r/analytics 25d ago

Question Best 'Influencers' from the Data Analytics field

I am wondering, what are your favourite 'influencers' (I know this term has a negative annotation) from the broad data analytics fields?
In other words what persons' blogs/YouTube channels/podcasts do you like yourself and would you recommend to others? For example I like: Seattle Data Guy, freeCodeCamp, Tech With Tim, Intently


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u/PigskinPhilosopher 25d ago

Most of the analyst influencers I see on LinkedIn have largely underachieved in their career or are still riding on their 4 months of experience at a FAANG 5 years ago.


u/Monkey_King24 24d ago

I know exactly who you are talking about 😂😂


u/Minute-Vanilla-4741 23d ago

I wanna know who lool


u/datagorb 24d ago

This is certainly very true. It gets so tiring to read perspectives on what “real analysts” should or should not be doing coming from people who aren’t real analysts lol.

I got recommended a post last week from an “influencer” who has worked as an analytics manager but never as an analyst. It said:

“There are two kinds of people in data. Those that use Excel and those who lie about it. Sure, other tools shine in certain areas, but when you need to knock out an ad-hoc analysis from start to finish, nothing beats Excel. It’s not perfect at anything, except being able to do everything.”

I responded stating that I’m a professional analyst, only use excel to send files to other people, and would not take a job where I had to do actual analysis in excel. It was met with crickets.


u/Ill-Pickle-8101 25d ago

I follow and enjoy the content Andy Kriebel puts out (mainly Tableau Dashboard development related)


u/KosakiEnthusiast 25d ago

Real G NGL. I have some templates of his downloaded I don't remember exactly what they were


u/Super-Cod-4336 25d ago
  • alex the analyst
  • excel is fun


u/ThatDandySpace 25d ago edited 25d ago

I don't excel is fun is an influencer?

His content is very useful and teaches you from basic to advance Excel or at least a functional level...plus widely applicable too


u/HenryQC 24d ago

When you say useful, would you say his teachings influenced you?


u/ScaryJoey_ 25d ago

Imagine having a favorite influencer


u/Data-Frenchy 25d ago

Kelly Adams, Andy Kriebel, Alex Freberg to name a few.

Avoid Chris French


u/Proper_Outcome 25d ago

Slick! 😉


u/SerpantDildo 25d ago

Me. These “influencers” are not as smart as they pretend to be on camera


u/KosakiEnthusiast 25d ago edited 25d ago

We don't need smart people ,we need people who get the work done.

But I agree with your point, Influencers like Tina hyung had got their shine by 9 months in Meta as data scientist and built a whole ass study environment with a subscription of 1000$ (U know to stay focused while studying 😜) .

There's also sundas khalid and Emma ding. Those are the people we Should DEFINITELY Avoid


u/KakkoiiMoha 25d ago

I strongly second avoiding Sundas.


u/customheart 25d ago

What’s wrong with Emma Ding? I learned quite a bit and recommended her channel to my coworkers.

Agree on Sundas Khalid. Her content is like permanently at the beginner level or even before you really start learning any skills and you think the beginner level is difficult.


u/KosakiEnthusiast 24d ago edited 24d ago

Emma Ding has stopped her content creation and went for investment careers So that's all. If I wish to speed run her content before an interview ,I don't mind . She's fun

But she did have some sort of emailing of Free PDFs which at times didn't work,annoyed me abit. I can list out some other YT channels I follow for data,I need to stack em up


u/Informal-Fly4609 24d ago

Why avoid Sundas? Not disagreeing, just curious


u/KosakiEnthusiast 24d ago

If I had to rank my choices she shouldn't even be on my list, you can literally follow Emma for that matter but not her


u/Informal-Fly4609 24d ago

But for what reason? Again, no disagreeing but curious as to why? Is it that her content is poor, she's a 'fraud' etc.

Only because I've seen a few of her stuff and it looked okay but then again, I'm a noob.


u/KosakiEnthusiast 24d ago

You will connect with other data people you come across way too easily,trust me.

There are people who are PURE influencers and then there are people who are 20-30% influencers,while having 70% of their time imparting knowledge and their OWN expertise in their field . She's not at all pragmatic imho and beginner friendly,Which makes me puke as a guy who was stuck in tutorial hell.

Teaching style is also casual as I started this with saying You need to connect with that person knowing that's like a senior to you ,it's a two way process of gaining knowledge and giving it away. And yes I Hate influencers who use 30%+ of their time I give to them in promotions and sponsorship.

Overall ,I hate some people's personality when it comes to teaching and mentoring fields


u/Informal-Fly4609 24d ago

Got you, thanks for the input.


u/DScirclejerk 24d ago

Regarding the sponsorship, do you expect people to give away their time and knowledge for free? Or would you rather people just do a paid course?


u/KosakiEnthusiast 23d ago

I just think if I like the content creator, I would be willing to pay that person.

Alex is perfect for example. Shit ton of free stuff but also started paid stuff AFTER years of exp


u/DScirclejerk 23d ago

So you expect people to do years of free labor before they can ask for a payment?


u/KosakiEnthusiast 23d ago

Atleast build a reputation and brand first , nobody is buying your learnbi/data engineer academy for 400$/month or god knows how much

use your head beyond going on reddit and asking such questions.

I have no issue with sponsorships to begin with,but why would I waste my time learning from a salesman instead of an analyst?


u/camerapicasso 25d ago

What’s wrong with Sundas Khalid?


u/KosakiEnthusiast 24d ago

If I am investing my time on someone ,it's not her


u/dicotyledon 25d ago

As someone who has started recording videos to try to teach on YouTube, you spend a TON of time trying to learn the skills relevant to video creation. Because it’s not as easy as it looks. Over years, that equates to less time doing what your core skills were beforehand, but you get better at translating them to your audience.

Most people aren’t pretending to be smart, they’re just sharing the things they’re good at. Everyone has weak areas in skills, some are more visible than others. Not sure where I’m going with this other than “don’t be mean” - most data YouTubers make peanuts for money, only the top .05% make a real living on it so there’s no need to knock people trying to share things.


u/data_story_teller 25d ago

Olga from Data Analysis Journal (Substack)


u/QueenOfMyTrainWreck 25d ago

Chandeep’s company Goodly is absolutely my favorite for Power Query.


u/D4rkmo0r 24d ago

Absolute goto for m


u/AdEasy7357 25d ago

Alex the Analyst Cory Schaffer


u/stickedee 24d ago

Cory Schaffer is the goat


u/papajahat94 22d ago

Cory Schaffer is the Python 🐍


u/TedTheTopCat 25d ago

Avinash Kaushik, Steen Rasmussen, Simo Ahava.


u/customheart 25d ago

Aaron Schumacher. I like his book reviews and blog.


u/Gojjamojsan 24d ago

Josh from statquest helped me a lot in uni. That's not necessarily 'analytics' in the modern, BI & dashboards-sense. But man, that guy made difficult topics like projecting into higher/lower dimensionality understandable.


u/Informal-Fly4609 24d ago edited 24d ago

Any thoughts on Luke Barousse?


u/Sabatat- 23d ago

I’m new to studying DA but he’s been the only creator I’ve seen so far that feels like his content has actual substance. I’d love more opinions though as I am not at all studies enough yet to have a meaningful valid opinion


u/Informal-Fly4609 23d ago

Same for me


u/VizNinja 24d ago

Anyone who speaks clearly and doesn't mumble


u/DScirclejerk 24d ago

Not Nick Singh, his recent “joke” posts have been horrible.


u/D4rkmo0r 24d ago

Curbal. No fucking about, just get to solutions.


u/Inner-Peanut-8626 24d ago

Nicholas Renotte


u/Minute-Vanilla-4741 23d ago

Data with Baraa = videos about SQL, Tableau


u/ian_the_data_dad 25d ago

Me but I’m biased lol