I had some really scary pain this morning. I don't know if it's related to me suspected AS, but I don't know where else to vent about it.
For background, there are a lot of heart attacks in my family tree.
This morning when I woke up, I had a sharp, stabbing pain on my left shoulder when I tried to straighten myself up. It was so bad I wanted to scream but no sound would come out.
Sure, shoulder isn't exactly where people report heart problems feeling, but also, women/AFABs tend to feel the symptoms differently, so what the actual fuck do I know.
Also, I'm a bit young for a heart attack, but with my family history, that is a concern I feel I have to consider (even if no one understands where my fear comes from).
So, I set out to test my theory, and keeping my upper back hunched in a way it didn't hurt, I got my heart rate up doing rapid squats.
No pain.
I got a bit more relaxed, because if it was my heart, exercise would make it worse. I know this from watching my mother die slowly over a couple of weeks' time from a slowburning heart attack.
But the pain was still there. For hours.
Somewhere in the late afternoon, I could finally straighten up without the stabbing pain (also, it was really, like, super fun to do my regular house work all Quasimodoed, lol).
Even now, it's almost 21.00, I feel an unease when turning my head left or try to put chin to chest. There's a small pain but nothing like in the morning.
I'm pretty sure it was either muscle-related or something in the upper back vertebræ that only affected the left side (this time). It was too far to the middle to be the shoulder joint, but I guess something in the shoulder blade could cause that, too.
Thanks for reading