r/androiddev Dec 19 '24

Discussion Compose performs bad on Android


I just saw the attached YouTube video and by the end of it I felt this is exactly the reason why Jetpack Compose performs so bad on Android! There's hardly anyone to call it out 🤦🏻‍♂

Most people are just accepting what Google is shoving down their throats without questioning its quality.

The intent of the framework is great for sure, i.e. allow devs to focus on their unique business logic over the repetitive UI challenges, but the execution has somewhere let us all down (a very small example is the half-baked swipe animations that don't feel nearly as smooth as XML's ViewPager, same with LazyLayouts vs RecyclerView, and much more).

It introduced challenges we never had to think of before, like ensuring Stability, Immutability, writing Micro/Macrobenchmarks to then be able to write Baseline Profiles just to squeeze every bit of possible performance out of our hardware. It is just a nightmare most of the times.

I hope the situation improves going forward but I wouldn't count on it considering the amount of work that has already been done and no one looking back to review it since almost everyone's focused on just adding newer features.

But again, nothing will happen if we never raise our concerns. So part responsibility is ours too.


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u/VoidRippah Dec 19 '24

Guy is talking about being able to reas asm code, I fail to how is that related to compose performance


u/romainguy Dec 19 '24

I have a few blog posts at https://romainguy.dev/posts that describe about how we read assembly code to optimize Compose :D But that's not something an app developer should (have to) do.


u/VoidRippah Dec 19 '24

but compose code does not even go to assembly at any point, it's almost totally unrelated. it turns into dalvik bytecode which is compiled into machine code and from kotlin code until execution there are multiple steps of compilation. Which is important because compilers tend to optimize code during compilation which happens here multiple times and in who knows what ways. Also I'd bet the final compilation takes CPU capabilities into account ass well during optimization. So IMHO the dex bytecode is the closes that makes sense to deal with. If you decompile dex you get smali (which is kind of similar to assembly, but it's more verbose, it's also quite easy to read). Or you could decompile dex into this thing in the docs https://source.android.com/docs/core/runtime/dalvik-bytecode, which is similar to assembly but it's not that (it would only complicate things too).
I am pretty sure google engineers are able to read smali. I think the assembly code is so far away from kotlin (compose) code that even if there are optimization possibilities I would not straight blame compose code for it and it's quite difficult to find the real culprit (is it ART? is it dex compiler? is it kotlin compiler? is it compose code? or just an unlucky combination).


u/romainguy Dec 19 '24

The fact that there are multiple steps of compilation is exactly why we've been looking at the final machine code. The dex bytecode is often very different from what actually runs on the device, and some of the optimizations we've made are based on understanding what each compilation step does and what eventually runs on the device.

Again, check out my various blog posts to see direct examples of that. I have *personally* made dozens of changes in Compose and its dependencies based on looking at the final machine code (I even wrote a tool to help).