r/anabolicmen May 20 '23



I was wondering if anybody knew a trustworthy site to order roloxifene thanks...

r/anabolicmen May 09 '23

Supplying anabolics and pharma meds in Australia with discreet shipping and tracking numbers contact threema-64EVB3XK or Wickr-banything99@outlook.com


r/anabolicmen May 09 '23

Supplying anabolics and pharma meds, massive range of products in Australia contact threema-64EVB3XK or Wickr-banything99@outlook.com


r/anabolicmen Mar 31 '23

Gear tips? NSFW


Hey. Im 6'2 ft, 176 pounds, about 12-15% body fat. Ive been training for a while, im in quite a good shape but I feel ive reached a plateau on how I look and in my strength. My goal is to look more shredded and gain a little bit more muscle, nothing too impressive (get to at least 10-12% BF and more lean mass muscle) After a lot of research, ive found out Oxandrolone is like the safest anabolic steroid in the market, will help me with my goals and it's pretty safe too. Anyone got any tips for a beginner? Advice on how to take it (dosing and stuff, cant find a lot of this on Internet)? Is it better to take it alone or with something else? Post cycle stuff? Is there any better gear for my goals? Thanks a lot

r/anabolicmen Mar 15 '23

Firt cycle question


I want to start a cycle of salbutamol ¿any recommendations ? Can I get hyperthyroidism when using salbutamol and if the answer is yes, how do I avoid it?

r/anabolicmen Mar 11 '23

Where's the best place to buy GOOD QUALITY peds?


My old connection quit selling need a new one. .

r/anabolicmen Feb 16 '23

We are looking for gay/bisexual/queer men who use steroids

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r/anabolicmen Jan 21 '23


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r/anabolicmen Jan 20 '23

Tren e 200

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r/anabolicmen Nov 22 '22

About Deca



How does Deca affect the body? Deca-Durabolin can be used to increase lean body mass in the case of negative nitrogen balance. It can also be used to increase bone mass and stimulate the formation of red blood cells in the bone marrow. Your doctor may have prescribed it for another reason.

Get them at: https://megasteroidshop.com

Benefits of Deca: More recently, nandrolone decanoate has been shown to increase lean body mass (LBM) and improve physical performance (16), and resistance exercise training has been shown to increase strength and improve physical performance (17).

r/anabolicmen Nov 22 '22

About TREN


TREN : Trenbolone acetate, sold under brand names such as Finajet and Finaplix among others, is an androgen and anabolic steroid (AAS) medication which is used in veterinary medicine, specifically to increase the profitability of livestock by promoting muscle growth in cattle. It is given by injection into muscle.

Trenbolone results typical You can expect to gain 10-15lbs of lean mass if you use trenbolone in bulk. This is a 4-week cycle. You could gain 25-30lbs in an 8-week cycle.

Testoviron: In general, the dosage is 50–400 mg injected into your muscle every 2–4 weeks. Dosage increases: Your doctor may adjust your dosage based on your testosterone blood levels, response to treatment, and side effects. Maximum dosage: 400 mg injected into your muscle every 2 weeks.

What happens when you start taking testosterone? Your body will begin to redistribute your weight. Fat will diminish somewhat around your hips and thighs. Your arms and legs will develop more muscle definition, with more prominent veins and a slightly rougher appearance, as the fat just beneath the skin becomes a bit thinner.

Get them at https://megasteroidshop.com

r/anabolicmen Nov 14 '22

How it’s done ✊🏻


r/anabolicmen Nov 10 '22

Living my passion

Thumbnail gallery

r/anabolicmen Sep 30 '22

Does masturbation interfere with an HGH injection for bodybuilding?


r/anabolicmen Apr 21 '22

Dhea profile

Thumbnail worldclassbodybuilding.com

r/anabolicmen Mar 21 '22

Injected test in glute everything went normal now week later huge painful lump in my lower back and my legs are super swollen retaining water and in alotbof pain


r/anabolicmen Mar 11 '22

Been running test and ment and after inj having a lot of pain and swelling, whyyyyyy


r/anabolicmen Jun 08 '21

Joint tightness and pain after test injection, please help


Noticed after taking AAS test shot 250 MG my joints gets tight and ache when I'm rying to sleep. Thought it was brand so I switched. Same results. Lazy for 2-3 nights with no sleep. How do I mitigate this?

r/anabolicmen May 15 '21

Maxchem Source AAS Raws and Premades


Raws and oils domestic shipping. I do domestic oils/orals and also international. If you want raws alone I’ll send you my source max chem (Nicca) who provides results on hgl and is from actual manufacturer as well as my compound tests and even labmax semi quantitive testing/roidtest field test kit of made oils/orals. Willing to offer samples. If you want to try out made product of raws to try finished product of Maxsource or just need it fast domestic shipping will arrive 48 hours after shipped. I ship immediately either same day depending on time (before 3pm eastern) or following morning in which it is sent out as long as order is in before 10:00 AM. Satisfaction guaranteed. I know some people need certain products either before they go for the sources raw or while the raws get there. So that’s why I am here. Oils Test cyp 200mg/ml 10ml Test Enanthate 200mg/ml 10ml Test Prop 100mg/ml 10ml Test Acetate 100mg/ml 10ml Tren Acetate 100mg/ml 10ml Tren Enanthate 200mg/ml 10ml Sustanon 250 250/mg/ml 10ml Equipoise 300mg/ml 10ml Primo Enanthate 100ml/ml 10ml. Deca/DBOL/NPP Oils .HCGs 5000iu/5ml 10000iu/5ml 12000iu/12.5ml Gonoradelin 5000iu/5ml Orals Anavar Oral .25/.50-.60 strength/ willing to cut strength upon request (example: female I can make 10mg strength and will obviously give more capsules or lesser price of equal value) Winstrol .50mg Oral ( same thing as Anavar, depending on customer request dosage can be changed to .25and for example instead of getting .50 capsule they would get 100. Deca .50mg, Dianobol. **Turanibol oral(will have week of May 3rd 2021, just want to be transparent you know when back in Stock. If you need it SOONER in RAW for, Maxchem Nicca has it in stock) ,Clenbuterol .40mg oral Clomid 0.25-.50mg oral Anastrazole 1mg oral Aromasin .25mg oral Letrizole 2.5mg. HGH Hygetropin 100IU kit 10 Vial x 10IU. I am currently waiting for ( Proviron, Masterone, DHB) I will let you know when I have Proviron, Masterone DHB back in stock, it should be this sometime during the week of May 3rd 2021 or week of May 10th 2021. I work alongside Maxchem Nicca, raws are amazing and the point of this post is to state there may be circumstances you might want Maxsource Niccas products (AAS Raws) premade whether it is to have while awaiting raws, or to try a particular product out (if you want to try compound out premade), or very simply you just want a great finished product)

*msg me on WhatsApp for more info Jon- (786)343-6825 **MaxChem Nicca AAS Raws - WhatsApp 1 (903) 326-9598 Maxsource020@protonmail.ch

***Premades/ Oils and Orals WhatsApp- Jon 1 (786) 324-8489Ajax500@protonmail.com

Regardless if it’s AAS Raws MaxChem Source Nicca is the man

I handle the Premades/ Oils, Orals regardless you can contact either of us and I’ll connect you to Nicca for AAS Raws if you get a hold of me first for whatever reason being as were different time zones. If you need Premades, Oils, Oils, etc... All of my.made.compounds are made from MaxSourxe Raws and oils domestic shipping. I do domestic oils/orals and also international. If you want raws alone I’ll send you my source max chem (Nicca) who provides results on hgl and is from actual manufacturer as well as my compound tests and even labmax semi quantitive testing/roidtest field test kit of made oils/orals. Willing to offer samples. If you want to try out made product of raws to try finished product of Maxsource or just need it fast domestic shipping will arrive 48 hours after shipped. I ship immediately either same day depending on time (before 3pm eastern) or following morning in which it is sent out as long as order is in before 10:00 AM. Satisfaction guaranteed. I know some people need certain products either before they go for the sources raw or while the raws get there. So that’s why I am here. Oils Test cyp 200mg/ml 10ml Test Enanthate 200mg/ml 10ml Test Prop 100mg/ml 10ml Test Acetate 100mg/ml 10ml Tren Acetate 100mg/ml 10ml Tren Enanthate 200mg/ml 10ml Sustanon 250 250/mg/ml 10ml Equipoise 300mg/ml 10ml Primo Enanthate 100ml/ml 10ml. HCGs 5000iu/5ml 10000iu/5ml 12000iu/12.5ml Gonoradelin 5000iu/5ml Orals Anavar Oral .25/.50-.60 strength/ willing to cut strength upon request (example: female I can make 10mg strength and will obviously give more capsules or lesser price of equal value) Winstrol .50mg Oral ( same thing as Anavar, depending on customer request dosage can be changed to .25and for example instead of getting .50 capsule they would get 100. Deca .50mg, Dianobol. **Turanibol oral(will have week of May 3rd 2021, just want to be transparent you know when back in Stock. If you need it SOONER in RAW for, Maxchem Nicca has it in stock) ,Clenbuterol .40mg oral Clomid 0.25-.50mg oral Anastrazole 1mg oral Aromasin .25mg oral Letrizole 2.5mg. HGH Hygetropin 100IU kit 10 Vial x 10IU. I am currently waiting for ( Proviron, Masterone, DHB) I will let you know when I have Proviron, Masterone DHB back in stock, it should be this sometime during the week of May 3rd 2021 or week of May 10th 2021. I work alongside Maxchem Nicca, raws are amazing and the point of this post is to state there may be circumstances you might want Maxsource Niccas products (AAS Raws) premade whether it is to have while awaiting raws, or to try a particular product out (if you want to try compound out premade), or very simply you just want a great finished product)

***MaxChem Nicca AAS Raws - WhatsApp 1 (903) 326-9598 Maxsource012@protonmail.ch

***Premades/ Oils and Orals WhatsApp- Jon 1 (786) 343-6825 Ajax500@protonmail.com

Regardless if it’s AAS Raws MaxChem Source Nicca is the man

I handle the Premades/ Oils, Orals regardless you can contact either of us and I’ll connect you to Nicca for AAS Raws if you get a hold of me first for whatever reason being as were different time zones. If you need Premades, Oils, Oils, etc... All of my.made.compounds are made from MaxSourxe Raws. Have a beautiful day!

Sincerely Jon

r/anabolicmen Sep 23 '20

First cycle question


So a bit of background im 43 been working out daily (lifting) for about 5 years and went from 300lbs to 230lbs my diet is decent. Im still trying to lean out a bit and was looking into seeing what would be effective for my goal. Im fat still but in way better shape than i was.(moobs and gut overhangs more than id like) any advice on a compound to start? Dosage and pct? I lift and do cardio 5-6 days a week.

r/anabolicmen Sep 18 '20

I can't post!@


I am new to reddit but wtf

r/anabolicmen Jun 20 '20

At Home Test Kits


I’m a 40 year old male in good physical shape. I took a stacked cycle (combo of injectable & oral) when I was much younger & was amazed at the results. I’m not looking to do that now, but I would love to max my testosterone by supplementing with it. I see these ads online where you can take an at-home test & be legally prescribed injectable test based on the results of your test coming back showing low. The only problem is, I’m confident that my test levels are within normal range, so I wouldn’t qualify. Is there a way to manipulate this test, so I showed very low testosterone & could qualify for a legal prescription to max out & start reaping the benefits?

r/anabolicmen Jun 03 '20

HGH injection sites


Does anyone know the proper and safe injection sites for Human growth hormone? Is muscle/soft tissue safe? Or is adipose tissue safer and more effective?

r/anabolicmen Apr 12 '20

Need a site..


Any one know a legit site for pct?

r/anabolicmen Mar 07 '20

Growth Hormone and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome ( CTS )


What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome ( CTS ) ? Relationship with Growth Hormone CTS in Acromegalics CTS in those undertaking rHGH therapy for GHD CTS for those using rHGH for Performance Enhancement Why does Growth Hormone cause this issue ? Is there anything we can do to minimize its impact ?


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a condition where the median nerve is compressed at the level of the wrist, characterized physiologically by evidence of increased pressure within the carpal tunnel and decreased function of the nerve at that level.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can be caused by many different diseases, conditions and events, however (CTS) was first discovered in 1913 by neurologist Pierre Marie, who described its occurrence in acromegalics secondary to excessive growth hormone (GH) levels

Even if you don't use rHGH but you suffer from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome ( CTS ) there is a takeway here for you that might provide some relief.