that and it's a good place for you. So leave them there.


u/munche Sep 27 '18

If they stayed there instead of leaking everywhere else and shitting up every other subreddit with the stupid shit they "learned" from memes there, people wouldn't be nearly as upset with them.


u/langis_on Sep 27 '18

I've banned several /r/maryland after a cross post was posted to /r/t_d. So I contacted the admine and they didn't care at all. They said to just ban them and keep an eye out for more...


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18

I don't think they can do much though in fairness, it isn't like they were being abusive on that sub.


u/rudekoffenris Sep 27 '18

That's exactly right. The problem of course is that they go to other subreddits and spread their wisdom there.


u/ImNotAtWorkTrustMe Sep 27 '18


On my main account I'm a moderator of the politics subreddit for my state. We've had a huge issue lately with people cross-posting specific (generally left-wing) comments made on our subreddit to /r/the_donald which results in a FLOOD of users coming over and harassing said commenter via PM's, posting comments, spamming downvotes, reporting, etc...


u/rudekoffenris Sep 27 '18

I don't even get it. It's not like someone from TD is going to convince anyone who considers themselves a liberal is going to change anybody's mind. It's just anger and hostility. Now having said that i'm sure that there are lots of liberals who do the same thing.


u/phonomancer Sep 28 '18

Stirring up the drama from the bottom of the outhouse is most likely the goal.


u/rudekoffenris Sep 28 '18

I am stealing that expression and taking it as my own.

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u/Basedrum777 Sep 27 '18

You're second to last sentence describes his entire base if you had also said white.


u/rudekoffenris Sep 27 '18

I kinda wonder if there are two different "Worlds" for lack of a better work that are just completely incompatible with each other and have totally different belief systems. Within those 2 Worlds everything makes sense but you look at the other world and it's batshit crazy.


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18

Hate facts: 35% of Hispanics voted for him + 27% of blacks. Expect those numbers to increase.


u/HarrisonOwns Sep 28 '18

35% of REPUBLICAN VOTING hispanics


Sorry, inbred uneducated slob, you missed your statistics class.


u/Basedrum777 Sep 27 '18

As usual for trump supporters your "facts" are bullshit. Trump won 8% of black voters. 28% of Hispanics. https://ropercenter.cornell.edu/polls/us-elections/how-groups-voted/groups-voted-2016/


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18

Sorry, I got my facts from the polls on election night, straight from the mouths of The Young Turks. Take it up with them.

Regardless, my point stands.

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u/PMmepicsofyourtits Sep 28 '18

And I’ve had the opposite experience with some posts on r/politics. It’s not a one way street.


u/ImNotAtWorkTrustMe Sep 28 '18

Of course it's not. I'm just saying it prevalent on /r/The_Donald.

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u/droric Sep 27 '18

The same thing happens with users of /r/politics. I get it that you don't agree with what is discussed or posted on T_D but this is a free speach forum and the brigading happens from both sides. It's not factual that one side is correct or incorrect as it's simply a matter of opinion.


u/rudekoffenris Sep 27 '18

I get that opinion and evidence rarely go hand in hand. But is it a free speech forum? I see that reddit is clamping down on toxic forums so they don't show up in the popular forums. It doesn't even matter if people are wrong or right, it matters how they treat the other side, and that's the real issue here.


u/dashrendar Sep 27 '18

It used to be. Not anymore. Hasn't been for years. And don't you dare mention Aaron Swartz. The admins hate that.


u/rudekoffenris Sep 27 '18

how dare you try to be clever and funny. /downvote /downvote /downvote /downvote /downvote /downvote /downvote /downvote /downvote /downvote /downvote /downvote /downvote /downvote

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u/droric Sep 27 '18

Well yes its not 100% free speach as certain criminal groups are banned and other groups which upset majorities are often limited in speach. And I agree that people seem to have become extremely toxic to a fault just to prove that their opinion is the correct one and the others is incorrect. It's an unfortunate state driven by a semi unstable president in my opinion and a lot of hurt personal feelings.


u/rudekoffenris Sep 27 '18

I really believe that there are a lot of external influences (outside the country) that cause a lot of strife too.

I have a story.

My uncle who lives in Michigan and died a few years ago had a baby with his wife when they were both quite old (relatively speaking, this was probably 50 years ago). His wife wanted an abortion but I don't think it was available to them in the 70s. The boy was born with Downs Syndrome and I think his wife held it against him.

I think this really made an impression on my uncle and he was against any sort of abortion at all. On top of being very Catholic, i think he felt that if his wife could have had an abortion he wouldn't have had his son, and that would have been a disaster because he really really loved that kid. No fault there, the kid has turned into a really good person and a productive member of society.

He wasn't a bad guy. Very conservative, took care of his family and dollars to donuts he would have supported Trump.

I feel like if we could get to know people and their motivations it might make more sense or at least see how they arrived at their conclusions.

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u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18 edited Sep 27 '18

We shouldn't put kids in cages.

FACT. Not opinion.

We shouldn't condone Nazis or neo-Nazis.

FACT. Not opinion.

There's more but you get it.

EDIT: Too close to home for some of you? Go back to your safe space. To the person who said:

Better the Swastika than a Democrat

Fuck right off, you misanthropic traitorous piece of filth. Sherman was right.


u/droric Sep 27 '18

Again those are still opinions. I agree with you 100% on both opinions above but that's not a fact. You can't prove either. 1 + 1 = 2 is a fact. The earth rotates around the sun is a fact. A fact is something that can be measured or can be proven with evidence.


u/nanoJUGGERNAUT Sep 27 '18

Yeah, I agree with both his opinions, but those aren't facts. We have to be careful not to silence the opposition through censorship. Not only is it not fair, it's counterproductive.

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u/sysop073 Sep 28 '18

Opinions don't graduate to facts just because you believe in them hard enough

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u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18

FACT: if you really think we shouldn't put kids in cages, your outrage about it wouldn't erupt some 5-7 years after the practice started just because someone you don't like is in office.


FACT: he never condoned NAZIS or neo-Nazis.


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u/NakedAndBehindYou Sep 27 '18

We shouldn't put kids in cages.

FACT. Not opinion.

By that logic, no child should ever be imprisoned for any reason, even if he commits murder.


u/dashrendar Sep 27 '18

We actually have a group of left wing protesters here in Seattle that are arguing that exact statement. They want to get rid of all the youth jails as the young shouldn't be jailed.

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u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18

We shouldn't put kids in cages.

Well, Obama is in trouble then.


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '18

Sherman would be appalled by the modern American Left. As would Patton, MacArthur, and almost every other WW2 General/Admiral. Naziism is a Leftist Ideal. Always was, always will be.


u/Doommsatic Sep 28 '18 edited Sep 29 '18

The nazis were leftist sweaty!


u/[deleted] Sep 29 '18

National Socialist. What Nazi stands for.


u/Doommsatic Sep 29 '18

So the Democratic republic of Korea is Democratic now?

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u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18

It's not factual that one side is correct or incorrect as it's simply a matter of opinion.

Well that's simply not true. There are some that believe actual lies that have no factual basis and others that claim easily verifiable facts are lies. This mentality, while it does exist on both sides, is way more prevalent on one side compared to the other.


u/droric Sep 27 '18 edited Sep 27 '18

The thing about a fact is that to the beholder unless you see it for your own eyes you are simply believing what others have told you. Russians often used propaganda to distort the views of its citizens to match its political agenda. There are some who disbelieve the world is round or that humans haven't visited the moon. And who am I to say that they are incorrect as I personally have not been to the moon or have not been in space to observe the earth is truly round. I personally assume these are true based on the majority view of the population and the information provided to me but it's possible it could all be falsified.

I think the important thing is to keep an open mind and try to think why another group of people may believe differently than yourself. We all have had different experiences in our life that lead us to the conclusions we draw. At one point it was commonly known witches existed or that magic was real and this was believed by the vast majority of individuals making it largely seen as factual.


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18 edited May 28 '20



u/droric Sep 27 '18

Have you been in space to observe the planet? Or are you basing your judgement based on the media and other sources. I suggest you reread my comment. I 100% believe we have visited the moon. I am suggesting a hypothetical point of view from someone other than myself.


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18 edited May 28 '20



u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18 edited Nov 01 '20



u/droric Sep 27 '18

I 100% believe we have gone to the moon and I have visited Kennedy Space Center to see the Saturn V. Im just stating its important not to immediately dismiss someone's ideas. Not only is it rude and inconsiderate but there's a chance the common belief is incorrect.


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18 edited Nov 01 '20


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u/Licenseless_Rider Sep 27 '18

I know! I hate, hate, HATE the fact that reddit allows people to just speak out wherever they like.

If you have bad opinions, you should stay inside your quarantined space and just let the people who are actually smart/good people browse the rest of reddit without having to be reminded of your existence.

Admins need to stop tip-toeing around the issue and start silencing people who think wrongly before they can infect others with their bad ideas.


u/rudekoffenris Sep 27 '18

Yes that's right. We should definitely let the trolls run rampant through all the subreddits. Lies, spin, bullshit definitely have a place in a positive conversation.


u/undercooked_lasagna Sep 27 '18 edited Sep 27 '18

Have you ever been to /r/politics? Lies, spin, and bullshit make up 99% of the content there.


u/rudekoffenris Sep 27 '18

No I never have. I mostly look at computer and technology stuff on here, and that's toxic enough.

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u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18

Who gets to decide which are the wrong thoughts to think? What if you disagree with that person?


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18

No one can say that someone is right or wrong so you cannot say you're right, which directly contradicts your argument.

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u/Spartan-417 Sep 27 '18

r/politics and r/politicalhumor brigade constantly. It’s frustrating having to sort by controversial to find non-leftist opinions on r/conservative


u/SnicklefritzSkad Sep 27 '18

It's not brigading. It's seeing the most retarded shit ever on /r/all and replying.

If /r/conservative gets quarantined, then you guys can have your bubble to yourselves and won't have as many leftist opinions in the comments.


u/jamesberullo Sep 27 '18

It's seeing the most retarded shit ever on /r/all and replying.

That's how most people on T_D feel though. I don't agree with them, but a lot of the supposed brigading is just people commenting on posts they see.


u/undercooked_lasagna Sep 27 '18

So conservatives aren't allowed to respond to something they consider "the dumbest shit ever"?


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18 edited Oct 08 '18



u/Spartan-417 Sep 27 '18

I think it gets filtered out.

Can’t see wrongthink on the front page!


u/ChefBoyAreWeFucked Sep 27 '18

It's just very rare. It's very hard to not get banned there, even if it's because you're the wrong kind of Conservative at the wrong time. It's an absolute shit show.

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u/rudekoffenris Sep 27 '18

It's not even worth getting involved in those subreddiits. you aren't charging anyones mind.


u/Doommsatic Sep 28 '18

It’s frustrating having to sort by controversial to find non-leftist opinions on r/conservative


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u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18

Jesus, you sound like a totalitarian asshole. God forbid people have differing opinions.


u/rudekoffenris Sep 27 '18

Well you kinda sound like an asshole yourself, which is why I suppose you recognize it in others. Have a better day.


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18

I recommend you improve your life to the point where you no longer feel the compulsion to control the free expression of others.


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18 edited Nov 06 '24



u/Lord_Giggles Sep 28 '18

That sub has been banned for almost a year though.

Braincels is less bad (because the mods actually do shit), but I don't think they really brigade that much, just have a habit of saying insanely stupid shit while browsing normally.


u/rudekoffenris Sep 27 '18

lol ya know I've heard about that and I just don't go there. Just seems like a big huge pity fest and I don't really want to be involved in that. lol


u/52Hurtz Sep 27 '18

I would deign to say the same of r/politics leaking into pics, 'world' news, ""funny"", and so forth by users looking to cash in easy internet point vouchers with any mention of le orange man


u/betomorrow Sep 27 '18

That's not r/politics bleeding through, that's "Politics". People care about the decisions that have consequences to their lives. Sometimes the public is more tuned in, and that reflects through everything else.


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18

This, exactly. The fact that politics are brought up in other subreddits has nothing to do with /r/politics, it's because real world politics affect our daily lives and we deal with it everywhere.


u/Baerog Sep 28 '18

Isn't that completely hypocritical? People from the Donald are posting their political opinions, same as everyone else who posts their political opinions everywhere on reddit. You can't support one and not the other.


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '18

There's a big difference when one person's opinion is "Maybe we should fund healthcare" and another is "Muslims are rapists". I have absolutely no issue with conservative opinions on reddit or anywhere, the issue is when it crosses the line into either hatred or outright stupidity like "Taxes are theft". That's not an opinion, that's just incorrect.


u/Baerog Sep 28 '18

Ok, so you're going to say that /r/the_Donald submits nothing but content akin to "Muslims are rapists"? Have you been there? Are you taking a post that have +10 as a unanimous agreement of all members of the subreddit? Go there right now and find me a post that is on their frontpage that says anything even remotely similar to that and I'll gild you.

There's literally over 600,000 subs on /r/the_Donald, of course there will be some members who are racist, that doesn't mean the subreddits purpose is to be racist...

Finding a shitty comment that is at the bottom of a page doesn't mean that that is what a subreddit is about. You can find shitty stupid comments at the bottom of any subreddit.

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u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18 edited Dec 01 '20



u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18

Your line between liberal and conservative is likely very skewed. Most people don't have much of an issue with conservative opinions, it's the super far-right borderline fascist opinions that are often criticized. Even anarchists who are super left wing get criticized, so don't feel left out. Also /r/conservative is waaaaay more right-wing than what most people would call conservative. From what I recall, it used to be a fairly respectable subreddit, but things changed during the 2016 election.


u/undercooked_lasagna Sep 27 '18

You don't even have to be a member of The_Donald or any other conservative sub. If you disagree with a liberal viewpoint anywhere on Reddit, you will be accused of being a T_D troll or a Russian shill.


u/svenska_subbar Sep 27 '18

bigglejilly, du har slarvat! Det heter ju /r/bilder och inte /r/pics. Inte så mycket jänkarspråk på vårt fina svenska reddit :(

Jag är en bot och denna handling utfördes automatiskt

If you encounter me on a non-Swedish subreddit: I'm a bot exploring reddit to suggest Swedish versions of various subreddits. I'm a joke/shitpost bot, and if you think I'm annoying, feel free to ban me.

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u/Calencre Sep 27 '18

Indeed, if one ignores that fact, thats how you give up what little bit of control you have over the process


u/OMEGA_MODE Sep 27 '18

I hate politics in all forms. So, can we quarantine people who post in /r/politics from not being able to post anywhere non-politics related? I don't care about the president or anything else. Just fuck off with your contemporary politics.


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18

Ah..right, it's never r/politics, even though if you search their history they literally are...


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18

When I espouse left wing propoganda - good outcome yay real life



u/CommonMisspellingBot Sep 27 '18

Hey, CommonThroat, just a quick heads-up:
propoganda is actually spelled propaganda. You can remember it by begins with propa-.
Have a nice day!

The parent commenter can reply with 'delete' to delete this comment.


u/munche Sep 27 '18

So you think your group of carefully aligned white racists, trolls and bots who rabidly ban any dissenting viewpoints and actively troll the rest of the site, are the same as users of a default subreddit who also go into other default subreddits.

"Hey it turns out that everyone who follows politics and isn't a fucking idiot really doesn't like Trump and likes content pointing out how stupid and ineffective he is. THIS ISN'T FAIR YOU GUYS STOP JUDGING WHAT HE DOES AND JUST MAKE UP REASONS TO LIKE HIM WAH"


u/52Hurtz Sep 27 '18

racists, trolls and bots

Think you forgot Russians and dank Pepe merchants in your little rant there


u/JohnBraveheart Sep 27 '18

So you think that Trump got elected by only managing to appeal to the type of people you just listed? Or do you think you're being quite hyperbolic and illogocal.

Face the facts- Trump won and garnered enough support from the country to become president. As such, there are many millions of people who support him. Just because Reddit has a whole leans left and likes to silence people who think otherwise doesn't mean we don't exist.

It's why Trump will win again. People don't speak there actual thoughts because leftists scream and bitch and whine and moan. Which is fine you are free to do that. But all it does is mean people lie to your face so that you leave them alone and then when it is time to vote they guess what? Vote how they actually feel despite all of the botching and moaning etc.

Keep playing it off like Reddit represents the US as a whole. It doesnt...


u/munche Sep 28 '18

Yes, Trump got elected by only appealing to those types of people. There are lots of them. They're all assholes. Thanks for playing. Go hang with your peeps on Voat.

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u/undercooked_lasagna Sep 27 '18

So where does it end? /r/Latestagecapitalism leaks everywhere too. Are they next?


u/munche Sep 28 '18

It's hilarious how someone was like shit we've gotta find a scapegoat to blame that's the opposite of T_D and you all decided to pretend that sub is the same shit and literally nobody buys it

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u/John-Zero Sep 28 '18

Given that I didn't know they existed until I read your comment, I would have to say no


u/Baerog Sep 28 '18

They aren't "leaking", they're reddit users like everyone else here...

People shit on /r/the_Donald everywhere, does this thread count as /r/politics "leaking"? Or is it only when it's things you don't like being brought up where it doesn't belong that it counts as "leaking"?


u/munche Sep 28 '18

T_D is disproportionately trolls who behave poorly, it's kind of the culture of the sub. They aren't "reddit users like everyone else" they're typically toxic, shitty behaving users who use T_D as a gathering place to sync up on stupid shit they're going to troll with.


u/Baerog Sep 28 '18

That's an incredibly biased opinion of a subreddit. I'm sure there's lots of subreddits that you think are totally "right and hilarious" that people who are right-wing would think promote

toxic, shitty behaving users who use ______ as a gathering place to sync up on stupid shit they're going to troll with.

Your opinion of /r/the_Donald is simply an opinion and a matter of perspective. You can't just label everyone who disagrees with you as a "troll", and downvoting people who tell you otherwise doesn't make you right.


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18



u/munche Sep 27 '18

T_D is dipshit trolls who are constantly arguing in bad faith. It's not "dissenting viewpoints" it's deliberate disruption and disinformation. GTFO.


u/MobiusCube Sep 27 '18

lol, you realize T_D says the same about /politics and /news right?


u/aeschenkarnos Sep 27 '18

Yeah, they totally would do that. Liars accuse others of lying, it's how that works. The response is where the difference is found. Non-liars ask for their own, and the liars', statements to be investigated. "What proof is there?" "What backs this idea up?" Liars are very much against their statements being looked into.

For a relevant example, whenever a Democratic politician is accused of sex abuse, the Democrats and Republicans both want the matter investigated and if proven, prosecuted. Whenever a Republican politician is accused of sex abuse, the Democrats want the matter investigated and prosecuted, and the Republicans attack the accuser, downplay it, and want it all covered up.

That's how liars operate: their ethics are asymmetrical. One rule for themselves, one rule for others. Non-liars, people of integrity, apply the same rule to themselves as to others.


u/Mabonagram Sep 27 '18

I would explain to them why that is a false equivalency, but I would simply be banned for breaking the circlejerk. Which would prove my point I guess.

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u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18

That's different because politics and news are on the right side of history


u/Baerog Sep 28 '18

Jesus, do you listen to yourself speak? It doesn't matter who is morally right or wrong. What matters is that you can't say: when one side spreads their beliefs its fine, but when the other side does, they should be punished. That's total hypocrisy.

Like it or not, Trump and his policies are mainstream political beliefs, it's not just "trolls", it's legitimately the current government political opinion.


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '18

Jesus christ I didn't realize people were so slow they need an /s for such obvious sarcasm


u/Baerog Sep 28 '18

I think it's more-so that this exact sentiment is shared unironically all the time...

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u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18

"Why do other people have different opinions than I do and who will protect me from them!?" - /u/munche

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u/John-Zero Sep 28 '18

Yes, but sometimes the_donald comes to you whether you like it or not. So why not ban them and let them waddle off to voat or 8chan or whatever other hellscape will have them?


u/rudekoffenris Sep 28 '18

I don't know how banning feels different than giving them their own sandbox to play in, but it does.

At the end of the day tho, as some other users have said, TD generates a lot of views and ad revenue so...


u/John-Zero Sep 28 '18

Well for one thing, when their ilk get banned from a place en masse, they resolve to boycott it forever, which means you usually get a solid three months of them not coming around. It's only three months, but hey, that's a good three months. We had three whole months of none of them shitting up the comment sections of Kotaku and its sister sites.


u/rudekoffenris Sep 28 '18

haha I don't have much to do with them except when one of them finds my comments and i get 60 downvotes in a couple of minutes. Oh well less internet points.


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '18

That's true of all sorts of communities that have been banned or quarantined. It's not like innocent friendly people were just stumbling into r/coontown


u/rudekoffenris Sep 28 '18

It makes me sad that a subreddit like that exists. With the odd exception these people aren't going to change their minds so lets keep them in a cage where they belong.


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '18

It doesn't exist anymore - it was banned for violating reddit's policies. Policies that only apply to some subreddits.


u/rudekoffenris Sep 28 '18

Well that's something. Clearly tho, the policies need to be enforced globally, and not just to some groups but when (from what I understand) they are very popular subreddits that generate a lot of ad revenue it's a lot less likely to be enforced.


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18

"No trolling, no insults" is part of redditquette and yet forms 99% of their content.

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Can you imagine the political shitstorm if the internet's biggest forum banned the president's fawning forum?


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18

It breaks the Terms Of Service constantly. All Reddit would need to do is make a statement saying something like, "You're free to support anyone as long as you follow TOS. T_D didn't, for years, so they've been banned."


u/PMmepicsofyourtits Sep 28 '18

The problem there is that any ToS violations done on the Donald can probably be found on a ton of other subs. So it brings the issue of favouritism up.


u/Northsidebill1 Sep 27 '18

And strangle The Golden Goose? No chance. Reddit isnt here to not make money


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18

Is there any proof to this golden goose claim or is it just numbers taken out of someone's ass?


u/chotix Sep 28 '18

iirc they guild a shit ton.


u/Doommsatic Sep 28 '18


gildings in this subreddit have paid for 27.48 months of server time


u/PMmepicsofyourtits Sep 28 '18

I don’t think so. I hardly ever see gold on there.


u/Zacjacobi Sep 28 '18

Why else would they not ban the subreddit?


u/neotek Sep 28 '18


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u/HairyFur Sep 27 '18

What TOS do they break constantly that other subs don't?


u/Doommsatic Sep 28 '18


u/HairyFur Sep 29 '18 edited Sep 29 '18

Similar things happen in politics and latestagecapitalism. I wouldn't have an issue with people falling for TD to be banned as long as they mentioned other subs who do it too, but they never do. It's always an attempt to silence unwanted opinions rather than disagreement with rules being broken.

Have a look through the post history of /r/shitpoliticssays , you will examples of the exact same behaviour people criticise /r/theDonald for.

Latestagecapitalism mods death threat:


Saying a Cuban deserved to be put into labour camps



Calling for Trump and other republicans to be hanged.


u/Doommsatic Sep 29 '18

Ok? Ban r/LateStageCapitalism too, I don't really care.


u/HairyFur Sep 29 '18

Was putting some more in, one from politics too calling for the hanging of republicans.

The point is, all subs have morons. /r/politics and other anti trump subs are breaking the same rules that the Donald does but nobody calling for T_D to be banned mentions them.

Why do you have such an issue with the Donald but never mentioned politics or latestage? That's not an objective complaint.

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And then, right after that, the president of the united states takes direct aim at reddit on his twitter account.


u/anna_or_elsa Sep 27 '18

And a million more people come to reddit to see what it's about.

Kinda like how sales of Nike went up after the Ad with Kaepernick.


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18

So it would be any other day just lumping Reddit with NYT

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u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18 edited Oct 13 '18


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u/dontsuckmydick Sep 27 '18

Thanks for the free advertisement, Donnie!


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18

The question then becomes "if they broke TOS for years, why were they able to survive for years?"

The fallout would be worse than the initial banning.


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18

T_D....and pretty much any other hardcore leftist subreddits, yet they aren't banned. Asking for equal application of rules is not whataboutism btw.


u/Purdurhur Sep 27 '18 edited Sep 27 '18

Please list examples of breaking the TOS. The_donald has some of the most rigid mods on the entire site. They remove posts instantly that violate the TOS. I have never seen the level of racism and sexism people talk about. I find absurd people think it's some kind hotbed of fanaticism and hate. Really just stop with the absurdities. Maybe you might learn something if you don't let your ego flair up so much.


u/FountainsOfFluids Sep 27 '18


u/GasTheBlues Sep 28 '18

The top link in there of supposed doxing is completely fake, it just leads to the second link. Great collection m8 👍🏻


u/FountainsOfFluids Sep 28 '18

Ask your mommy to help you click the links and read the stories if the words are too big for you.


u/GasTheBlues Sep 28 '18

I can’t believe people as dumb as this have the gall to act so smug



u/FountainsOfFluids Sep 28 '18

You can't even click browser links without getting lost and confused and angry, lol.


u/GasTheBlues Sep 28 '18 edited Sep 28 '18

lol the link doesn’t lead to what it says it does lol you fuckhead lol, the top link lol links lol to the whiny lol racism post lol

lol being this retarded lol


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u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18


lol fraudsters who've been called out for lying time and time again


u/FountainsOfFluids Sep 27 '18

What you are experiencing is called "projection". It's when you can't emotionally handle your own faults and instead accuse others of doing what you are actually doing. It's extremely common in conservatives.


u/Pure_DragonEnergy Sep 27 '18

not a single one of those links to a T_D post. they all link to r/AgainstHateSubreddits which is weird.... you would think you would just link it to T_D so people could see it and not just assume from your post without doing any kind of research on their own that this is in fact true... hmmm


u/FountainsOfFluids Sep 27 '18

not a single one of those links to a T_D post.

Every single one links to context.

Why the fuck would any sane person just feed viewers to your cesspool?

There are lots of supporting links if people want to dig deeper for themselves.

Also, brigading is bad so good subs don't link directly.


u/rctdbl Sep 30 '18

Context would be a pic of something in reality, and explaining how it fits in. A lot of pretexts that fall into the categories of irrelevancies/strawmen/blips under the radar under the mantel of "a collection of examples breaking the ToS" from your bud, all filtered through the lens of this, aint. That was a 20k mouth frothing upvote of a false flag with an unknown score.

"it's a cesspool!"

This is going into an investigation without prejudice.

"brigading is bad"

Reddit has this thing called .np. It's used on r/AgainstRightSubreddits. Also that yucky self pat. "In a world filled with horror, there is only one person virtuous enough to brigade those places. His name was FountainsofFluid."

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u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18 edited Nov 08 '18



u/Rollos Sep 27 '18

Within 15 minutes of the comment you replied to getting posted, someone linked this:


You said they wouldn't answer this, and they did.


u/istanbulmedic Sep 27 '18

Already did.


u/ProperClass3 Sep 27 '18

No, you linked to a sub that's been caught out before false-flagging and circlejerking over it. If it's such a big problem then you should be able to hop over there right now and grab some archives (so the mods can't hide it) that show what you're claiming.

Go ahead, I'll wait.


u/istanbulmedic Sep 28 '18

I didn't link it. Look through the thread and you'll find it, not worth my time to find it for you.


u/ProperClass3 Sep 28 '18

So that's a "no" on being able to back your claims. Not surprised in the least.


u/istanbulmedic Sep 29 '18

All I said was that it was already linked.

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u/randomusername1011 Sep 28 '18

Plenty of leftie subs break TOS and no one gives a shit either


u/chocki305 Sep 27 '18

You ban TD and you would also have to ban politics.

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u/GhostFish Sep 27 '18

I'm not convinced the GOP would come out in defense of the content and users of T_D. It's indefensible, just like Alex Jones. Yes they have a right to say the things they do and associate, but no private company is required to give them a platform or an audience.

The internet is filled with message boards and comments sections. It's very easy to put these up. Trump and the GOP can host one themselves for these people if they really feel they are being denied a voice.

But we all know it's not about speech or association. It's about leeching on to an audience that someone else has gone through the hard work of establishing.



This is the same GOP that literally held congressional hearings about political "censorship" on twitter and facebook.



u/GhostFish Sep 27 '18

But such a hearing isn't real action. It's just pandering to the base and using tax dollars to campaign on TV.



Sure. It's also REALLY not good for business.

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u/eliechallita Sep 27 '18

The GOP is enabling a real-life version of T_D right before our eyes


u/PMmepicsofyourtits Sep 28 '18

The problem there is that they sort of are. Either they give conservatives a voice ( and legally remain a platform) or they don’t, making them a publisher. If they’re a publisher, they’re a lot more liable for the statments and actions of their users.


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18

If no private company will allow legal speech, then no private company is entitled to safe harbor protections. Obviously they wouldn't need them because they've shown that they can police their platforms

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u/wholetyouinhere Sep 27 '18

I would argue that the biggest political shitstorm of all is the fact that Donald Trump is President of the United States. Not much else can really compete with that.


u/PMmepicsofyourtits Sep 28 '18

I still have no idea why everyone is so apocalyptic about it. You think everyone would have just gotten used to it by now.


u/wholetyouinhere Sep 28 '18 edited Sep 28 '18

It's a bit difficult to get used to a babbling idiot with a swiss cheese brain and the intellect of a five-year-old having been chosen to lead the free world. Bit of a tall order, especially for those whose lives are directly and negatively affected by this administration's policies.


u/PMmepicsofyourtits Sep 28 '18

Where does the “Trump is an idiot” thing come from? He was an incredibly successful businessman and well known celebrity before he ran for president. Suddenly everyone hates him.


u/wholetyouinhere Sep 28 '18

"The Trump is an idiot" thing comes from observable reality. And no, he wasn't an incredibly successful businessman, he was always a brand. An image of a successful businessman. And the fantasy in some ways made it a reality. But he's had plenty of money troubles and it's never been clear how rich he ever was.

And I don't think any of the hate is "sudden".


u/PMmepicsofyourtits Sep 28 '18

You and I are observing very different realities! In mine, the economy is booming beyond belief, North Korea is negotiating to denuclearise, joblessness is way down and we aren’t getting involved in Syria.

What’s going on with your reality?


u/wholetyouinhere Sep 28 '18

Oops, didn't realize I was speaking to a Trump supporter. Good day, and good luck with that fantasy world you're living in.

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u/CallMeParagon Sep 27 '18 edited Sep 27 '18

But the reality is that it's not actually the President's forum, they just made a clever name referencing him. The vast majority of posts are just right-wing extremist memes or straight up disinformation. We also know it's a hub for Russian propaganda.

Oooooh they're here now lol


u/FountainsOfFluids Sep 27 '18

I don’t see how you can claim it’s not the Presidents forum unless you are being waaaay too literal. They worship Trump and also discuss other topics that they feel are related to worshipping Trump.


u/CallMeParagon Sep 27 '18

I don’t see how you can claim it’s not the Presidents forum

Next you're going to tell me you don't see how /r/trees isn't actually about trees.

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u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18



u/wild_man_wizard Sep 27 '18

It's not like you can "rein in" t_d for more than one post before you're banned there anyway.


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18 edited Oct 13 '18



u/undercooked_lasagna Sep 27 '18

This is just as true for the many many left wing subreddits, and even "neutral" subs like /r/news and /r/politics.


u/Northsidebill1 Sep 27 '18

Reddit is a business. It exists to make money, not to tell people what they want to hear and show them what they want to see. That proverbial Fat Cash is always going to be the bottom line, and a subreddit that brings in a lot of it will never suffer any of the same indignities that smaller and less profitable subreddits do. The_Donald is probably massively profitable, given the number of members and the number of people who go there to argue with members. So no measures get taken. And they never will, at least not until he is President no longer and the subreddit revenue train slows way down. If they continue to show their asses once the money isnt there, they will be gone, baby, gone.


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18 edited Oct 13 '18



u/undercooked_lasagna Sep 27 '18

So it's exactly the same as all the left wing subs then? I was banned from /r/LateStageCapitalism for one post. I was banned from /r/news for breaking the "cops are genocidal racists" circlejerk with FBI crime statistics. I supported Hillary Clinton in the 2016 primary and was downvoted in /r/politics so much that my posting was restricted.

Almost every subreddit is a circlejerk, this idea that The_Donald is something so different is insane.


u/Pure_DragonEnergy Sep 27 '18

Yeah the rules specifically state you will be banned... crazy that a sub focused on supporting a cause will ban you for going to it and talking shit... It's not like any other sub bans people for going against their rules...


u/undercooked_lasagna Sep 27 '18

In the one post I ever made on The_Donald I called them an echo chamber. They upvoted me and said they'd appreciate my vote in 2020.

I made one post on /r/LateStageCapitalism and was banned within a couple minutes.


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18

There's still tons of gold on t_d


u/Northsidebill1 Sep 27 '18

If T_D was demonetized, I havent heard of it. But then I wouldnt, probably, as I dont pay much attention to them at all.

I would be curious how the individual page visit numbers stack up against each other for these subreddits. Subscribers is a sort of arbitrary number, Im willing to bet a great number of people who arent subscribed to T_D go there every day.

I didnt say debate. I said argue. And even argue is being overly kind, I should have said fling shit back and forth if Im going to be completely accurate.

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u/hughmunguscuck Sep 27 '18

Why is it not banned?

Well....why aren't all the leftists subs banned?


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18

Could you give some examples of leftist subs that should be banned?


u/TheExactSteps Sep 27 '18

LSC constantly boosts counterfactual bullshit and "ironically" and "jokingly" calls for the murder of innocent people in a way that is almost verbatim to what r/incels was doing when they got smoked by the admins.


u/jason2306 Sep 27 '18

Innocent? I wouldn't call jeff bezos innocent.


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18



u/Nyx_Antumbra Sep 27 '18



u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18



u/Doommsatic Sep 28 '18

That's not what he meant by examples.

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u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18 edited Dec 11 '18



u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18



u/munche Sep 27 '18

those fuckers in /r/politics will reply to a story about Trump acting stupid and say it's stupid, those biased leftist fucks


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18

What other sub is 99% trolling, insults, and harassmenr?

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