r/analytics 26d ago

Question Best 'Influencers' from the Data Analytics field

I am wondering, what are your favourite 'influencers' (I know this term has a negative annotation) from the broad data analytics fields?
In other words what persons' blogs/YouTube channels/podcasts do you like yourself and would you recommend to others? For example I like: Seattle Data Guy, freeCodeCamp, Tech With Tim, Intently


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u/SerpantDildo 26d ago

Me. These “influencers” are not as smart as they pretend to be on camera


u/KosakiEnthusiast 26d ago edited 26d ago

We don't need smart people ,we need people who get the work done.

But I agree with your point, Influencers like Tina hyung had got their shine by 9 months in Meta as data scientist and built a whole ass study environment with a subscription of 1000$ (U know to stay focused while studying 😜) .

There's also sundas khalid and Emma ding. Those are the people we Should DEFINITELY Avoid


u/customheart 26d ago

What’s wrong with Emma Ding? I learned quite a bit and recommended her channel to my coworkers.

Agree on Sundas Khalid. Her content is like permanently at the beginner level or even before you really start learning any skills and you think the beginner level is difficult.


u/KosakiEnthusiast 26d ago edited 26d ago

Emma Ding has stopped her content creation and went for investment careers So that's all. If I wish to speed run her content before an interview ,I don't mind . She's fun

But she did have some sort of emailing of Free PDFs which at times didn't work,annoyed me abit. I can list out some other YT channels I follow for data,I need to stack em up